ATH-M50 from Sony MDR-V6?
Nov 15, 2010 at 9:12 PM Post #16 of 18

 The imaging is also better with the AD700 and thus it is easier to locate where all the sound is coming from.  As you can guess, this is a huge advantage when you want to hear enemies trying to sneak up on you or when you're stalking them and hearing them walking around a corner gives you the jump on them.


Where are you using these?  Afghanistan?

The OP said that he wanted to use the headphones for gaming.  The name of the game in gaming these days is online play, and first person shooter games are very popular (in the most popular one to date, there actually were confrontations set in Afghanistan, funny enough).  Whenever I use headphones during online games, or go back to visit my father's house with his mid-life crisis amazing home theater room, I always get accused during these online matches.  Other players claim that I must have some kind of cheat enabled that lets me see through walls, since I somehow magically knew that they were coming around the corner, or were in the next room.  The amount of realism put into games today means that you really can hear your enemy.  And lucky for me, 99% of people just want a cool, hi-def 1080p bigscreen TV.  I can't begin to count the number of houses I've been at where they will spend big money on the greatest new TV and have the sound playing through the dinky TV speakers.  Give me a 19" screen and a good sound setup over that any day of the week. Heck, my girlfriend doesn't even have a TV at her place.  When we want to watch movies, we just plug her laptop into a receiver and small bookshelf speakers that I got her.  Sound > picture to me, and I'm guessing that it's true to a lot of people on this forum too.
Nov 16, 2010 at 12:45 AM Post #17 of 18
I think the PERFECT upgrade for you would be the AKG k240 Studio. They're only $100 and probably have a lot more bass. Most say they're bass heavy, but not quite, but close.
I also think that more people should try them for gaming. They have far more detail than the HD-555 (that's often used for gaming I believe?), more bass, better imaging and a better soundstage. The mids are also more forward. The level of detail isn't quite as high as the AD700 and the soundstage probably isn't as large, but close. The AD700 might be better for gaming, but the k240 Studio is good for games AND music. The k240 Studio is one of the few headphones i've heard that seems to be good for almost all genres.
Mine sounded fine straight out of my Ipod Touch and some others here have reported them fine unamped too. Obviously they'd be at their best with a small amp and I use mine amped 100% of the time. You can even quite often find them online for $70!
BTW I find the k240 Studio far better in every way compared to the M50. The M50 has more bass and that's about it's only advantage and that doesn't mean it's better.
I also forgot to point out that they're one of the most comfortable headphones i've tried. Not quite as comfortable as my D2000, but has better comfort (to me) than any Beyer, the HD-600 and whatever else i've tried. One reason is that they're so extremely light and have zero clamping force.
Nov 16, 2010 at 1:09 AM Post #18 of 18

HFI-700 are very good budget headphones. I like them a lot more than HFI780 and Pro750- two of the more popular Ultrasone models. HFI700(or European model HFI650) sound more natural and balanced to me.

How would you compare them to other cans such as the V6 and possibly M50?

To my ears they are a step up from the Sony V6. I haven't heard the M50.

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