2359glenn | studio
Mar 24, 2019 at 10:35 PM Post #25,547 of 40,042
@UntilThen I have had months to slowly pick up tubes - the perils of waiting in queue while reading all the poison on this thread... lol

I have a bunch of 6BX7 tubes - 6xGE, 2xRCA & 4xSylvania. An even bigger stash of 6x 6BL7s.. 6 packs of Tung Sol, RCAs and Sylvanias. A pair of Amperex labelled tubes too. They were cheap, so I just hoarded them whenever good testing ones popped up for sale.

Also have a pair of 6080 mullard and pair of 6080 brimar.. pairs of 6336A and 6336B.. the latter tubes probably will get a lot of use as I love my planar cans.

@UsoppNoKami is that also a ecc32 labelled Adzam / Mullard?

Yeah it is. I love the ECC33 on my Schiit Freya preamp, so I picked up the ECC32 for the GOTL. Glenn also found me 12SNGT TS BGRP. Have obviously gone a bit bonkers before even getting hold of the amp.. now i am following your Sansui posts in the other thread with interest ....
Mar 25, 2019 at 1:57 AM Post #25,548 of 40,042
I finally got the balls to try the triple driver setup JV loves,albeit different tubes. HOLY HELL! This combo is intense!
EL8+Tung Sol 6SN7GT RP+GZ34+RCA 6080
Deep,tight,hard hitting bass,very nice pop to snares, wide staging,very deep holographic 3D imaging,and an almost surreal reverb in the mids,Not too great with aggressive music as all this added reverb slows the Verite down too much. Highly musical and fun. :)

Pink Floyd and Peter Gabriel are crazy good with this combo! I feel like Im high...and im not, LOL!

I have a couple questions for the pros.

Is it safe to use 6BX7s as power tubes in the triple driver config,and if so,how many?
I also have a Tung Sol 6SU7GTY. Can that be used in the triple driver? ECC35?
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Mar 25, 2019 at 4:06 AM Post #25,549 of 40,042
I have a bunch of 6BX7 tubes - 6xGE, 2xRCA & 4xSylvania. An even bigger stash of 6x 6BL7s.. 6 packs of Tung Sol, RCAs and Sylvanias. A pair of Amperex labelled tubes too.

You're good with tubes. There should be many combinations there for you to find your preferred tone with your headphones.

I've many good power tubes (such as GEC 6as7g, Tung Sol 5998, Bendix 6080w and GEC 6080) but ultimately I find myself gravitating to the 6 x 6bx7gt. No other OTL amps have this configured. It is unique in the GOTL. Other amps have to use adapters to be able to use sextet 6bx7gt but here it's all ready for blast off. Do experiment with the other power tubes and drivers combination too. That's the joy of this amp.

This review was done quite a while ago and the author also favour using Sylvania 6sn7w with 6 x 6BL7.... and this is with his HD800 and Beyer T1. In the last one year, my favoured headphone has been the HD800 with the GOTL. There's great synergy here... at least to my ears and the author of the review has the same opinion. Remember at that time, I've HD800, LCD-2f, ZMF Eikon and Atticus but my most often use headphone then was the HD800. Your mileage may vary though and I readily accept that there will be difference of opinions and preference.


Fast forward to now... with the Sansui amps, I've a preference for the LCD-2f. It's a gale force driving the planar magnetic. For once, I'm actually listening to music because there's no tubes to roll. :)

For the record, despite what everyone else is saying that OTL amps are not ideal for planar magnetics, I have to disagree... at least with the GOTL. Having heard for myself what GOTL can do with the LCD-2f, I've to say it's very ideal. The comparison is made against the Ragnarok driving the LCD-2f. Then again I do not think that the LCD-2f is a difficult to drive planar magnetic.

I've come to the conclusion that I like variety in tone and you'll get that in the GOTL and at least 2 contrasting sounding headphones.

