Ashlee Simpson on SNL?
Oct 25, 2004 at 11:54 PM Post #77 of 98
Four words.

Oct 26, 2004 at 12:00 AM Post #78 of 98

Originally Posted by gloco
Ashlee has a man's face with a man's nose, she doesn't look very attractive for a female.

heh, i think she's hot.
Oct 26, 2004 at 12:09 AM Post #80 of 98
wonder if anyone was watching TRL on MTV. She was just on the phone with them live answering questions. I only caught part of it, but I guess theres something wrong with her throat and she wasnt able to sing. She said she got a shot and now she's feeling a lot better now.
Oct 26, 2004 at 2:05 AM Post #81 of 98
She just finished performing on the Radio Music Awards Show. When they announced her, they emphasized she would be performing "LIVE" and she began her song with the same false start as on SNL then saying "JUST KIDDING" and then beginning her actual performance.

Her damage control may have turned this whole thing into a positive event, making her better known now than she was before her SNL appearance.
Oct 26, 2004 at 5:25 AM Post #83 of 98

Originally Posted by mbriant
She just finished performing on the Radio Music Awards Show. When they announced her, they emphasized she would be performing "LIVE" and she began her song with the same false start as on SNL then saying "JUST KIDDING" and then beginning her actual performance.

Her damage control may have turned this whole thing into a positive event, making her better known now than she was before her SNL appearance.

She pulled it off well. I think that she can leave this stuff behind her.

btw, while we're on the RMAs, I love Train, and 3 Doors Down. They're so awesome!!! Such extraordinary music totally doesn't make my ass bleed.
Oct 26, 2004 at 9:43 AM Post #85 of 98
I still don't buy it. These songs aren't vocally challenging enough to pose a problem. Singing can be called controled speaking, and it's very true in the case of these pop songs. You don't need to stretch the chords at all to do it. I'm sorry, but injections don't replace practicing and proper vocal training. I stress the word proper.

And you still don't walk out of a performance.
It's still a lame excuse.
Oct 26, 2004 at 7:12 PM Post #87 of 98

Originally Posted by mbriant
Her damage control may have turned this whole thing into a positive event, making her better known now than she was before her SNL appearance.

One of the joys of catering to an audience with the combined intelligence and intuition of your average pack of liquid ice mints.

I have so much respect for any woman that manages to grow up with her own opinions nowadays. I swear, corporate america has been trying to breed a legion of mindless consumers out of our young female generation since the beginnings of Barbie.
Oct 26, 2004 at 8:07 PM Post #88 of 98

I have so much respect for any woman that manages to grow up with her own opinions nowadays. I swear, corporate america has been trying to breed a legion of mindless consumers out of our young female generation since the beginnings of Barbie.

I don't see how this is unique to the young female generation. Young males succumb to the same sort of marketing hype, just often involving different subject audio equipment for example.
Oct 26, 2004 at 9:50 PM Post #89 of 98

Originally Posted by mbriant
I don't see how this is unique to the young female generation. Young males succumb to the same sort of marketing hype, just often involving different subject audio equipment for example.

I agree that the subject matter is different, but more importantly the way in which the subject matter is marketed, is also different. Please keep in mind that this is based on broad stereotypes of the sexes and generalities, just like marketing.

Males always want cool new stuff, it is intrinsic to our nature. Most hype is based around this, as it is an "easy sell."

Now, I won't make any statements about the average women's needs, as it is always an invite for a good telling "of how little I know," so I will just stick to observations of female-centric marketing. Most marketing I have seen towards women tends to be of the following varieties
1.) it will make you pretty
2.) bad things might happen if you don't do(buy) this
and the emerging
3.) it makes you look independent, but still accepted and pretty (Avril Lavigne)

Though they look like they target different areas of the femine physche, I feel they are based on one thing, insecurities. Women aren't shallow, they don't freak out about nothing and don't feel the need to prove how independent they are. But, I believe as a whole they are more attuned to the sensitivity aspect of intelligence than men. As per usual marketing tactics, corporate america has used this chink to slowly achieve a self-fullfilling prophecy based on their adherance to traditional stereotypes of the female mind.

Just look at the particular types of products and which sex most purchases them.

Electronics - Men
It is all about what is the newest, best, shiniest, and most importantly, newest.

Beauty Products - Women
Model X uses our products. So if you want to be beautiful, accepted, but independent like her use our products. Oh, and they cost alot more because they are a brand name, but people will know and accept you more.

Now there are a lot of hybrid products out there, so mixed marketing is far more common than sex specific, but if you break down crossover products you can see how the same mindset ensues.

The ipod. Back when DAPs were still too new to market to the mass public most companies relied on the newer, better method as their clientele was mostly geeks like me. Once apple got involved, the "cute" pink ipod mini(try and find one in stores) has become the kleenex of the DAP market, because it appeals to both sexes.[after rewriting this sentence ten times I gave up, because I figure I would piss of either apple owners, women, men, or most likely, everyone]

EDIT I want to stress that I am not trying to pigeonhole every woman(or man) into this description. It is based on the average joe/jane consumer of the MTV generation who has grown up being fed what they should and shouldn't do by people that only care about what they should and shouldn't buy.
Oct 26, 2004 at 10:05 PM Post #90 of 98
I agree with what your saying, but still stand by my statement that the youth ( and adults) of both sexes are manipulated via similar vulnerabilities. Yes, men are suckers for technology based products, but just look at how beer and often cars are marketed to men .... insecurity. Drink this beer and these beautiful women will be partying with you ... buy this car, and a beautiful woman will want to be in the passenger seat. There are definately differences between stereotypical market habits of males and females, but I think both are targeted by and both fall victim to manipulating marketing hype equally.

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