AKG new headphone K545?
Dec 16, 2013 at 4:03 AM Post #556 of 1,753
  so here is my question ... im looking for a headphone to use portably with a fiio e18 and android device . i was originally going to go for the beyer dt250 250 ohm , but the amp may not be up for driving them ?? . then i leant towards the k550 but was put of by the size.
so are these the way to go ? or should i get the dt250 80ohm . 
i do like the akg sound , i have the k702, k271mk2 and like them. i do sometimes find the k702 slightly lacking in bass but apparently these are better in that sense.   but the thing is they cost around £100 more than the beyers in the uk  , are they worth the difference (1.85 * the price) almost double. 

Just give me a few weeks to post my impressions on the E18 + the AKG 545... I hope to get them before Xmas

Dec 16, 2013 at 12:38 PM Post #558 of 1,753
The K545 and that was straight from my LG G2 phone.
Dec 16, 2013 at 8:41 PM Post #560 of 1,753
I just love these headphones. I placed them between books (earpieces folded flat) for a week to flatten and loosen up the pads, in order to get a more secure seal. Seems to work. Sound stays consistent and is consistently good!
Dec 16, 2013 at 8:44 PM Post #561 of 1,753
I look forward to your take. I know not everyone will hear them like I do but for they are something very special.

I am going to get a chance to listen to the NAD's pretty soon. It turns out another Calgary head-fi member got a pair so I will be able to post some impressions.
Dec 16, 2013 at 8:53 PM Post #563 of 1,753
I look forward to your take. I know not everyone will hear them like I do but for they are something very special.

I am going to get a chance to listen to the NAD's pretty soon. It turns out another Calgary head-fi member got a pair so I will be able to post some impressions.

What does the K545 do that a open headphone can't? Oh, and don't give me bass extension.
Unfair comparison? Perhaps, but I've got tons of closed cans that sound pretty bad when I compare them to my open cans.  Plus closed cans-for me at least- are generally uncomfortable (unless they have valour pads).  Makes me not even want to use them.  All I use are my 1r now.  Very low clamp and I switched out for valour pads.
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:08 PM Post #564 of 1,753
It all depends on your needs. For me I need something that does isolate inwardly and outwardly. I also prefer low clamping which the K545 is good for. Then it all comes down to signature.

The K545 offers a signature that is clearly AKG oriented. When I compare them to my Q701 they are not quite as detailed or expansive but they definitely sound similar with just that bit more bass and a bit more intimacy which works well out and about and for some genres as well. BTW when I say less detailed I am talking only fractions of a difference.

I also owned the MDR1 and just like the AKG signature more. In regards to comfort because my ears fit them, I also prefer them for comfort.

The thing is, I do more listening out and about than I do at home so closed works best for me.
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:16 PM Post #565 of 1,753
As a heads up to everyone, and this is advice is by my own volition, if you plan on ordering the K545s, I would only recommend Razor Dog. He's got a $50 rebate instantly, so they're $200, whereas amazon doesn't have its act together on this pair yet, and AKG is still $250. Also, he's super personable and has really solid shipping times.  
Just my $.02 on a good deal and good place to get these cans online.
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:19 PM Post #566 of 1,753
Agree 100%...
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:20 PM Post #567 of 1,753
It all depends on your needs. For me I need something that does isolate inwardly and outwardly. I also prefer low clamping which the K545 is good for. Then it all comes down to signature.

The K545 offers a signature that is clearly AKG oriented. When I compare them to my Q701 they are not quite as detailed or expansive but they definitely sound similar with just that bit more bass and a bit more intimacy which works well out and about and for some genres as well. BTW when I say less detailed I am talking only fractions of a difference.

I also owned the MDR1 and just like the AKG signature more. In regards to comfort because my ears fit them, I also prefer them for comfort.

The thing is, I do more listening out and about than I do at home so closed works best for me.

I do most of my listening at home.  70% I think.
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:23 PM Post #568 of 1,753
If I did that much listening at home, so long as it was quiet I would use an open headphone, quite likely my Q701.
Dec 16, 2013 at 9:39 PM Post #569 of 1,753
  As a heads up to everyone, and this is advice is by my own volition, if you plan on ordering the K545s, I would only recommend Razor Dog. He's got a $50 rebate instantly, so they're $200, whereas amazon doesn't have its act together on this pair yet, and AKG is still $250. Also, he's super personable and has really solid shipping times.  
Just my $.02 on a good deal and good place to get these cans online.

that is exactly what I did. 199 cannot be beat. 
I already know that I will love these headphones. I went back to the store to compare them to the psb, p7, and momentums, I still preferred the k545 from that visit but couldn't spend much time with them there. 
here is a review I found comparing them to the NAD Visio.
If this review is true I think I would prefer the NAD's because of the bass.  It doesn't look like they will sell anytime soon because of the holidays so since I am in no rush I wanna do compare em. 

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