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Jun 5, 2013 at 8:37 PM Post #77,656 of 177,747
The whole point of complaining against some companies is to fight for the consumers. I can't really argue right now because I am smashed in my head for staying up so long into the morning (it's already post dawn @ 0426) so I am hoping that someone else that's into gaming *cough*Accoun*cough* can provide some examples why such and such companies are doing bad things to consumers and why such and such are bad.

It's not really hard to understand a company's POV, tbh: they are out there to get your money the cheapest way for them possible, the most expensive way out of us. They care about us as long as we care to give them money. Sometime they do some shady thing that people don't like to test the water and if that didn't work then revert back to fellating the consumer base with the cheapest way that worked before, before trying to rip off on a new scheme.

Also what I believe in. I don't advocate for it. I always advocate the point that someone is fighting against.
As an American. I should not be afraid to give my opinion. I should always strive for neutrality, and showing others the light. And I will always be disagreed with. 
Hitler was Evil? I'll combat that. Apple rocks? I'll offer counter examples you consumer slob PC Master Race FTW. Apple sucks? Well suck on these examples. 
People don't get me for this reason. "Bowei, why?" they ask. Well why not. We live in a demographic that has very similar views. Who are we to call others out when we live in a society where we are fine with everyone agreeing with us. And not learning anything. Most people I know are indoctrinated beyond saving. 

It depends on which kind of 'fight' you are talking about. Complaining about Haswell isn't exactly fighting for the consumer but for an enthusiast.
The complaints against Intel for not going uber class overclocking just isn't really a good fight.
A great example of complaining by enthusiasts that has caught on and taught people 'good' would be the complaints against EA and Xbox One. Most 'consumers' wouldn't know DRM or companies seeing it as 'ok' to enable all this schiit on us if the enthusiasts didn't complain. This was successful as we can see from Valve hearing the people(mostly) and EA getting fckd in the ass due to the complaints. 
The only thing companies know is from numbers. However numbers also have many problems. Such as the fact that they may not truly correspond with what a person wants. But just a person buying it for the hell of it. He may not like it or know it has DRM or realize it is a copy of another game(Zynga) but he'll just pay. Enthusiast compalining has enabled consumer and mass media pickup of actual qualms. This lets companies know that THIS IS NOT OK to do. EA got this memo this month as now they are dropping online passes. Microsoft is taking a hard look at periodic DRM if not what they once wanted to be always on DRM.
Those are some really good cases to complain against. However, one could argue for both sides. As a gamer, I like the side of fcking and shaming EA and Microsoft for it. But if I was a business man and no enthusiasts complained. I would fck the consumers hard. Make money, whatever.
I just like to shine a light on seeing what the company sees. Neutrality and all that.
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:45 PM Post #77,657 of 177,747
LOL DIDN"T READ! What did I miss?
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:49 PM Post #77,660 of 177,747
@bowei, I don't know if you missed it or anything, but the more probable reason why EA is dropping the online pass is because they probably got a deal with MS on their used games plan.

I'm actually about to go angry-reply before I realised that you're agreeing with me a bit in a roundabout way. Typical panda.
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:50 PM Post #77,662 of 177,747
hi guys, reporting in from the HK airport~

Oh dayum!!
I forgot you were going today!

This is your first time so some tips.
Don't puke..
Seriously. Sit back in your seat and look forward.
Do NOT listen to music when the plane flies up and is about to land.
Air will get stuck behind your ear drum. This is due to the plane's differential pressures as you rise and lower in altitude too fast.
It WILL hurt unless you have wide spaces back there. Most don't and will hurt.
You most likely won't get damaged even if it starts to hurt a lot. Seriously, it hurt so bad.
When it happens. Swallow your saliva. Just swallow. 
If that doesn't help. Squeeze your nose shut. And blow. Don't blow too hard. This should unpop your ears.
I find listening to music at high altitudes to suck and not sound good or feel good.
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:51 PM Post #77,664 of 177,747
@bowei, I don't know if you missed it or anything, but the more probable reason why EA is dropping the online pass is because they probably got a deal with MS on their used games plan.

I'm actually about to go angry-reply before I realised that you're agreeing with me a bit in a roundabout way. Typical panda.

Yeah, I'm agreeing with you while still keeping neutrality in a sense. 

I didn't keep up too much, but EA has made concessions, as did Microsoft did with their 'ideas' and plans due to enthusiasts influencing consumers and mass media about what was happening.
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:54 PM Post #77,665 of 177,747
This is your first time so some tips.

Don't puke..

Seriously. Sit back in your seat and look forward.

Do NOT listen to music when the plane flies up and is about to land.

Air will get stuck behind your ear drum. This is due to the plane's differential pressures as you rise and lower in altitude too fast.

It WILL hurt unless you have wide spaces back there. Most don't and will hurt.

You most likely won't get damaged even if it starts to hurt a lot. Seriously, it hurt so bad.

When it happens. Swallow your saliva. Just swallow. 

If that doesn't help. Squeeze your nose shut. And blow. Don't blow too hard. This should unpop your ears.

I find listening to music at high altitudes to suck and not sound good or feel good.

It doesn't hurt that bad. I've probably flied more than my fill for a lifetime, and I don't find it that bad. Kids can do it.

Another tip: chew some gum. That should make you constantly produce saliva to swallow to pop your ear. Sometimes your mouth just gets dry and you need some saliva for your ears.

Or do what I did: do none of that and just "push".
Jun 5, 2013 at 8:59 PM Post #77,666 of 177,747
It doesn't hurt that bad. I've probably flied more than my fill for a lifetime, and I don't find it that bad. Kids can do it.

Another tip: chew some gum. That should make you constantly produce saliva to swallow to pop your ear. Sometimes your mouth just gets dry and you need some saliva for your ears.

Or do what I did: do none of that and just "push".

How much?
I've probably flown 15 -20 times?
Oh right. Gum that too!
Only problem is that I can't keep chewing gum, once it loses flavor, I want to spit it out.
When you say push, you mean the squeeze your nose and blow right?
Jun 5, 2013 at 9:07 PM Post #77,668 of 177,747

I must say, some American are strange for sure.

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