「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
May 8, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #112,501 of 177,750
You'll be singing a different tune when Kizumonogatari comes out!! I'll be the one to get the last laugh in the "best Shinobu" debate!

Heh, we'll see about that...
But Shinobu is best Shinobu. WHY U BE TALKING ABOUT AGE?!

No no no, you do not understand our very deep philosophical disagreement. Let me explain in the laymans.

This is a apples.

You see, there are two main ways to tell when one should pick the apples. There is the date, or age of the apples, as well as the firmness, or feel of the apples.

Once picked, the apples will stop ripening, leaving the apples with certain predispositions. These predisposition will affect our later relationship with said apples.

One could say we are +1 apples either way but the apples could not be considered equal.

What we are therefore arguing about is at what point this fruit is ripe for the picking. When would it be at its highest potential for delicious state? Pick too soon and you are provided a squishy donut stuffing sweetness that can grown to nothing more then a diabetic mess. Too late and you have a firm yet psychopathic bitterness that can lead to world ending zombification.

I contest one should aim closer to the former while my comrade believes the latter a better target. One apples is another apples but not also, even the same apples is not free from the effects of time upon itself. Think of oneself and the growth/change one goes through. Is one at the date of 8 years the same one as the date of 22 years? Would the pushing off the nest at one moment rather then another change the futurez?

Identity is funny a thing. Too quick a change and shaken the self is. The gap no info for transition to connect. Progressive smoothness and one can cope, even not notice. Law of identity, Ship of the Theseus, TheLoliEffect™, blah, blah, nekomimi.

One should not take the picking of apples lightly in other words... Kay.

Loli Nekomimi Shinobu #1!

The age the apple falls from the tree is questionable though, but arguably ~18, after the age of loli.
Then again, shinobu is as old as your imagination, so... >.>
  This series just loves to make you hate characters. Now I hate Nadeko (didn't really like her too much in the first place). These couple of episodes have been a pain to watch.

Whaat, how can you hate Nadeko?
  Lots of recap I'm just skipping in the later episodes.

Yeah, there are lots of recap episodes in SS that you can skip.

@bowei006 if you ever do watch Jojo, you need to watch it with Duwang subs. 

Welp, tonight I finished the 7th of 8 (and probably the final/true route for what it's worth) of Rewrite, after like 8 freaking months. And the ending was GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!
New amazeballs song for the ending too:

Which is a vocal-ized version of this song:

May 8, 2014 at 12:50 AM Post #112,502 of 177,750
In all seriousness, Chaika is a an amazing anime. Good fantasy setting, where the world is now at peace after defeating The Evil Emperor by The Heroes. Characters are hardly bland, but then they are quickly characterized and while it seems they are one-note (e.g. a sister that's conveniently not blood related and is a brocon) it still leaves room for development to extend from that trope. Also, with the exception of one spoilery loli character, all the lolis are not annoying little ****s. Thank God. Chaika is genuinely adorable, not like all the other annoying walking instant diabetes-cancer. Toru is The Last Sane Man or something, is not a boring walking sac of potatoes meant to be a self insert, and is calling on the ******** when his conveniently-not-blood-related sister Akari is showing on her brocon tendencies. Or at least act weirded out since he's 90% of the time he is oblivious to her non-sister's brocon advances.

Fights are well coordinated, does not depend on usual shonen fight trappings (the art style might suggest it). The studio (and probably the source) knows what subtlety is and not drop massive amount of dry boring exposition like a cement truck falling of a bridge on top of a busy, rush hour freeway (well if that were to happen, sure as hell it won't be boring and pretty terrifying). Jokes are pretty well done and can see there's effort put into it. If not it will always be about how Akari's boobs are big and squishy hurr durr (NGNL you ****fest).

Sidonia and Chaika are neck and neck at being non-JoJo AOTS.

But then again, a two horse race is hardly fun, so I've been meaning to catch up on some other shows. Mahouka seems to be /r/politics wet dream or something, so **** that. Also there's Mr. Perfect But I'm Not Really, so **** that too. So much for supporting best girl Erika. Sorry.

