A Coda and an Overture from HeadRoom
Jan 31, 2005 at 5:06 PM Post #61 of 481
I just got mine this AM, and have been listening to it at work ever since. I've got the USB from my PC playing 320K mp3's to my Grado 225's, and it sounds fantastic!!

Nice, tight bass...nice black background...treble is not harsh...midrange seems to have been done right...I'm happy.

If anyone out there is looking for a nice work rig, this is the one for you. Trust me...it's a dynamite product. Grab it NOW!!
Jan 31, 2005 at 6:06 PM Post #62 of 481
Got my order for the stack verified, have a Sony D-EJ2000 portable CD-player, with optical-line -out.
Any one know where I could find a 1.5 ft/ 40-45cm optical cable, TosLink?
Feb 1, 2005 at 2:37 PM Post #64 of 481
I am planning on using the Overture/Coda stack in a transportable mode from home to work. At either place I may want to use AC, rather than battery power. Is it possible to modify a Base Station 1 (or maybe create a Base Station 2) that could simultaneously power the Coda and Overture? This would be more convenient for home/office use. Thanks.
Feb 1, 2005 at 7:20 PM Post #65 of 481

Originally Posted by morphsci
I am planning on using the Overture/Coda stack in a transportable mode from home to work. At either place I may want to use AC, rather than battery power. Is it possible to modify a Base Station 1 (or maybe create a Base Station 2) that could simultaneously power the Coda and Overture? This would be more convenient for home/office use. Thanks.

The easiest way would be to build a "Y" cable to go from the Base Station to both Coda and Overture. No modification needed.

Feb 1, 2005 at 9:12 PM Post #67 of 481

Originally Posted by morphsci
I wasn't sure if the Base Station 1 had the juice to power both units.

You could probably power about 15 of them.
Feb 1, 2005 at 10:11 PM Post #68 of 481
By the way, we're down to four Coda/Overture pairs left. Right now it's pretty much exactly one week since I first posted the product.

Let's see: 16 x $600 = $9600. So almost $10,000 in sales in one week, and 3000 thread views. This is a perfect example of how this forum area can be so useful to manufacturers and other industry folks!

Thanks, Jude!
Feb 1, 2005 at 10:23 PM Post #70 of 481
Ohhhh, the secrets. No, the secrets won't be revieled for a number of MONTHS yet.

But I guaranty Head-Fi will be the first to know.
Feb 1, 2005 at 10:27 PM Post #71 of 481

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens
By the way, we're down to four Coda/Overture pairs left. Right now it's pretty much exactly one week since I first posted the product.

Let's see: 16 x $600 = $9600. So almost $10,000 in sales in one week, and 3000 thread views. This is a perfect example of how this forum area can be so useful to manufacturers and other industry folks!

Thanks, Jude!

Well no doubt the thread has helped sales but I would say the product really sold itself.
Congrats again for the wonderful product and well-deserved sales! I can only imagine what more is up your sleeves that our wallets so fear.
Feb 1, 2005 at 10:40 PM Post #73 of 481

Originally Posted by brianknewbie
I'm very tempted to buy the stack but I *just* got an SR-71.....

When you do sell a portable DAC that's standalone, I'll be first in line.

(buythestackselltheamp) Did I just say that? MUAHAAHAHA!

Ok, all joking aside, I love the overture with a great number of amp combos, if in the future the overture is coupled with an internal headphone amp, i hope there's an option to bypass the amp, you know, just for flavor.
to give the Coda the benefit of the doubt, it wasn't burned in at the meet and had a bit of sizzle in the highs. I guess a DAC doesn't need as much burn in as an amp does.
Feb 1, 2005 at 10:44 PM Post #74 of 481

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens
By the way, we're down to four Coda/Overture pairs left. Right now it's pretty much exactly one week since I first posted the product.

Let's see: 16 x $600 = $9600. So almost $10,000 in sales in one week, and 3000 thread views. This is a perfect example of how this forum area can be so useful to manufacturers and other industry folks!

Thanks, Jude!

I think I want to transition to a commission model.
Feb 2, 2005 at 12:01 AM Post #75 of 481

Originally Posted by Jahn
give the Coda the benefit of the doubt, it wasn't burned in at the meet and had a bit of sizzle in the highs. I guess a DAC doesn't need as much burn in as an amp does.

I don't think it'll change too much. I wouldn't call it "sizzle", I'd call it grainy. Bottom line it comes from the battery life choice: you can get 20 hours of battery life with a bit of grain, or you can get 5 hours of battery life and a smoother sound. Next time around you'll have the choice. Current Coda owners could have the modules upgraded in the future if they want. We argued this issue back and forth for a while and settled in on battery life as portability is the major purpose of the amp.

OTOH, the DAC is just plain a killer DAC. We could have used more energy conserving opamps and ceramic caps in that baby, too. But we were just so in love with how good it sounded that we couldn't bring ourselves to dumbing it down for battery life. It's a tough choice. Assume for a moment that these two products exist in the future, as separates. What would you want? More battery life or better sound? Battery life as standard, and upgrade to worse battery life for better sound?

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