Ashlee Simpson on SNL?
Oct 26, 2004 at 10:20 PM Post #91 of 98
fair enough...

In all honesty, things like this are all about perception anyways. For example, I see the women in car and beer commercials to represent sex appeal. "Buy these products and get to have sex with random new beautiful women with no further obligations!" Either way, you are right, it is all degrading regardless of the "deeper" meaning.
Oct 26, 2004 at 10:33 PM Post #92 of 98
to me, since the society is male dominated in nearly every factor, the problem i have is that women are from birth targeted and trained to be a very narrow perfect.

in essence:
a man can fufil many different stereotypes (tho this too is bad imo)
where as a woman has way fewer options.
Oct 26, 2004 at 10:40 PM Post #93 of 98
In the past this was true, but today, as the commercials show, women can do anything a man can do, sometimes better.
Oct 29, 2004 at 6:13 PM Post #95 of 98
I don't understand why everyone is so concerned about another pop princess being caught in the act. CBS is loosely comparing her little stunt with the likes of Elvis Costello and the controversial Sinead O'Connor, which just doesn't feel right. Maybe if she burned a US flag out of anger or said that she knew the location of some WMDs, then it'd be news.

OR was caught doing an all-out Milli Vanilli . . .("Girl you know it's -- Girls you know it's --- Girl you know it's----")
Oct 31, 2004 at 8:00 PM Post #96 of 98
Exclusive backstage at SNL footage of what happened after Ashlee walked off tonight on CBS 60 Minutes. Should be fun(ny)!
Nov 1, 2004 at 8:35 AM Post #98 of 98

Originally Posted by TenaciousO
I don't know why this is such a big deal. It was obvious that Eminem was lip synching during his first song on SNL last night, but no one talks about that. A lot of singers lip sync. Who cares?

Exactly. You could tell which bits were taped, and which bits were actually live on Just Lose It. The other song sounded like either it had heavy effects, or an overdub - not very live sounding. I thought it might be a lip syncher too.

I wonder why Ashlee Simpson's incident is the big deal, and not everyone elses 1/2 sung songs too. I'm okay with taped backing bands (as long as the band isn't the draw), but I see a lot of cheating on stage. Even Destiny's Child skimped on the chorus in the Radio Music Awards intro (and they reallllly know how to sing). For me, a live performance is about hearing a unique interpretation of the song. I don't give a sheeyit about the dancing. That's why I won't buy the excuse that tapes are needed for high energy performances.

If it's not about the song, I'd rather see strippers on stage doing the lip synching.

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