NGNL is crap. Being self aware doesn't change the fact that you're a power fantasy for gaming shut ins.

I have to get on my word and actually watch Blade and Soul for Reasons(TM).

I should get back to Isshuukan Friends since I said I didn't contract diabetes type 2 immediately and kind of like it. Similarly Kawaisou.

I actually liked Sekai wa Utsukushii, and already watched the 2nd episode.

And maybe I should feel my brain melt and leak out of my nose by watching former-prematurely-labeled-non-JoJo-AOTS Captain Earth.
May 8, 2014 at 12:53 AM Post #112,503 of 177,750
Ahahahaha, to any other aspiring photographers out there, here's an excellent video on how to look more pro!

May 8, 2014 at 1:27 AM Post #112,505 of 177,750
In all seriousness, Chaika is a an amazing anime. Good fantasy setting, where the world is now at peace after defeating The Evil Emperor by The Heroes. Characters are hardly bland, but then they are quickly characterized and while it seems they are one-note (e.g. a sister that's conveniently not blood related and is a brocon) it still leaves room for development to extend from that trope. Also, with the exception of one spoilery loli character, all the lolis are not annoying little ****s. Thank God. Chaika is genuinely adorable, not like all the other annoying walking instant diabetes-cancer. Toru is The Last Sane Man or something, is not a boring walking sac of potatoes meant to be a self insert, and is calling on the ******** when his conveniently-not-blood-related sister Akari is showing on her brocon tendencies. Or at least act weirded out since he's 90% of the time he is oblivious to her non-sister's brocon advances.

Fights are well coordinated, does not depend on usual shonen fight trappings (the art style might suggest it). The studio (and probably the source) knows what subtlety is and not drop massive amount of dry boring exposition like a cement truck falling of a bridge on top of a busy, rush hour freeway (well if that were to happen, sure as hell it won't be boring and pretty terrifying). Jokes are pretty well done and can see there's effort put into it. If not it will always be about how Akari's boobs are big and squishy hurr durr (NGNL you ****fest).

Sidonia and Chaika are neck and neck at being non-JoJo AOTS.

But then again, a two horse race is hardly fun, so I've been meaning to catch up on some other shows. Mahouka seems to be /r/politics wet dream or something, so **** that. Also there's Mr. Perfect But I'm Not Really, so **** that too. So much for supporting best girl Erika. Sorry.

NGNL is crap. Being self aware doesn't change the fact that you're a power fantasy for gaming shut ins.

I have to get on my word and actually watch Blade and Soul for Reasons(TM).

I should get back to Isshuukan Friends since I said I didn't contract diabetes type 2 immediately and kind of like it. Similarly Kawaisou.

I actually liked Sekai wa Utsukushii, and already watched the 2nd episode.

And maybe I should feel my brain melt and leak out of my nose by watching former-prematurely-labeled-non-JoJo-AOTS Captain Earth.

Even after the cream scene in ep 1, you didn't drop it. I am impress. 
Thanks for the review/impressions. I was failry impressed with the first epsiode. But tests made it so I can only follow around 3-4 series a week.
I'll be picking this back up then. 
Sidonia is fairly interesting and on my definite watch of course.
Mahouka doesn't have as much politics as we make it seem. We just over analyze. I don't think you'll like it anyway...like at all.
I'm liking NGNL but not overly a lot. the first episode was nice, but it's taken quite a low turn recently
I'm liking Ishhukan and Sekai as warm anime to watch. Not too too much backing them, but it's fluffy :D
May 8, 2014 at 1:36 AM Post #112,506 of 177,750
NGNL lost the "unbeatable pair" thing for me when the MC literally lost his s@#t the instant something went wrong. Seriously, take a page out of Lelouch's book.

1 week friends is just wholesome fluffy fun. I'd recommend it to anyone, just like Gin no Saji.

Mahouka is pretty eh for me. Needs more action, right now the setup story for that 1st arc is taking way too long.

Sidonia is pretty good, but they really need to start developing the characters instead of killing them off. Seriously, there's only so much killing off that should happen before the whole thing gets old.
May 8, 2014 at 1:38 AM Post #112,507 of 177,750
NGNL lost the "unbeatable pair" thing for me when the MC literally lost his s@#t the instant something went wrong. Seriously, take a page out of Charles Gi Brittania's book.

