2359glenn | studio
Apr 25, 2018 at 12:25 AM Post #19,651 of 40,012
Apr 25, 2018 at 1:06 AM Post #19,653 of 40,012
Glenn clan is getting stronger in singapore. Can i also join to listen GEL3N?

Sure.. why not? Are you also from Singapore?

More i think about it atticus makes sense with the zebra wood i might order one or an hd800.

Atticus in rusted zebra looks mighty fine! I'll post some pictures when my set arrives.
Apr 25, 2018 at 2:13 AM Post #19,655 of 40,012
Atticus in rusted zebra looks mighty fine! I'll post some pictures when my set arrives.

How about Atticus in Padauk? :)

Atticus with ECC33 + 2 x Cetron 7236 + 2 x Tung Sol 5998 sounds amazing.

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Apr 25, 2018 at 4:30 AM Post #19,658 of 40,012
Apr 25, 2018 at 4:39 AM Post #19,659 of 40,012
Still waiting for the transformers? Are they like winding one rev per day? :L3000:

Glad to hear from you again.
Apr 25, 2018 at 4:51 AM Post #19,660 of 40,012
You know, I've started collecting the pics you post along with descriptions on tube combos :)
You can sue me later but in the mean time keep them coming!

As of this point in time, there are 3 combinations that I consider the sexist of them all. Here they are in no order of preference.

1. Gec B36 > Gec 6080 + Gec 6as7g
2. Mullard ECC33 > Cetron 7236 + Tung Sol 5998
3. Sylvania 6sn7w metal base > 6 x 6bx7gt

Have you ordered the GOTL yet? or you still deciding. :)
Apr 25, 2018 at 6:04 AM Post #19,661 of 40,012
Hopefully the trafos arrive this year is what I told Glenn, heh.

Wow, these are taking a long time, hopefully they will be worth the wait.
Apr 25, 2018 at 8:20 AM Post #19,663 of 40,012
I love Lundahl. :) I love Eikon and Atticus on the OTL amp. These 300 ohms dynamic headphones are a perfect match with this amp.

Well it's a day of listening to 3 of the most beautiful sounding combinations IMHO. Ending with Sylvania 6sn7w metal base with 6 x Sylvania 6BL7gta. That's right using 6BL7 this time. They are as superb as 6BX7. Louder naturally but with a 6sn7 driver, there's lots of volume to play with. This combination leaves me breathless. Such beautiful music from Atticus.
Apr 25, 2018 at 1:37 PM Post #19,664 of 40,012
As of this point in time, there are 3 combinations that I consider the sexist of them all. Here they are in no order of preference.

1. Gec B36 > Gec 6080 + Gec 6as7g
2. Mullard ECC33 > Cetron 7236 + Tung Sol 5998
3. Sylvania 6sn7w metal base > 6 x 6bx7gt

Have you ordered the GOTL yet? or you still deciding. :)
Nope not yet. Some "technical" stuff to take care of first :)

I love Lundahl. :) I love Eikon and Atticus on the OTL amp. These 300 ohms dynamic headphones are a perfect match with this amp.

Well it's a day of listening to 3 of the most beautiful sounding combinations IMHO. Ending with Sylvania 6sn7w metal base with 6 x Sylvania 6BL7gta. That's right using 6BL7 this time. They are as superb as 6BX7. Louder naturally but with a 6sn7 driver, there's lots of volume to play with. This combination leaves me breathless. Such beautiful music from Atticus.
How much does a Sylvania 6SN7W cost? I see some of them on ebay but they go around 299 for a pair. I don't know if it's a fair price.

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