Another new member looking for bass headphones.. Sorry guys.
May 25, 2011 at 8:06 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


New Head-Fier
May 20, 2011
Hello Head-fi members.
Yes, I'm another new member that wants headphones with heavy bass. Of course everything else is important but bass is mostly my number one thing I'm looking for. Sorry Ra97or, but I don't know where to start..well actually where to finish.
I do know there is another thread also asking for bass heavy headphones but I'm looking for something a little different and don't wanna steal their thread and I'm putting a lot of thought into this.
I've been on this site reading on and off for a while. Been wanting high-grade headphones for while but I think I'm ready to drop the money.
Right now I have a pair of Monster Beats Studios....Yes I know a lot of you audiophiles don't like them or have some kind of opinion on them (mostly really bad) but in my defense I got them for free. The bass is great on them and I love how they fit but the build is so cheap. I blew the left ear speaker out on my first pair and the cheap plastic breaks like crazy. ( I've had a few pairs. Time for a big boy pair) BTW I baby my stuff like crazy. Ask my girlfriend I don't allow/HATE when people touch my stuff and everything always must be clean.
What I'm doing & looking for....
- I like Dubstep/Electronic/Techno/Drum-n-Bass/etc. music 
-Very bass heavy ( point in the whole thread :p )
-I'm going to be using them for Music/Gaming
   (* I'm going to be modding a mic on to them or getting a clip on)
- Good soundstage since I'll use them for gaming I'm going to want to hear everything around me.
   (* I'm not sure on this but sourround sound is all about the software, correct? I was going to buy a 5.1 headset but did my reading/research and I think we all know why that's not a option anymore. Then I started reading not to waste time/money on gaming headset and get audiophile grade headphones and get a mic to clip on or mod a mic on.)
-Doesn't need to be portable. Tho don't really want cans that NEED an amp for when I use them with a mp3 or portable device. Will mostly be used at home but you never know.
- I'm going to say my price range can go up to $300 but of course the lower the better.
-Closed cans are preferred cause one reason I want a nice headphones is so I don't bother anyone. I hate listening to other people's music and I don't expect them to or want to listen to mine.
I've also read It was EXTREMELY helpful.
So far the 2 cans I'm looking at are the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro or maybe the Denon AHD2000.
I'm leaning more towards the 770 Pro/s cause I hear more about them and how they are prefect for bassheads, great soundstage, build quality. but lack mids a little and hear that they aren't great for portable devices but usable.
Any useful hints/tips or suggestion for other headphones or remarks on the 2 I picked out?
Thank You.

May 25, 2011 at 9:02 AM Post #3 of 21
I can't speak for the Beyers but the Denon D2K's are very nice in that price range, and the bass response is very nice.
May 25, 2011 at 9:06 PM Post #6 of 21

I'm almost in the same spot as you; I'm upgrading from my ATH-M50 and wondering if I should go for the D2000 or the DT770 Pro.
The DT770s seem to have a larger soundstage, which is better for gaming. But you'll probably need an amp, even with the 80 ohm version.
However, the mids and bass of the two seem to be arguable, so it's a pretty tough choice right now.

Having tried both, neither are amazing for gaming, but of the 2 the D2000 is far superior.
May 25, 2011 at 9:10 PM Post #7 of 21
I found the Beyerdynamic DT150 to have both monstrous bass as well as an uncommonly good soundstage for closed headphones.  They even sell a version that has a mic, but it wouldn't plug directly into a computer (XLR). (DT190)
If you are only looking for quantity, it might not be ideal, but the Ultrasone 780 has world-class quality bass, especially for the genres you listed.  The S-logic does create a nice soundstage and they are quite excellent for gaming.
Another choice might be the AIAIAI TMA-1.  I have heard few headphones that can compete with it for bass level, and it has a nicely defined soundstage as well.
May 25, 2011 at 9:31 PM Post #8 of 21
bass heavy, you say?

May 26, 2011 at 1:13 AM Post #9 of 21
I know both DT770 and D2000 aren't amazing for gaming but should be miles ahead of what I have now. I hear the soundstage on both are amazing.
How are they without an amp? My computers sound card should do fine (going to buy on with Dolby Headphone) but how about if I plugged the DT770 or D2000 straight into a iPhone/iPod/Zune/Laptop?
Would it be usable? Yes,no,kinda.
May 27, 2011 at 3:39 AM Post #10 of 21
i was gonna say the same thing. got these super cheap. didn't like them, but they will vibrate your jaw.
bass heavy, you say?

May 27, 2011 at 6:35 AM Post #11 of 21
D2000's are more complete overall and don't NEED an amp, although they do benefit
May 27, 2011 at 9:43 AM Post #12 of 21
One thing scaring we away form the Denon AHD2000 is the build quality.

My last set of D2K's were excellent (purchased this year), I don't think you have to worry about build quality.
May 27, 2011 at 2:24 PM Post #14 of 21
While I find that Ultrasone bass in the ones I've tried (Pro 750, HFI 780) hasn't been that huge in quantity, it is exceptional in quality and depth.  They have punchiness well below what other headphones can reproduce, and it doesn't have that horrible midbass bloat that some cans have.  It makes the bass really satisfying, instead of just being overwhelming.
May 29, 2011 at 7:08 AM Post #15 of 21
If you can get over the meh fit and weight, the Shure SRH840 might well be perfect. It got great deep bass, but still keeping it very controlled. The treble and mid range is great on top of that too.

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