1964 Ears Adel IEMs
Nov 30, 2015 at 11:47 AM Post #2,806 of 9,124
I'm about to order A12/A10 or U12/U10 .. Are there any measurements available around? According to the quick description on the 1964 website it is hard to tell what is the sound signature of those flagships. Which one should be 'more reference' ?
Also wondering if there is any sound difference between A and U models. When the signature is not what the person is looking for, then the U model is much easier to sell :wink:

Nov 30, 2015 at 11:53 AM Post #2,807 of 9,124
I'm about to order A12/A10 or U12/U10 .. Are there any measurements available around? According to the quick description on the 1964 website it is hard to tell what is the sound signature of those flagships. Which one should be 'more reference' ?

Also wondering if there is any sound difference between A and U models. When the signature is not what the person is looking for, then the U model is much easier to sell :wink:

64 Audio told Jelt the A10/U10 was their most neutral reference model. Someone else mentioned earlier in this thread, in general, the 64 audio universals are ever so slightly more midcentric than the customs. I imagine this may have something to do with the slightly fuller bass you get on a full custom due to fit and seal, rather than any specification differences.
Nov 30, 2015 at 2:59 PM Post #2,808 of 9,124
Cyber Monday Sale

Did you miss the Black Friday savings? TODAY ONLY, get 20% off all A-Series, U-Series, V6-Stage, V8 In-Ear Monitors. Sale ends today, November, 30th at 11:59pm PST.

Order at www.1964ears.com and use promo code: CM15 at checkout. Open to all international customers.

Nov 30, 2015 at 3:47 PM Post #2,810 of 9,124
  I ordered my on BF sale, but I was charged on original price. I sent them emails for adjustment, but I didn't get any response from the customer support. Did anyone have same issue like me?

Don't stress - they'll take care of it. Probably Rachel - she's great. You have no worries. They are an extremely honorable outfit.
Nov 30, 2015 at 4:06 PM Post #2,811 of 9,124
Don't stress - they'll take care of it. Probably Rachel - she's great. You have no worries. They are an extremely honorable outfit.

I guess I am messed up during the Black Friday. right now my Ear impression is stuck at UPS facility because it shows " We've left the package in our facility. This may cause at least one business day delay. / The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city". 
Dec 1, 2015 at 3:06 AM Post #2,812 of 9,124
I am selling my U12s if you are interested.  I have barely listened to them but I need the cash.  IM me if you are interested, maybe we can work something out.

Why, didn't you like them?

Hmm, any of the kickstarter backers received the adjustable modules/cases yet?

Still nothing here!

I was very surprised to see that the Control backers are now not receiving a U1, but a X2. I don't really mind, since I've already been waiting for a very long time and the X2's will be shipped to us this year. This project is one of the weirdest on Kickstarter I've backed so far: confusing communication, several overhauls/redesigns with different specs that just seem to magically appear out of nowhere.. I just hope those buds sound great :D

What on earth is an X2?

Yes the Linum bax fits in 64 Adel recessed sockets. But after you fit it in, you'll need pliers to pull them out as the connectors are very tiny and you won't be able to grip them. I'd recommend other cables though.
I'm using BTG starlight. But you can use most aftermarket cables. I've tried with Norne, DHC, Whiplash, PW audio.

Why would you recommend other cables? Are you not a fan of linum for some reason?

Can anyone post some pics with their U-Series in their ears? I'm trying to get a feel for how the sit in the ear. I saw one pic pretty far back, but I'm looking for more. I'm on the verge of ordering U-8's, but would like to see them actually in the ear. I've had trouble with earphones before and I want to make sure I'm making an educated decision. Any help would be great!

I'll try and help with this too later, I would say that my u12s are comfy enough for at least 3-4 hours listening (haven't had the chance to do more in one sitting!)

Got it, thanks. I got the cable out and now using linum balanced. Still breaking it in.

What do you mean by breaking it in?
On a separate question to everyone, is there actually any discernable difference between the linum cables? (thinking of getting one).

I'm about to order A12/A10 or U12/U10 .. Are there any measurements available around? According to the quick description on the 1964 website it is hard to tell what is the sound signature of those flagships. Which one should be 'more reference' ?

Also wondering if there is any sound difference between A and U models. When the signature is not what the person is looking for, then the U model is much easier to sell :wink:

Whilst the U10s are touted as being more reference, its fair to say that most of the upper tier Adel series aren't far from balanced. Just slight differences in where their weighting lies :D
Dec 1, 2015 at 3:28 AM Post #2,814 of 9,124
Whilst the U10s are touted as being more reference, its fair to say that most of the upper tier Adel series aren't far from balanced. Just slight differences in where their weighting lies

I agree.
The A12 is its not bright or clear sounding, but is instead warm and slightly thick/lush. Initially, it didn't sound balanced nor exceptionally detailed as well.
After spending so much time with it though, the A12 actually is very, very detailed and sounds quite linear to me, although the bass is obviously boosted, and it has a warm and thick/lush signature. Totally deserves its TOTL status IMHO.
Dec 1, 2015 at 4:22 AM Post #2,815 of 9,124
I agree.

