Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Jul 25, 2021 at 7:03 PM Post #12,751 of 13,140
Gotcha, maybe a more productive question is this: I will be using the zen dac sig > sa-1 > audeze headphone, right now it's the same chain but with a pair of HD650, let's say the 650 are at the lower end of the resolution spectrum, the LCD-X is at the top, where in between does the 2F land? I think this is the only way I could accurately imagine it realistically.

I’ve only owned the HD600 and haven’t heard the HD650 I’ve also never compared the LCD-X to The HD600 directly. But I will say that going from the HD600 to the LCD-2 there was a small difference in clarity when both were EQed using Oratory1990 preset as well as more bass punch with the LCD-2. Going from the LCD-2 to LCD-X there was less of a difference in clarity with both EQed to harman. The difference was really in bass punch and the type of presentation which I can only define as “brighter/more neutral” on the LCD-X and “darker and punchier” on the LCD-2. Another thing to take into account is amp pairing. The LCD-2 will pair better with like a THX789 or Audio GD product because they are brighter… the LCD-X will work with an Asgard, Maybe chord mojo, maybe a burson product or something with discrete components due to their richer presentation.
When I say bright vs. dark I’m talking about two headphones even after they were tuned using the Oratory1990 presets. So they should have had similar (or close to the same) tuning. This is the “remaining” difference in sound… which is pretty interesting. Actually, on the thread for the new X and XC others have mentioned this As well. One even compared the 2021 LCD-X to the Hifiman Arya.
Jul 26, 2021 at 7:23 AM Post #12,752 of 13,140
When I say bright vs. dark I’m talking about two headphones even after they were tuned using the Oratory1990 presets. So they should have had similar (or close to the same) tuning. This is the “remaining” difference in sound… which is pretty interesting.

Similar, but probably not close enough FR at your own eardrum for the remaining difference to be inaudible.

I've been spending quite a bit of time using all sorts of devilish contraptions to assess HPs' FR in situ on my head...
Screenshot 2021-07-25 at 19.11.38.png

...and mulling over nebulous and boring squiggly lines such as the ones below to assess the degree of confidence I can have in each measuring technique for each headphones...
Screenshot 2021-07-25 at 18.27.51.png
Screenshot 2021-07-19 at 22.35.34.png
Screenshot 2021-07-18 at 23.17.15.png

... to able to present the results below, using the probe mic above, as "somewhat representative" of what is happening on my own head, comparing four headphones, unEQed, vs. EQed using Oratory's presets :
Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 20.50.41.png

Averages of five individual seatings (headphones taken off and on) for the right channel, for one measurement session (probe didn't move between the measurements). UnEQed results on top, EQed results at the bottom.
Important note 1 : these results are invalid for you, using the same tools and methodology on your head would yield different results. They just illustrate what happened on my own head with my own samples of these headphones.
Important note 2 : don't look at absolute values, only the relative values between the four headphones. The absolute values actually aren't that shabby but that's another subject.
Important note 3 : don't look at the relative differences too specifically. You can't say "at 1237Hz headphones A are 7.345dB higher than headphones B", but rather "at around 1200Hz headphones A are around 7-7.5dB higher than headphones B". How specific can I be depends on the area of the FR spectrum I'm looking at, the repeatability of the measurement method, the headphones under consideration (seatings to seatings consistency for example), etc. So it's a complex subject.
important note 4 : While the HD560S and HD650 show little seatings to seatings variation, that is less the case of the Hi-X65, and much less the case of the K371, so take the latter's results in particular with a very strong pinch of salt.

With a lot of smoothing it's evident that Oratory's profiles were successful at bringing them closer :
Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 20.51.28.png

But whether we're talking about small dB differences across large bandwidths, or more important dB differences across narrow bandwidths, both of which are audible, differences remained. This is nothing that should be unexpected given the vagaries of headphones measurements and variations in terms of sample variation or individual anatomical variations.

So the remaining difference in sound... might still be at least partially a question of FR (if not entirely).
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Jul 29, 2021 at 9:58 PM Post #12,753 of 13,140
I have a pair of LCD2 with the serial starting with 53, very old non-Fazor. I got some pads years ago, decided to get the 2021 Audeze pads they just got here today. Holy crap. Believe the hype.

They sound way better then the pads. One thing I didn't do was use the little fabric insert things that are supposed to go next to the driver.
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Jul 29, 2021 at 11:30 PM Post #12,754 of 13,140
I have a pair of LCD2 with the serial starting with 53, very old non-Fazor. I got some pads years ago, decided to get the 2021 Audeze pads they just got here today. Holy crap. Believe the hype.