Mar 25, 2019 at 4:58 AM Post #25,550 of 40,042
@UntilThen I have had months to slowly pick up tubes - the perils of waiting in queue while reading all the poison on this thread... lol

I have a bunch of 6BX7 tubes - 6xGE, 2xRCA & 4xSylvania. An even bigger stash of 6x 6BL7s.. 6 packs of Tung Sol, RCAs and Sylvanias. A pair of Amperex labelled tubes too. They were cheap, so I just hoarded them whenever good testing ones popped up for sale.

Also have a pair of 6080 mullard and pair of 6080 brimar.. pairs of 6336A and 6336B.. the latter tubes probably will get a lot of use as I love my planar cans.

Yeah it is. I love the ECC33 on my Schiit Freya preamp, so I picked up the ECC32 for the GOTL. Glenn also found me 12SNGT TS BGRP. Have obviously gone a bit bonkers before even getting hold of the amp.. now i am following your Sansui posts in the other thread with interest ....

You have a awesome collection of tubes for your GOTL, some of the best on the planet :)
Very nice stash of 6BL7 tubes. Great times ahead for you.
Wonderful collection of headphones as well.
Mar 25, 2019 at 8:23 AM Post #25,551 of 40,042
I finally got the balls to try the triple driver setup JV loves,albeit different tubes. HOLY HELL! This combo is intense!
EL8+Tung Sol 6SN7GT RP+GZ34+RCA 6080
Deep,tight,hard hitting bass,very nice pop to snares, wide staging,very deep holographic 3D imaging,and an almost surreal reverb in the mids,Not too great with aggressive music as all this added reverb slows the Verite down too much. Highly musical and fun. :)

Pink Floyd and Peter Gabriel are crazy good with this combo! I feel like Im high...and im not, LOL!

I have a couple questions for the pros.

Is it safe to use 6BX7s as power tubes in the triple driver config,and if so,how many?
I also have a Tung Sol 6SU7GTY. Can that be used in the triple driver? ECC35?
The triple drivers is like a recipe- too much of this or that spoils or exaggerates certain aspects of the sound.
My favorites ATM are a NU 6N7GT with EL8 and 6H13C.
Mar 25, 2019 at 10:55 AM Post #25,552 of 40,042
I've come to the conclusion that I like variety in tone and you'll get that in the GOTL and at least 2 contrasting sounding headphones.


Wonderful collection of headphones as well.

I got in touch with Glenn to get in queue for the OTL amp right after pre-ordering the Verite Ltd, i'm hoping for great things from this pairing especially :)
Mar 25, 2019 at 5:03 PM Post #25,553 of 40,042
I got in touch with Glenn to get in queue for the OTL amp right after pre-ordering the Verite Ltd, i'm hoping for great things from this pairing especially :)

I think you will be quite happy with the pairing, especially with all of the tubes you have accumulated....I see you amp will have the tube rectification and you have the grand daddy of rectifiers!
The wait for the amp can be awhile, but it is more than worth the wait. :)
Mar 25, 2019 at 6:43 PM Post #25,554 of 40,042
I finally got the balls to try the triple driver setup JV loves,albeit different tubes. HOLY HELL! This combo is intense!
EL8+Tung Sol 6SN7GT RP+GZ34+RCA 6080
Deep,tight,hard hitting bass,very nice pop to snares, wide staging,very deep holographic 3D imaging,and an almost surreal reverb in the mids,Not too great with aggressive music as all this added reverb slows the Verite down too much. Highly musical and fun. :)

Pink Floyd and Peter Gabriel are crazy good with this combo! I feel like Im high...and im not, LOL!

I have a couple questions for the pros.

Is it safe to use 6BX7s as power tubes in the triple driver config,and if so,how many?
I also have a Tung Sol 6SU7GTY. Can that be used in the triple driver? ECC35?
Hi Monsterzero,
Does this look familiar?

