Ashlee Simpson on SNL?
Oct 24, 2004 at 6:03 PM Post #31 of 98

Originally Posted by markl
I predict this will have zero impact on her "career". Everyone knows these robo-divas lip-sync when they perform, no one can do all that dancing and gyrating and still carry a tune. And, besides, are people who like these performers into it for their "artistry" or their image? Their success is not based on their actual music or musical ability but on their media appearances.

The Milli Vanilli fiasco was only a big deal because they won the Grammy award. That award is the most prestigious in the music industry and is supposed to be based on musical merit. Awarding a lip-syncing duo was a scandal when it came out, not so much for their lip-syncing but as a black-eye for the Grammy Awards for making this error.

I also wonder if the same way Bill Clinton has innocculated all future Presidents from suffering too heavily for cheating on their spouses (we went through it, and we're so over it now), the Milli Vanilli thing innoculates all future lip-syncers from paying too much of a price for their "crimes".

Also, Milli Vanilli did not sing on their album. Who knows if Ashlee Simpson sang on her album, but the big scandal for Milli Vanilli was not that they performed live to a prerecorded vocal track, but that they didn't sing on their album either.
Oct 24, 2004 at 6:05 PM Post #32 of 98
When I loaded the file, Real Player launched and told me I needed another file from them to watch the video. After the RP file loaded, they told me I needed the DivX codec player to complete the operation, so I downloaded DivX.

The file played perfectly after this and I must say, I was laughing my butt off...

edit: BTW, check this out:

Oct 24, 2004 at 6:54 PM Post #35 of 98
Why does this stuff suprise people? One thing, she was a product of MTV, who used their influence to create what she is, which portrayed her as about the music or specifically "her own music". But isn't pretty much anything on MTV really about the "image".
Oct 24, 2004 at 7:06 PM Post #36 of 98
I agree man. She's just a manufactured "commodity" like so many of her peers. I just thought this was sorta funny because the meltdown was so quick.

I've caught a couple of episodes of her MTV show...including the one where her producer finally realizes that her screeching/caterwauling didn't pass for singing. After that, I guess they used every studio trick available (pitch control, doubling, etc.) to make it seem as though she was a singer. I was chuckling through the whole thing and even related this to my sis'. She has a teenage boy who thinks the world revolves around this 5 layered dip.

Anyway, it's gonna be interesting to watch the damage control and spin...

Oct 24, 2004 at 7:27 PM Post #37 of 98
The sad and scary part is that it has worked very well for MTV. In our internal marketing research for teenage girls, Ashlee was pretty much named as the person teenagers would like to emulate because she "did her own thing". Where they believe that Ashlee is who will be leading what trends will be set next and followed. It is frightening how MTV can create something and control the mindsets of teenagers which to me is pretty much irregardless of musical talent.
Now that the illusion is shattered, it will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Oct 24, 2004 at 7:56 PM Post #40 of 98

Originally Posted by Oddball
I got that problem as well. The video will play, then freeze, and the audio will go on. Tried using a few media players and they all had the same problem. (shrug)

Aye, you need DivX, as bLue_oNioN pointed out. I'd recommend the K-Lite Codec Pack, if you don't mind the 18MB download. I've heard people's horror stories about codec packs messing up their system, but I have yet to have a problem, nor have friends of mine. Basically, it has every audio and video codec you'd ever need for anything, period. Also includes the wonderful Media Player Classic, which can play anything WMP can and with about 1/4 the memory usage.

As for the video itself... yeah, I have to give props to the band. They held up extremely well. I've had something similar happen (albeit at church, so it's not quite the same stress level, but still...) when I was playing bass and the vocalists started singing something different than what we were playing. We looked at each other, shrugged, and eased right into the new song.
Oct 24, 2004 at 8:35 PM Post #41 of 98

Originally Posted by markl
no one can do all that dancing and gyrating and still carry a tune

You obviously haven't seen any metal bands, in particular, ZAO, whose singers have shot across the stage and jumped about 5 feet in the air all while holding screams for 20 seconds.
Oct 24, 2004 at 9:12 PM Post #43 of 98

Originally Posted by ampgalore
I feel bad for her, no one deserves something like this.

She cheated, she got caught, and then she tried to pass the blame. IMO she deserves every bit of criticism she gets. With that said,

*points & laughs at Ashlee Simpson*
Oct 24, 2004 at 9:28 PM Post #45 of 98

Originally Posted by RickG
Actually, it was pointed out in the post before that one.

lol I'm sorry, I usually open a string of windows and post the ones I want to post in at once, so I actually didn't see your post when I posted.

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