Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
Dec 25, 2010 at 9:50 PM Post #76 of 846
I think most of us old timers are in and out. When we feel like we need new gear we come back and talk again. I will try to stick around a bit longer this time.
Dec 27, 2010 at 7:00 AM Post #78 of 846

Wow, great thread. I've been lurking since '05, joined in '06. It was really interesting seeing head-fi become what it is today, who'd have thought a niche headphone hobby would get so popular? Haha.

The power of Apple compels everyone, apparently. Let's face it, we'd have remained (more) in the sidelines if it wasn't for the iPod.
Dec 30, 2010 at 3:44 PM Post #79 of 846
I guess I might be (well to some degree at least). I don't spend a lot of time on these forums any more, though... Dare I say that it was better back in the days :)
Dec 30, 2010 at 5:24 PM Post #80 of 846
Well, I'm an old fart (turned the big four-oh earlier this year) and I guess I'm something of an old-timer around here as well, having registered back in late 2001 and lurking a bit before that. I never posted a lot, but for a few years was on the forums quite a bit. It has been 5+ years since I've even visited much at all, and back around '05 or so I sold most of my headphones, all of my amps, and a lot of my more valuable PCDP's that I had been collecting. I was wanting to get out of debt, and had a lot of money wrapped up in headphones and associated gear.
I still have about half of my old Sony PCDP collection up in the attic, and my Panasonic SL-SX510 and SL-CT570 PCDP's still get frequent use, but have been listening to iPods more lately for the convience factor. My hearing has deteriorated somewhat since I was younger as well, and my kids (ages 6 and 8) have been taking more of my time and money as well. I had put most of my more expensive hi-fi equipment away when we started having kids, and have slowly been breaking it out again to start listening to my better equipment again.
Things definitely are different around here than they were 8-9 years ago, but nearly every web community has changed over the past decade as well, and things are never like "the good old days" for a variety of reasons.
Jan 1, 2011 at 9:40 AM Post #81 of 846
I joined in June 2001, and lurked for couple of years before that on headwize and head-fi when it was formed.

I have spent the last few years building and improving my speaker based setup and trying to get the blasted qualias to work properly.

I occasionally check into head-fi to see what the latest flame of the month is - but head-fi seems quite "quiet" in that respect today.

I would also like to see a big UK head-fi meet like the two that I attended a few years ago.

Jan 1, 2011 at 12:18 PM Post #82 of 846
I guess I might be (well to some degree at least). I don't spend a lot of time on these forums any more, though... Dare I say that it was better back in the days :)

Yeah, I think I have an idea what you're saying, I do read a lot of old post like the ancient threads discussions, reviews and its quite different with today, but hey gotta give that a lot of young blood and alike are getting to the community, Like me fresh meat for the taking
Jan 1, 2011 at 12:30 PM Post #83 of 846

I guess I might be (well to some degree at least). I don't spend a lot of time on these forums any more, though... Dare I say that it was better back in the days :)

Yeah, I think I have an idea what you're saying, I do read a lot of old post like the ancient threads discussions, reviews and its quite different with today, but hey gotta give that a lot of young blood and alike are getting to the community, Like me fresh meat for the taking

It is interesting re-buying / hunting down the <$200 headphones we used to (in many cases, justifiably) savage/denigrate back in the old days and compare them to what is popular these days. Tastes definitely have changed, which is why it's amusing to me why Beats and Bose comes in for so much bile... what the bulk of the forum likes these days is basically a slightly more refined version of those, ideally with wood earcups :p
Jan 3, 2011 at 1:34 PM Post #85 of 846
Lost of ol'school familiar names in this thread.  Good to see other still stop by now and then.  I've been away from DIY building as of late.  I should be able to clear out some time summer/fall of this year (2011) so I'll be more active then.
Jan 28, 2011 at 12:33 PM Post #89 of 846
Do I qualify? Anyone remember me? It's nice to see a thread with names I recognize. Yeah the place has changed. You can't find stuff anymore and people don't bother replying as well as they used to. Still though, I'll never suddenly think stock buds sound great, so that keeps me coming back as needed. It's nice to see some of the old gang. 
And where is Tuberoller?

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