TS BGRP 6SN7GT, Valvo EL8 and RCA 6080 and a HEXFRED rectifier hiding somewhere.
The RCAs are showing off their tube glow:

Today a lot of tubes are sold singly, but just a few years ago you could buy these by the bushel for a couple of dollars a piece......- just counted 15 of them in my storage box.

After a half hour warm up this combination sings!
I completely agree with you - intense, highly musical and fun. Deep, tight, hard hitting bass, wide staging, very deep holographic 3D imaging. Highly musical and fun.
Another winner! WOW!
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Mar 25, 2019 at 6:50 PM Post #25,555 of 40,042
Glad you liked it...my mind was blown last night. I kept listening til 3:30 am,and didnt want to stop.
What headphones did you use?


Just rolled in 6- GE 6BX7s + Ken-Rad VT231+GZ34+EL8

Nothing special. Lost most of the slam from the previous combo(which surprised me a bit) and the reverb,and 3D staging. The width seemed to go out a bit further,but other than that,although not bad,its nothing to write home about.

EDIT 2: Tung Sol 6SU7GTY makes a fine substitute for TS 6SN7 RP. Slightly less slam and reverb,but slightly better treble extension. Imaging and 3D are about par. Another great combo.
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Mar 25, 2019 at 10:10 PM Post #25,556 of 40,042
Hi Monsterzero,
I have the T1 and HD650 headphones but most of my listening is through speakers (Elac Debut B6) and an Elac S10 sub.
The GOTL is used as a preamp together with the tone controls on an old receiver (RR2150) and an even older 150W power amp (3006A).
I don't have the TS 6SU7GTY, but I have a number of different drivers to try.
For some reason it appears to me that the basis of the driver triplet is the pair of the EL8 in the C3g sockets. The power tubes add flavor and substance; the third driver has a lot to do with the overall balance, tonality and punch. Some time back I tried a Russian Istok 6N3P and the bass became too strong.
The RCA 6080 have a great mid bass and this comes through in a full bodied and musical way with the above tube combination. The RCAs are a little noisier than the 6H13C but sound more punchy.
But I am just guessing about how the synergy works - it has to be trial and error. It is also interesting to me that adding power tubes (more than two) does not improve the sound (at least not so far).
The triple driver feature I think is unique to the GOTL (as well as the 6 power tube sockets) and probably was not intended to be used as such by the designer, but, as JV discovered, it really works very well.
I am sure that there will be new great synergistic combinations discovered.
Mar 25, 2019 at 10:26 PM Post #25,557 of 40,042
The triple driver feature I think is unique to the GOTL (as well as the 6 power tube sockets) and probably was not intended to be used as such by the designer, but, as JV discovered, it really works very well.
I am sure that there will be new great synergistic combinations discovered.

Im finding myself addicted to that roll. I tried a couple others tonight,but eventually came back to my original that I posted earlier. Listening to Gary Moore "Midnight Blues" atm...beautiful.
I should note that the roll wasnt as impressive on my Auteurs,but for whatever reason the Verite loves this combo.
Mar 26, 2019 at 6:22 AM Post #25,558 of 40,042
"Midnight Blues".....What a great song from a great player...miss Gary a lot.
Mar 26, 2019 at 12:13 PM Post #25,559 of 40,042
Well...I guess the tube gods simply do not want me to experience GEC tubes.

The B36 I bought is listed as delivered yesterday,but I never got it. Coupled with the GEC 4v rectifier that makes sound(bad) but doesnt get warm or glow.

Mar 26, 2019 at 1:05 PM Post #25,560 of 40,042
Well...I guess the tube gods simply do not want me to experience GEC tubes.

The B36 I bought is listed as delivered yesterday,but I never got it. Coupled with the GEC 4v rectifier that makes sound(bad) but doesnt get warm or glow.

Check with your local post office - this has happened to me as well. The tube showed up the next day.
If you bought the tubes via eBay/PayPal you have good protection.

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