Ashlee Simpson on SNL?
Oct 24, 2004 at 8:11 AM Post #16 of 98

Originally Posted by Jahn
a girl who butchered the nat. anthem? hmm nm, i dont watch that show either...

Dude, she butchered the national anthem. An- th- rocke- ree- glaa- th- bom- bur-in- in- ai-. I saw that much, and heard it, and man alive, if I had to do it all over again, I'd hit mute and spare the wince.
Oct 24, 2004 at 8:15 AM Post #17 of 98
What she should have done is just lived up to the moment, and played it like a real sport. For the love of pete, she's already on Saturday Night Live. Talk about a perfect marketing opportunity. Tour radio stations doing her acoustic unplugged -- you know, to prove that she's a real artist. Do I have to think of everything around here?
Honestly? Any press is good press -- she'll sell another 17.5 billion records because of this. And the world will be a better place for it. I LOVE YOU ASHLEEE!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!
Oct 24, 2004 at 8:18 AM Post #18 of 98
hehe... just saw it on the west coast
They edited it!!!!!!

Had I not known and seen the video, I won't have guess how badly it was botched.

For the west coast audience, all we saw was

the music started playing, she jumped around, she walked off, the banded played on for a few and jude law's mug.

They removed the vocal part so it does not appear that the recording, or that we can't even tell the music is a recording is the only thing going on and thus it would be consistent with her claim at the end that her banded played the wrong song and she simply weren't ready etc... no indication of any lip syncing or pre-recorded music.

Why would the producer even do this? I can only think that this coverup would only worsen whatever damage that has already been done by sending ppl looking for the actual vid in some craze rather than quiet everything...

poor PR management.

edit: ya, I guess no press is bad press... if her sis can turn chicken of the sea into an media empire and all of the sudden, old recording that tanked are selling millions... she could turn this around and sell trillions!

edit2: hmmm I replayed the downloaded video again... now I am not so sure if they had edited. There weren't much vocal anyway so I could've easily missed that...

Oct 24, 2004 at 8:41 AM Post #20 of 98

Originally Posted by soundboy
I can't believe you guys missed the whole point of was her attempt at comedy!!

I hope this is your attempt at comedy. You think it was staged to try to be funny?
Oct 24, 2004 at 9:44 AM Post #21 of 98
What was up with that *** looking dance she was doing?

First time I've seen a mess like this during the music segment of SNL. It's really too bad, I actually did enjoy her debut album.
Oct 24, 2004 at 11:04 AM Post #22 of 98
I read the other discussion forums on this botch-up, and I love their cheeky enthusiasm, but I'm sure her career isn't in jeopardy. She'll probably sing the anthem at a televised event to make up. That said, I hate that farking song. It rivals Matchbox 20's "When You're Gone" in it's pedestrianism, but has the heaviest rotation on radio here. What? The chorus is good, but the verse is a steamy bubbling brown mess.
Oct 24, 2004 at 1:06 PM Post #23 of 98
I predict this will have zero impact on her "career". Everyone knows these robo-divas lip-sync when they perform, no one can do all that dancing and gyrating and still carry a tune. And, besides, are people who like these performers into it for their "artistry" or their image? Their success is not based on their actual music or musical ability but on their media appearances.

The Milli Vanilli fiasco was only a big deal because they won the Grammy award. That award is the most prestigious in the music industry and is supposed to be based on musical merit. Awarding a lip-syncing duo was a scandal when it came out, not so much for their lip-syncing but as a black-eye for the Grammy Awards for making this error.

I also wonder if the same way Bill Clinton has innocculated all future Presidents from suffering too heavily for cheating on their spouses (we went through it, and we're so over it now), the Milli Vanilli thing innoculates all future lip-syncers from paying too much of a price for their "crimes".
Oct 24, 2004 at 2:21 PM Post #24 of 98
Hee hee. Is it wrong that I get a kick out of hearing teen pop singers screw up? I honestly can't stand her least Avril can be catchy, but she's also horrible live. But yeah, I don't think any of the modern pop princesses can really sing and their problem becomes really obvious when they sing live (well, a couple of them do a decent job). This probably will have no effect on her career, but now I have something useful to bring up whenever I meet an Ashlee fan. I am truly tickled since Ashlee is fairly popular at my school.
Oct 24, 2004 at 2:32 PM Post #25 of 98
That's still better than what I did! I've embarrassed EVERYBODY, including the band, with my EXTREMELY HORRIBLE singing! (This was at a talent show: Not only my singing was way off key, but my singing voice itself was blah, with almost no range whatsoever.) Thank Goodness I chose not to pursue a performing career.
Oct 24, 2004 at 3:28 PM Post #26 of 98
I saw that. I changed the channel real quick at the start of the performance, then when I turned it back, SNL was at commercial. I just thought noone wanted to listen to her, that's all.

OT, but I really liked the opening monologue, when Jude Law and the female cast members were singing. The part when they broke out into the ending chorus of "Hey Jude" (Beatles) was friggin' priceless. That was without a doubt my favorite part.
Oct 24, 2004 at 4:00 PM Post #27 of 98
That was one of the best openings I have seen. Seriously it was brilliant. I want to get a copy of the opening in high res to show my wife. Just soooo funny.
Oct 24, 2004 at 4:19 PM Post #28 of 98
It'll almost certainly end up on the net somewhere (be it legally or not).

I haven't seen an SNL opening that good in a LONG time. Just beautiful.
Oct 24, 2004 at 4:47 PM Post #29 of 98
Is there some reason I'm getting only audio, not video?
Oct 24, 2004 at 5:55 PM Post #30 of 98
I got that problem as well. The video will play, then freeze, and the audio will go on. Tried using a few media players and they all had the same problem. (shrug)

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