Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Dec 8, 2014 at 11:27 PM Post #4,951 of 13,154
Anyone got any good Amp recommendations for the rev. 1's? I don't know what to get. I can spend up to like $350 or so. I was looking at the schiit stuff but it seems most of them are dynamic amps except for like the lyr but that's kinda expensive
Dec 8, 2014 at 11:29 PM Post #4,952 of 13,154
Anyone got any good Amp recommendations for the rev. 1's? I don't know what to get. I can spend up to like $350 or so. I was looking at the schiit stuff but it seems most of them are dynamic amps except for like the lyr but that's kinda expensive

Get the first LYR second hand. For $350 there is no better amp for the LCDs of which I am aware.
Dec 8, 2014 at 11:30 PM Post #4,953 of 13,154
Yeah, I've been eyeing a lyr on ebay... gonna see how much I can get it for
Dec 8, 2014 at 11:35 PM Post #4,954 of 13,154
Yes the 1/8, 1/10 output impedance is a rule of thumb. Yes over damping and under damping can be an issue and impact things like bass response.
As far as current delivery goes you're right... low impedance phones need less of a voltage swing and more current output. Or another way of looking at it is that you want an amp that has more peak current. So if you have transients and dynamics - drum hits, bass, etc. it will have more oomph and won't distort or clip or sound anemic. Some may not agree with me -- I think a lot of people get hung up on having all this power in their headphone amp -- like more than what is really needed. The headphone is only going to use what it needs. Any more and you're not even using it anyways. Who listens to audio at 110dB or 120dB?
I've read the same thing about high impedance cans as well.
Don't even get me started on amps that have too much gain... ie you can't get past 9 o'clock before it's too loud. Proper amp design would allow for the pot to be almost totally open let's say 2 or 3 o'clock... then you still have headroom on top of that. Of course there are a lot of factors like the output V of your source. I think amp manufacturers do this to appeal to the wide array of headphones out there and don't design around one headphone.
I'm not sure about noise and at what level to get rid of noise. I've just read and heard that you want the pot as open as possible.

I use my integrated amp's pre-amp section to control the volume, it has better pot, and has a remote, then max up the volume pot on the HP amp (O2). Better sound for me. I take advantage of the pre-amp's analogue processing too, better soundstage, more articulate and impactful least to my ears. This way the HP amp just functions exactly like a "power amp". Its a pain disconnecting and connecting my speakers' cable into the integrated amp though.
Dec 9, 2014 at 3:04 AM Post #4,956 of 13,154
Anyone got any good Amp recommendations for the rev. 1's? I don't know what to get. I can spend up to like $350 or so. I was looking at the schiit stuff but it seems most of them are dynamic amps except for like the lyr but that's kinda expensive

Amp only, no DAC?
Dec 9, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #4,958 of 13,154
Anyone got any good Amp recommendations for the rev. 1's? I don't know what to get. I can spend up to like $350 or so. I was looking at the schiit stuff but it seems most of them are dynamic amps except for like the lyr but that's kinda expensive

If your looking at used, might I also suggest checking out the ALO Pan Am? It's a brilliant little amp that has great synergy with the lcd2's, with the added bonus of being small/transportable, and having a halfway decent built in DAC.

Of course, as others above have said, you can't really go wrong with the Lyr, either.
Dec 9, 2014 at 10:17 AM Post #4,959 of 13,154
No love for Objective2 for the LCD-2?' And if you already have an integrated amp (for speakers), using the O2 as a power amp (with integrated as preamp) is great as it's very transparent. Brings out the integrated's house sound.
Dec 9, 2014 at 12:51 PM Post #4,960 of 13,154
No love for Objective2 for the LCD-2?' And if you already have an integrated amp (for speakers), using the O2 as a power amp (with integrated as preamp) is great as it's very transparent. Brings out the integrated's house sound.
i already have the o2 and odac. i'm wondering if it's even worth it to upgrade amps
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:21 PM Post #4,961 of 13,154
  Anyone got any good Amp recommendations for the rev. 1's? I don't know what to get. I can spend up to like $350 or so. I was looking at the schiit stuff but it seems most of them are dynamic amps except for like the lyr but that's kinda expensive

Have not heard any Schiit gear but I recommend the Alo PanAm at current $399. Amp/Dac and my favorite pairing for the LCD2.2. It is being discontinued sadly. Get the RTC tubes as well, they are just $19.
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:51 PM Post #4,962 of 13,154
Dec 9, 2014 at 4:27 PM Post #4,963 of 13,154
Just plugged my LCD-2's in and WOW they sound crazy good. Still doing testing, but man oh man for my first impressions I am incredibly impressed. A few things though: These are by far the largest headphones I have ever used. Like, they are kind of hilariously large. Also, they get kinda hot with the leather.
Dec 9, 2014 at 7:46 PM Post #4,964 of 13,154
Just plugged my LCD-2's in and WOW they sound crazy good. Still doing testing, but man oh man for my first impressions I am incredibly impressed. A few things though: These are by far the largest headphones I have ever used. Like, they are kind of hilariously large. Also, they get kinda hot with the leather.

Most things appear hotter in leather ... that's why I have a kind of "thing" for Bison and cows ... :wink:
Dec 9, 2014 at 7:55 PM Post #4,965 of 13,154

Get some used Telefunken tubes if you can.  They transform the Lyr and make the LCD-2 soar. 

Sorry if a bit off-topic, but how's the Schiit Lyr vs the Alo Pan Am? What are the advantages of one over the other?

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