1 week friends is just wholesome fluffy fun. I'd recommend it to anyone, just like Gin no Saji.

Mahouka is pretty eh for me. Needs more action, right now the setup story for that 1st arc is taking way too long.

Sidonia is pretty good, but they really need to start developing the characters instead of killing them off. Seriously, there's only so much killing off that should happen before the whole thing gets old.

Yeah, some of it is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah, I like how Mahouka is A LOT more mellow and casual with it's story rather than boom action like many anime like it. However it is too slow and small scale at the same time.
May 8, 2014 at 1:52 AM Post #112,508 of 177,750
  Heh, we'll see about that...
The age the apple falls from the tree is questionable though, but arguably ~18, after the age of loli.

Best. Discussion. Ever.

May 8, 2014 at 2:04 AM Post #112,510 of 177,750
Heh, we'll see about that...

His defeat shall be swift and fluffy!

The age the apple falls from the tree is questionable though, but arguably ~18, after the age of loli.
Then again, shinobu is as old as your imagination, so... >.>

Tiss why I take the position of ignoring such arbitrary legal numbers that are not completely arbitrary but arbitrary enough.

Now, depending on the lore of the bat people, they stop aging or age very slowly only in appearance. Either way, it is implied change still happens in that mental processes continue. Neural networks are stimulated and mental position, leading to actions, are formed and reformed. However, being the mind has limitations, one would think such a brain will have trouble captioning events say 5,679 years back. No citation to peer review paper needed, I am the source of truth.

But let us ignore the small details for sake of simplicity. Taking Shinobu as given in the series so far, her idiosyncrasies, while at times childish, are backed only by a lethal and cunning foundation of maturity. To consider this woman a child in either form is a deadly mistake one should not make. Their is innocence in a child, lack of concept, fragility of mind. I propose shinobu to be non of the above in such meaningful way as to comply to ethical troubles plaguing loli love. She displays childish behavior both at full bloom and below as many people do. Love can do that to a person for one, I know from experience... of course.

I should also clarified I use the word loli to identify aesthetics and not a number. Ergo, as mentioned in this thread before, a 26 year old can then be classified as loli goddess.

Loli Nekomimi Master Race! \(*_*)/

Wait! Am I being serious here? No, of course I'm not....*

Whaat, how can you hate Nadeko?


In all seriousness, Chaika is a an amazing anime. Good fantasy setting, where the world is now at peace after defeating The Evil Emperor by The Heroes. Characters are hardly bland, but then they are quickly characterized and while it seems they are one-note (e.g. a sister that's conveniently not blood related and is a brocon) it still leaves room for development to extend from that trope. Also, with the exception of one spoilery loli character, all the lolis are not annoying little ****s. Thank God. Chaika is genuinely adorable, not like all the other annoying walking instant diabetes-cancer. Toru is The Last Sane Man or something, is not a boring walking sac of potatoes meant to be a self insert, and is calling on the ******** when his conveniently-not-blood-related sister Akari is showing on her brocon tendencies. Or at least act weirded out since he's 90% of the time he is oblivious to her non-sister's brocon advances.

Fights are well coordinated, does not depend on usual shonen fight trappings (the art style might suggest it). The studio (and probably the source) knows what subtlety is and not drop massive amount of dry boring exposition like a cement truck falling of a bridge on top of a busy, rush hour freeway (well if that were to happen, sure as hell it won't be boring and pretty terrifying). Jokes are pretty well done and can see there's effort put into it. If not it will always be about how Akari's boobs are big and squishy hurr durr (NGNL you ****fest).

Sidonia and Chaika are neck and neck at being non-JoJo AOTS.

But then again, a two horse race is hardly fun, so I've been meaning to catch up on some other shows. Mahouka seems to be /r/politics wet dream or something, so **** that. Also there's Mr. Perfect But I'm Not Really, so **** that too. So much for supporting best girl Erika. Sorry.

