A Pair of HP-1000's just went for $45.00 on Ebay!
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:25 PM Post #256 of 283

Originally Posted by Jeff.h
Oh for ****s sake,

First off, yes I was being very much an ******* in doing that, but when you sell something on ebay and the auction closes that is it. It is done and you have to live with your mistakes, whether you like them or not. It was too bad for the guy, and I just wanted to let him know his thoughtlessness for letting those go at such a price.

Now for him to close the auction and screw over the guy who originally won is absolutely pathetic. That is on a level or worse than what I did in sending him that message, and that guy deserves every damn cent he has to pay in re-listing fees for breaking ebay policy and robbing the initial winner of his prize. It was NOT my intention for this to happen, and I am truly sorry to the guy who lost out on these. That doesn't mean anything at this point really but I thought I would let you know anyways. I sent the seller a message notifying him that is was completely ****ed of him to close the auction out of stupidity and greed and screw the winner like that, and that I hope he learns a harsh lesson incurring all those re-listing fees not to **** people around on ebay. I did not think that once an auction was closed and WON that it could be cancelled, I have made some mistakes there before and once the auctions closed I paid for them like I should have for not being smarter.

And to all of you who think I would just vanish and dissapear without another word again you can just **** right off. I posted this what, YESTERDAY? I don't just sit on these bloody forums all day like some of you.

Anyways, I will take my leave now as I should. You all have a fun time whining and pissing a 12 page river over a pair of "might have been's"

Good day .

Yes it was the seller who broke his binding ebay contract, he technically is at fault. BUT it was you who instigated that and LIED to him saying you would buy them for $2500.
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:45 PM Post #257 of 283
Did you even know what those phones were worth? Clearly you didn't, did you? An incomplete HP1000? $2500? Moron.
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #258 of 283

Originally Posted by Kirium
There's alot of people in this thread who really need to get a life and stop whinging about an ebay sale. The guy who won and had the seller reneg on the sale cares less about the whole ordeal than most of the guys who've had a jolly old time attacking Jeff for a random comment..

You've got some pretty messed up priorities in your life if you've managed to get all worked up over something this petty. There's a million other problems that are immeasurably worse in the world like third world famine, Somali conflict and genocide in Darfur..

Who cares about some frigging headphones on eBay. Get some perspective and get over it.

THIS is LIFE HERE. This is a discussion forum where people WANT to discuss about headphones and all that's releted. Nobody has to be here if they don't want to. I'm stating the obvious, of course, but still. That "There's a million other problems that are immeasurably worse in the world..." can be said about lot of things.

I don't want to be disrespective, You make a point there. I just don't think people here are really that worked up over this ebay sale. Opinions just may seem stronger than they are when you have to communicate only in writing.

And I think people who write here don't do this on great expence of their "real life". This is just something to get away for a while. I mean, I don't think many people have the strength to concentrate on the proplems of the world all the time. Although I think you're right that we should care for the world and our fellow man more than we do. And this generally speaking, not only here in Headfi.

Just my 2 cents.
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #259 of 283

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Yes it was the seller who broke his binding ebay contract, he technically is at fault. BUT it was you who instigated that and LIED to him saying you would buy them for $2500.

Yup, this is correct.

No worries to Jeff.H..we all thought you were absent from the forum temporarily because you were fetching that 1331 lbs for these cans like you said you would ..did you get that $2500 already? We were all hoping you would donate an extra sum of clams to HeadFi too for this "might have been until I hexed the whole deal for the first guy", thanks much
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:50 PM Post #260 of 283

Originally Posted by Audiofiler
Yup, this is correct.