The A12 is its not bright or clear sounding, but is instead warm and slightly thick/lush. Initially, it didn't sound balanced nor exceptionally detailed as well.

After spending so much time with it though, the A12 actually is very, very detailed and sounds quite linear to me, although the bass is obviously boosted, and it has a warm and thick/lush signature. Totally deserves its TOTL status IMHO.

While I think I get what you're saying it seems worth disagreeing with a couple of your points.

Let me start by saying it bugs me that bright is so often equated with clear. If this were true I would still own the T90. We agree the A12 isn't bright (thankfully), but to my ears it's immensely clear (oh so thankfully).

We can agree again that it has a bit of a warm tilt, but I'm not hearing thick/lush. That's the beauty of the A12 - warm yet fast and accurate, along with with significant detail across the entire spectrum. Also the precise instrument placement of the A12 doesn't really fit with what comes to (my) mind for thick/lush.
Dec 1, 2015 at 4:54 AM Post #2,816 of 9,124
While I think I get what you're saying it seems worth disagreeing with a couple of your points.

Let me start by saying it bugs me that bright is so often equated with clear. If this were true I would still own the T90. We agree the A12 isn't bright (thankfully), but to my ears it's immensely clear (oh so thankfully).

We can agree again that it has a bit of a warm tilt, but I'm not hearing thick/lush. That's the beauty of the A12 - warm yet fast and accurate, along with with significant detail across the entire spectrum. Also the precise instrument placement of the A12 doesn't really fit with what comes to (my) mind for thick/lush.

Sorry. I did mis represent myself.reading back I feel I was somewhat contradictory as well.

I did intend to mean that contrary to most people's initial impression, the a12 is actually a pretty linear ciem with a warm tilt thats is exceptionally detailed. The warmth and smoothness does give an illusion that it is thick/lush but it isn't.

I'd like to add that had the nt6 for a period of time (sold it recently) and i can safely say the a12 will not be beaten in terms of detail, and in a direct comparison with nt6 the a12 is mich warmer.

Hope I didnt confuse anyone much.
Dec 1, 2015 at 8:47 AM Post #2,818 of 9,124
I am selling my U12s if you are interested.  I have barely listened to them but I need the cash.  IM me if you are interested, maybe we can work something out.

Why, didn't you like them?

It's not that I didn't like them because I barely gave them a listen.  While waiting for the U12s to go into production, I have accumulated way too many IEMs. I have more IEMs and Amp/DAC then I know what to do with (it's a sickness).  My best option was to see if I can unload this one since it's brand spanking new.  I am looking to put my UmPro30, 50 and pfe232 on sale shortly as well.  I also need cash for my other hobby so it's not about the U12.  I actually love the 1964 sound signature and would buy another set of IEMs from them any day.  I am keeping my V8s which I absolutely LOVE.  

Dec 1, 2015 at 11:06 AM Post #2,819 of 9,124
I agree.

The A12 is its not bright or clear sounding, but is instead warm and slightly thick/lush. Initially, it didn't sound balanced nor exceptionally detailed as well.

After spending so much time with it though, the A12 actually is very, very detailed and sounds quite linear to me, although the bass is obviously boosted, and it has a warm and thick/lush signature. Totally deserves its TOTL status IMHO.

This is exactly how I feel about my A12's, exceptionally pleased with them. Warm, not bright, incredible detail/soundstage/separation, I should inform buyers that the A12 is being constantly improved. My left one was repaired and came back with several upgrades including plastic instead of metal thingys on the sound tube and re-arrangement of drivers. I've also noticed that the most recent A12's have different sound tubes. 64 uses a special type drill to make one of the tubes bigger at the end than the others (which are straight drilled). The latest A12's have all the tubes drilled. They are constantly improving and no one has better customer service.
Dec 1, 2015 at 4:34 PM Post #2,820 of 9,124
  I'm about to order A12/A10 or U12/U10 .. Are there any measurements available around? According to the quick description on the 1964 website it is hard to tell what is the sound signature of those flagships. Which one should be 'more reference' ?
Also wondering if there is any sound difference between A and U models. When the signature is not what the person is looking for, then the U model is much easier to sell :wink:

regarding my own question, I just got (kind of) expected response from the 1964 Ears representative:
"Hello John, I'd be glad to help. We don't release FR graphs for our models but I can advise based on your description. The A10 is the flat/neutral model I would recommend. The A12 is more colored with a big/rich sound. For studio work and music production, the A10 is the model which fits the best. The U-Series and A-Series models are tuned similarly. But due to the fact the placement of the universal in ear affects sound signature (the deeper it is, the brighter the highs), the universal sound can differ from the custom. -Alex"
So I already ordered the U12 - perhaps I can order also the A10 and hear the difference then :)))

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