They sound way better then the pads. One thing I didn't do was use the little fabric insert things that are supposed to go next to the driver.
Interesting, I also have a pair of old LCD-2s with sn: 53.

Can you describe the sound with the new pads?
Jul 30, 2021 at 9:36 AM Post #12,755 of 13,140
Interesting, I also have a pair of old LCD-2s with sn: 53.

Can you describe the sound with the new pads?

Brighter with a wider soundstage, if you press your LCD-2 against your ears with your hands I think you can approximate it since they are thinner.

I wish that you could remove Audeze earcups and put them back on like Sennheiser because then I could experiment with the fabric they sent me and see how it changes the sound. I emailed Audeze support about it and they said its "not a big deal" and "not a big change, just less resonance"..
Aug 2, 2021 at 5:52 PM Post #12,758 of 13,140
So what's the consensus on the new pads for LCD2F? Worth the effort to replace them?
In my opinion, if you EQ… no. If you don’t EQ: yes.

They do improve the FR slightly. But, if you use EQ, it’s going to be a cost that amounts to a decent percentage of the headphone itself for a few DB of improvement (up to about 2 db in some areas) If you’re happy to spend any amount for an improvement then yes, go for it.
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Aug 3, 2021 at 10:55 AM Post #12,759 of 13,140
In my opinion, if you EQ… no. If you don’t EQ: yes.

They do improve the FR slightly. But, if you use EQ, it’s going to be a cost that amounts to a decent percentage of the headphone itself for a few DB of improvement (up to about 2 db in some areas) If you’re happy to spend any amount for an improvement then yes, go for it.
Gotcha. I do currently EQ so maybe not worth it. Although I'm curious if they new nonleather pads are more comfortable to use for longer sessions? I wear my lcd2's for hours on end sometimes and the only reason I need to take them off is the leather pads get hot/sweaty after a while.
Aug 3, 2021 at 11:11 AM Post #12,760 of 13,140
Gotcha. I do currently EQ so maybe not worth it. Although I'm curious if they new nonleather pads are more comfortable to use for longer sessions? I wear my lcd2's for hours on end sometimes and the only reason I need to take them off is the leather pads get hot/sweaty after a while.
I have never tried the non-leathers. I have heard it tames the treble a bit. I’ve attached a graph that Audeze made showing the effect on frequency response made by the new pads vs. the old


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Aug 13, 2021 at 12:09 AM Post #12,762 of 13,140
Does anyone here have opinions about how EQ'd LCD 2s sound compared to Anandas? Conventional wisdom states that they should have better bass but less soundstage. No idea if that is actually true though haha
If you EQ the LCD-2s they will likely have lower distortion than stock Anandas, similar FR with better bass extension, better build quality and, longer warranty. Ananda is lighter than the LCD-2 but LCD-2 has better pads and may be better for people who have trouble getting a good seal around the jaw. Ananda has significantly better stock FR in the upper mids and treble but with EQ and assuming an ideal seal for both headphones you can get a very similar sound out of both.
Aug 13, 2021 at 10:22 PM Post #12,763 of 13,140
I am back to Lcd-2 after about 10 years with Lcd-2f. I should confess for publishing bad opinions regarding highs.
However, the F2 surprised me whenever I listened to, with smooth highs that are corrected and improved much better.
Not only those highs but also mids and lows especially for big band music like orchestral classical music.
Since then the improved Lcd-2fs have told me that I should confess my sin regarding witnessing false evidence regarding your neighbor.
Because my original Lcd-2 might be met with not good enough gears of my collections.

I has been through hd800, 800s, th900, he6, ananda, lcd x....many others, and back to Lcd-2f.
I felt I am home with liquid mids and highs.
Now my main are Ananda and Lcd-2f which compliment each other perfectly.
Aug 14, 2021 at 12:38 AM Post #12,764 of 13,140
This is Lcd-2F, and exceeds many phones and becomes the one of cornerstones for my acoustic cathederal where I found the comforter.


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Aug 16, 2021 at 2:23 PM Post #12,765 of 13,140
This is Lcd-2F, and exceeds many phones and becomes the one of cornerstones for my acoustic cathederal where I found the comforter.
In my opinion as a reviewer who takes comfort as top priority, (try to disregard me being an Audeze rep... I promise I'm not trying to shill.)

You REALLY should consider getting one of the newer spring steel or carbon fiber headbands. Coming from the old Audeze headband, It'll change your life. I guarantee it.

Personally, headband comfort went from a 5 to a solid 9. IMHO.

Hopefully someone else who has experienced the old and newer headbands can chime in, and back up my claims. :D
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