Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Aug 3, 2011 at 4:26 PM Post #16,066 of 18,459

Yes, the LCD2 lacks bass depth or extension when compared with all other better IEMs or headphones I have (take a look at my signature block). Even the T5p, which has very little impact, has deeper bass than the LCD2. My LCD2 is driven from the Leben CS300XS or Stepdance. Reminds me of the SE530 which also has a similar bass character - loud but not deep - if I have to describe this kind of bass sound with one word, it would be "farty". I wouldn't care less though, the LCD2's mid range is too good to give up. And that's why I am definitely keeping the Rev 1.

The r1 bass is not at all "Farty". Denon bass can be called that, but most definitely not the LCD-2. The Leben must have no control over the bass.
Aug 3, 2011 at 4:53 PM Post #16,068 of 18,459

They do not have anywhere near the extension or quality of bass that the LCD-2s have.  The Pro 900s and the Darths have a prominent mid bass bump.  If this is the sound you prefer, that's fine, no argument there, but let's not misuse and mislabel terms.  Both the cans you mentioned rapidly lose their output below 45Hz.


i didn't say d7000s, i said darth beyer dt 770s

Aug 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM Post #16,069 of 18,459

With all the recent bass discussions....what are we really missing?
These and others are easily found in the net...
Not a whole lot going on below 40hz..
Contrabassoon, Harp, Pipe Organ and the Piano... 


below 40hz is very significant in music such as electronic, rap, dub, etc

Aug 3, 2011 at 5:10 PM Post #16,070 of 18,459
^^^ now play that 35 hz on different headphones and tell me which has bigger depth
Aug 3, 2011 at 5:12 PM Post #16,071 of 18,459

FWIW, my Velodyne FSR-18 is also capable of sub-sonic (literally, not figuratively) bass.  And the very deepest bass on headphones is incredibly different, qualitatively, through headphones than speakers.  The 20 Hz test tome on the Stereophile Test CD 3 isn't audible by ear, but you can FEEL the air moving with the Velodyne, and it literally makes the whole room shake.
All you get at 20Hz from ANY headphone is a little pressure on the ear.  That's it.  Plain, simple, and unarguable.  That depth of bass is primarily sensed in the chest plate, NOT "heard" the way higher frequency sounds are.
Most of what you "hear" from a headphone playing a 20 Hz test tone is actually "doubling" - a distortion of the driver where you hear a phantom tone at 2x the frequency of the fundamental, so 40Hz in the case of a 20Hz tone.

don't see how graphs are important for headphones then , especially when talking about sub sonic bass
Aug 3, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #16,072 of 18,459

Maybe the LCD2 is so flat in the curve and it is my hearing ability which is less sensitive to sub-bass? I think there is a saying that human's hearing ability gradually diminishes as the frequency goes very low (or very high). The fact the LCD2 maintained a flat curve may be exactly the reason I miss the sub-bass, perhaps the other high end phones I have gave the sub bass a little boost? Just a hypothesis. I hate to argue but I am not going to lie to myself at what I actually hear. I would very much like to reconcile with the objective fact which everyone is stating so please help me out.
I remember having the same argument with the SE530 lovers. I still have the SE530 but never loved its bass since day one. I maintained that the ER4P has deeper and better bass, despite that SE530 has more quantity of bass. The same arguments went on and there was no conclusion, everyone said the SE530 properly amped also has very deep bass but I just didn't feel it, just like I don't feel that with the LCD2 up till now. Maybe I really gotta try out some high current solid state amp on the LCD2 to verify. Any suggestions?  

Yeah, I think that's what the problem is, there is a problem with your hearing or your interpretation of your hearing.  SE530 out of an Ipod shamed my then reference HD650 and K701 in bass extension and tightness from top level sources and amps.

With all the recent bass discussions....what are we really missing?
These and others are easily found in the net...
Not a whole lot going on below 40hz..
Contrabassoon, Harp, Pipe Organ and the Piano... 


You haven't seen a spectrum analyser in action with music? 
Once again, a whole lot of crap being spewed by people that have no freakin clue.
Aug 3, 2011 at 5:51 PM Post #16,073 of 18,459
One of the best scenes to test subsonic bass is in Ironman, when the primitive model comes out of the cave. If your subwoofer is capable, you will feel the footsteps. Basically the whole room will shake with each footstep he makes.

I agree, that movie can literally "rock the house" with a good subwoofer.
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:18 PM Post #16,075 of 18,459
I have used a Spectrum Analyzer, Oscilliscopes, Signal generators....yes music is complex , overtones,harmonics etc...but these harmonics go down im amplitude rather quickly compared to tundamental...
Take a look at the interactive link closley and "hover" over the graph and take a look at the descriptions of what the frequency range is, fundamentals, overtones and breath...
Very interesting...when I looked at this chart and others would never have guessed (not being a real musician) that the 88 Ivory keys can go down to 27hz!!
Didnt say there wasnt anything going on below 40Hz...but in comparison to what potentially happens with music that uses real instruments the charts speak for themselves.
All the best
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:40 PM Post #16,076 of 18,459
I listen to a lot of electronic music and truthfully am sorely disappointed with the LCD-2s bass response. My $200 HD25-1 ii's murder them in bass impact, quantity and presence. With the LCD-2s  all the bass is there but there is no weight to it.
Could a different amplifier possibly help? I'm currently using a Kenwood KR-9600, which is a monster receiver, so it's not like lack of power is an issue.
Or should I just need to stick with closed cans for bass impact in electronic music?
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:49 PM Post #16,077 of 18,459
I totally understand what your experiencing....I take my set of bottom feeder Audio Technica ATH M50's and bass has weight, fullness etc...with the LCD2's its there but its accurate and well abit more truthful...the repsonse curve doenst lie.
With my AKG 702s the same thing...some say 'what bass' others say its there but flat, accurate etc..
I prefer the more accurate sound of the LCD2's but every once in awhile I like the sound from my bassy, boomy M50's...
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:52 PM Post #16,078 of 18,459
I listen to a lot of electronic music and truthfully am sorely disappointed with the LCD-2s bass response. My $200 HD25-1 ii's murder them in bass impact, quantity and presence. With the LCD-2s  all the bass is there but there is no weight to it.

From your description I can only suggest the following,
1) Your equipment is defective or there’s a severe mismatch in your combo. 
2) Your LCD-2’s are broken.
3) Your ears are completely different to mine. 
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:57 PM Post #16,079 of 18,459

I listen to a lot of electronic music and truthfully am sorely disappointed with the LCD-2s bass response. My $200 HD25-1 ii's murder them in bass impact, quantity and presence. With the LCD-2s  all the bass is there but there is no weight to it.
Could a different amplifier possibly help? I'm currently using a Kenwood KR-9600, which is a monster receiver, so it's not like lack of power is an issue.
Or should I just need to stick with closed cans for bass impact in electronic music?

That doesn't sound right at all, the LCD-2 r1 has the most heavy and visceral sound I've ever heard in a headphone. Definitely try hooking it up to something else.
But if you listen to mostly Electronic, you probably want the ED8, LA7000, or D7000.
Edit: Do you have the rev2? That definitely has the more "analytical" bass.
Aug 3, 2011 at 6:57 PM Post #16,080 of 18,459
Nah. If he is after that bone-moving bass impact people get used to at clubs and such, then he is right, the LCD2-s don't resemble that at all. Other phones can do much better job at producing a sound similar to that. 
From your description I can only suggest the following,
1) Your equipment is defective or there’s a severe mismatch in your combo. 
2) Your LCD-2’s are broken.
3) Your ears are completely different to mine. 


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