「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
May 7, 2014 at 11:10 PM Post #112,486 of 177,750

Take note that these headphones are perfect for cosplay, but they don’t actually transmit music

Shouldn't be too hard to just put in some speaker drivers into them.
Random Ononoki gifs

  I like her too! There isn't really anyone in this series that I don't like :p
Well, at first I wasn't that much of a Kaiki fan but I learned to love him in the last Monogatari SS arc.

I remember Ononoki's encounter with Kaiki in that last arc. Didn't Kaiki say he was going to punch Ononoki if she said "Peace, peace" again
She knows stuff!

Yes, please. I never cared about being manly anyway.

She's like the opposite to Hanekawa, who only knows what she knows.

  Adult Shinobu is best Shinobu.

  But Shinobu is best Shinobu. WHY U BE TALKING ABOUT AGE?!

Loli shinobu is best shinobu... for safety issues....... She can tear arms off T-T

And Mister Donuts offers you supreme control...so yeah.

+1 for loli Shinobu
May 7, 2014 at 11:14 PM Post #112,487 of 177,750
Two Chaikas. Wow. Just wow. And the red one is as funny as the white one. Kind of disappointed that this episode is "strip Chaika to underwear" episode. I'm liking this anime because of the unsexualised lolis in it (disregarding that one Gillette assistant who wears a coat on top of a mizugi) as one of the reasons. Other than the minor complaint of a sexier, red Chaika, this is becoming the best non-JoJo anime. Sidonia have to step up big time in some way.
May 7, 2014 at 11:48 PM Post #112,492 of 177,750
But Shinobu is best Shinobu. WHY U BE TALKING ABOUT AGE?!

No no no, you do not understand our very deep philosophical disagreement. Let me explain in the laymans.

This is a apples.

You see, there are two main ways to tell when one should pick the apples. There is the date, or age of the apples, as well as the firmness, or feel of the apples.

Once picked, the apples will stop ripening, leaving the apples with certain predispositions. These predisposition will affect our later relationship with said apples.

One could say we are +1 apples either way but the apples could not be considered equal.

What we are therefore arguing about is at what point this fruit is ripe for the picking. When would it be at its highest potential for delicious state? Pick too soon and you are provided a squishy donut stuffing sweetness that can grown to nothing more then a diabetic mess. Too late and you have a firm yet psychopathic bitterness that can lead to world ending zombification.

I contest one should aim closer to the former while my comrade believes the latter a better target. One apples is another apples but not also, even the same apples is not free from the effects of time upon itself. Think of oneself and the growth/change one goes through. Is one at the date of 8 years the same one as the date of 22 years? Would the pushing off the nest at one moment rather then another change the futurez?

Identity is funny a thing. Too quick a change and shaken the self is. The gap no info for transition to connect. Progressive smoothness and one can cope, even not notice. Law of identity, Ship of the Theseus, TheLoliEffect™, blah, blah, nekomimi.

One should not take the picking of apples lightly in other words... Kay.

Loli Nekomimi Shinobu #1!
May 8, 2014 at 12:02 AM Post #112,494 of 177,750
I have failed you my fruend....


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