No worries to Jeff.H..we all thought you were absent from the forum temporarily because you were fetching that 1331 lbs for these cans like you said you would ..did you get that $2500 already? We were all hoping you would donate an extra sum of clams to HeadFi too for this "might have been until I hexed the whole deal for the first guy", thanks much

Look ok the bright side Jeff...You can get a free Sweater or a Head-fi Bag
Oct 25, 2006 at 3:51 PM Post #261 of 283

Originally Posted by Lime Cat
THIS is LIFE HERE. This is a discussion forum where people WANT to discuss about headphones and all that's releted. Nobody has to be here if they don't want to. I'm stating the obvious, of course, but still. That "There's a million other problems that are immeasurably worse in the world..." can be said about lot of things.

I don't want to be disrespective, You make a point there. I just don't think people here are really that worked up over this ebay sale. Opinions just may seem stronger than they are when you have to communicate only in writing.

And I think people who write here don't do this on great expence of their "real life". This is just something to get away for a while. I mean, I don't think many people have the strength to concentrate on the proplems of the world all the time. Although I think you're right that we should care for the world and our fellow man more than we do. And this generally speaking, not only here in Headfi.

Just my 2 cents.

well put,
now where are those hp-2's..the seller should be forced to hand them over to headfiers...
Oct 25, 2006 at 4:16 PM Post #262 of 283
Okay, clearly Jeff.h was being a jerk and reading from his most recent post he still seems to be one, but all of us have been jerks, made mistakes, at some point in our lives. And being a jerk, as stupid as it is, isn't any sort of crime. I think 10 pages of bashing is quite enough for verbal punishment, isn't it? I think we all tend to get too heated up sometimes when it comes to our favorite hobby, but may I point out that the original buyer himself has already gotten over the entire deal, and doesn't seem to hold any grudge against either the seller and Jeff.h. It wasn't Jeff.h's business to meddle in the deal, but it isn't our business to meddle in it either. We aren't vigilantes after all, just hobbyists. Now that we know the original buyer is all right with the situation, what reason do we have for pursuing it further? Let this thread die, and let Head-fi return to the friendly and constructive place it usually is.
Oct 25, 2006 at 4:49 PM Post #263 of 283
[e] nevermind
Oct 25, 2006 at 5:21 PM Post #264 of 283
I think this is one of those things where everyone has their own feelings and thoughts about what has happened and wants to vent their frustration/anger/hurt/shame/whatever you want to call it. We all need to "blow off steam" at times and just go a bit crazy and I think the things that have transpired here has really hit home to a lot of people on the "what would I have thought if it'd happened to me?" bit.

Letting off a bit of steam is good and if it takes a thread like this every so often to get everyone to chip in with a viewpoint before getting back to our everyday enjoyment & discussion about headphones then so be it.

And yeah - I think Jeff.h has been a twit too
Oct 25, 2006 at 7:03 PM Post #266 of 283

Originally Posted by AudioDwebe
Okay. So...in conclusion, Jeff H. did a tacky thing and the seller has no integrity for not living up to his end of the (initial) deal.



Didn't I already say that back on page 10, but perhaps a little more eloquently?


Originally Posted by Morphsci
Hmm ... 10 pages. Let's see if I can summarize ...

Jeff.H is a dick ...

The eBay seller is a dick ...

Does that just about sum it up?

Oct 25, 2006 at 7:36 PM Post #267 of 283
Forgive me if I'm typing any redundancies here, but 14 pages of drama (no offence intended to anyone here, really) was just to much to read through.

Just a couple of things I noticed:

1) correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the HP driver housings supposed to be aluminium? The original auction displayed black driver housings...

2) on the re-list, the headphones seem to be missing the drivers altogether.

Having said all that, going back to the original auction - even with crappy drivers, I would have paid $50 for the body alone.

Just my 2c.
Oct 25, 2006 at 10:44 PM Post #270 of 283
give it up guys its over, yes Jeff was being an ****** but you cant do anything about it now. the seller was stupid to list it at that price anyway, now because of his stupidity his gona pay extra fees and gona end up not selling anything at all.

lets this thread die ***, no point arguing about it now, there will be moron in the world and you cant fix everyone.

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