NGNL is crap. Being self aware doesn't change the fact that you're a power fantasy for gaming shut ins.

I have to get on my word and actually watch Blade and Soul for Reasons(TM).

I should get back to Isshuukan Friends since I said I didn't contract diabetes type 2 immediately and kind of like it. Similarly Kawaisou.

I actually liked Sekai wa Utsukushii, and already watched the 2nd episode.

And maybe I should feel my brain melt and leak out of my nose by watching former-prematurely-labeled-non-JoJo-AOTS Captain Earth.

OMG XD so much funnies! Can not breath the airu!
May 8, 2014 at 2:12 AM Post #112,511 of 177,750
Ahahahaha, to any other aspiring photographers out there, here's an excellent video on how to look more pro!

The weird thing is, there's actual useful advice in there too.

Surprisingly, yeah some of the tips for positioning your arms and stuff are useful.
  Heh, we'll see about that...
The age the apple falls from the tree is questionable though, but arguably ~18, after the age of loli.

Best. Discussion. Ever.

Wow, nice find!!! That's indeed a glorious discussion.
Btw, I tried the K701s yesterday. Eeyup, the midrange is way forward on them, lol. My mistake. 

Heh, we'll see about that...

His defeat shall be swift and fluffy!

The age the apple falls from the tree is questionable though, but arguably ~18, after the age of loli.
Then again, shinobu is as old as your imagination, so... >.>

Tiss why I take the position of ignoring such arbitrary legal numbers that are not completely arbitrary but arbitrary enough.

Now, depending on the lore of the bat people, they stop aging or age very slowly only in appearance. Either way, it is implied change still happens in that mental processes continue. Neural networks are stimulated and mental position, leading to actions, are formed and reformed. However, being the mind has limitations, one would think such a brain will have trouble captioning events say 5,679 years back. No citation to peer review paper needed, I am the source of truth.

But let us ignore the small details for sake of simplicity. Taking Shinobu as given in the series so far, her idiosyncrasies, while at times childish, are backed only by a lethal and cunning foundation of maturity. To consider this woman a child in either form is a deadly mistake one should not make. Their is innocence in a child, lack of concept, fragility of mind. I propose shinobu to be non of the above in such meaningful way as to comply to ethical troubles plaguing loli love. She displays childish behavior both at full bloom and below as many people do. Love can do that to a person for one, I know from experience... of course.

I should also clarified I use the word loli to identify aesthetics and not a number. Ergo, as mentioned in this thread before, a 26 year old can then be classified as loli goddess.

Loli Nekomimi Master Race! \(*_*)/

Wait! Am I being serious here? No, of course I'm not....*

Whaat, how can you hate Nadeko?


Yeah, the situation is too complicated to really care all that much, so whatevs. Just go with what makes you happy and not a felon. 

In semi-related anime news, here are some Danbo photos I took for a photography assignment that was due today:





May 8, 2014 at 2:17 AM Post #112,512 of 177,750
Yeah, some of it is a bit ridiculous.

Yeah, I like how Mahouka is A LOT more mellow and casual with it's story rather than boom action like many anime like it. However it is too slow and small scale at the same time.

I like a good bit of building up to actual plot too, but it's halfway through the season and we are still dragging on with the foreshadowing. Season would be over before we get to any actual progress.
May 8, 2014 at 2:17 AM Post #112,513 of 177,750
  Surprisingly, yeah some of the tips for positioning your arms and stuff are useful.
Wow, nice find!!! That's indeed a glorious discussion.
Btw, I tried the K701s yesterday. Eeyup, the midrange is way forward on them, lol. My mistake. 

Yeah, the situation is too complicated to really care all that much, so whatevs. Just go with what makes you happy and not a felon. 

In semi-related anime news, here are some Danbo photos I took for a photography assignment that was due today:





They look very well taken. The danboard's textures are quite nice.
May 8, 2014 at 2:33 AM Post #112,515 of 177,750
Just saw ep 2 of Chaika

Quite nice but
The reasoning for why the two are joining Chaika is quite thin at most. 

Really? They are mercenaries for hire(mostly) I find it pretty standard that they go where the money goes.

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