「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:14 PM Post #44,476 of 177,747
LOL, our school went on lockdown last week because someone was shooting at birds in their backyard about 3 blocks away from our school... >_<

Wow. Some robbery at the nearby HESS gas station (I think) made the schools go into lockdown.
I think the fact is that reasponsible people are out there with guns, yes. But firearms have been a sign of 'Murican freedom for the past 300+ years. That may sound stupid but come on. The revolutionary war was started for even stupider reasons. 
We have a gang going with a gang leader. The gang leader "introduces" a new kid to the whole gang. They all play nice for a while and the new kid shows a lot of talent and brings in good money. He is a bit hard to reach though as he lives farther than the others do. As he brings in good dough and is a bit hard to reach, the gang leader just lets that kid go. But crap happens and that kid gets jumped by another gang so the gang leader comes and helps. Well, the gang leader and his boys that helped the new kid get banged up a bit and so they have some fees to pay. Well so with this whole incident, the gang leader decides to tighten the hold on the new kid more as it has been shown that he needs to keep an eye out. And he also wants a temporary(or not) larger share of that kids operations to make back some of those fees as you know, the leader helped. Well, that new kid erupts with anger as he has been given too much freedom and blah blah blah.
That is literally the American Revolution. Who wins wars rewrites history. That for one was quite an unjust war and also very hypocritical by today's standards.
So going back to the gun law. Yes. Murican's love their freedom. *sigh*
What is quite an astonishing thing is this article:
Basically another deranged dude showed up at an elementary schol in China and knifed a few kids. Well gues what. Like most countries in the world that aren't on the continent of Africa or S. America. Guns are hard to get if near impossible. This dude could only slash a few kids. Granted, not good but not a single person died. Some are in ER for heavy stitching but none the less. 

Simply put, America is dumb.
TMAC thread celebrates getting a lot of posts. Like we used to. And so:

If people only knew.......that this thread isn't exactly focused

This. LOL.
Well, glad to see that the seller did not just stop reading my messages (and that he is active right now, replying live).
The misunderstanding got cleared :)
Speaking of "dirt cheap", my uncle posted this to facebook a few days ago. I don't know if he wrote it (based on facts) or he quoted it from somewhere but it's quite a nice read:
Where did "Piss Poor" come from? Interesting history.

They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot.

And then once it was full it was taken and sold to the tannery...

if you had to do this to survive you were "Piss Poor".
But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to bu
y a pot...

They "didn't have a pot to piss in" and were the lowest of the low.

The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature
Isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be.

Here are some facts about the 1500's

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May,

And they still smelled pretty good by June.. However, since they were starting to smell,
brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor.

Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water.

The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water,

Then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children.

Last of all the babies.

By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it.
Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!"

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath.

It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals
(mice, bugs) lived in the roof.

When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof.
Hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house.

This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings

Could mess up your nice clean bed.

Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection.

That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt.

Hence the saying, "Dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery
In the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing..

As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door,
It would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way.
Hence: a thresh hold.

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire.

Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables
And did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers
In the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day.

Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while.

Hence the rhyme:

“Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special.

When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off.

It was a sign of wealth that a man could, "bring home the bacon."

They would cut off a little to share with guests

And would all sit around and chew the fat.

Those with money had plates made of pewter.

Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death.

This happened most often with tomatoes,
so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status..

Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle,

and guests got the top, or the upper crust.

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky.
The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days..
Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.
They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around
and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up.

Hence the custom; “holding a wake."
England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people.

So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave.

When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive.
So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell.

Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be,
“saved by the bell" or was "considered a dead ringer."

And that's the truth.

Now, whoever said history was boring!!!

So get out there and educate someone!
Share these facts with a friend.
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering,
"What the heck happened?"
We'll be friends until we are old and senile.
Then we'll be new friends.

Smile, it gives your face something to do!

You are quickly approaching the magic 1,500, young one.
Now you're finally one of us. \(^ω^\)
Hey, don't go raging on overkill.
Although it would indeed be simpler to do it the following way:
We have H20 + S02 -> H2SO4
Let, H = e1, O=e2, S = e3. (where ei is the ith standard basis is R^3)
Then we have:
x1(2,1,0)^t + x2(0,2,1)^t = x3(2,4,1)^t
We can put the vectors as rows in a matrix and apply Gauss elimination,
(2 1 0)~(2 1 0)~(2 1 0)~(2 1 0)
(0 2 1)~(0 2 1)~(0 2 1)~(0 0 1)
(2 4 1)~(0 3 1)~(0 1 0)~(0 1 0)
Which is in reduced form with three pivot variables. Therefore the three vectors are independent, and therefore there is no linear combination of the two reactants able to form the product of the reaction.
Trust me, this method is MUCH quicker than anything you're used to, as long as you understand the underlying math.
That doesn't really answer the question.
Besides, that wouldn't even work if you only use one playlist, and replace the contents of the playlist every time you switch artists.

Yeah, I'm a bit confused since I haven't learned any of this yet (they skip over so many things over here like direct variation; y=kx).
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to [jgray91]
Lonely birthday to me
I'll be here weeping with Aki-chan and Kafuka-chan.​

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! DON'T FEEL ALONE! YOU HAVE US! And to make you feel better, all of the birthday wishes (I think) compiled below so far.
Happy birthday Jgray.
You're an awesome guy and good friend. May you be blessed with a joyful and healthy life for many years to come.
(。-_-。 )人( 。-_-。)

Happy birthday Jgrizzle.
I'm going to have a drink for you.

Happy birthday Jgrey!
Though I do not regard birthdays as any more special than any other days....

Oh My GOD!! This is genius!!!!
I never thought of doing chem this way!!!
Thanks for the tip

and regarding the question, reacting sulfur dioxide and water will form Sulfurous acid not Sulfuric acid:
SO2 + H2O -> H2SO3

It forms it indirectly by first having two sulfur dioxide molecules bond with an O2 molecule which forms two sulfur trioxide molecules which then bonds with water giving you H2SO3 (we were taught that it was called sulfuric acid, which I think is called hydrogen sulfate or something).
Well, it's a day to stuff more food into my face. Meaning two XL pizza for me. Thanks for the wishes so far.

Hahaha. I can't eat that much so I'll never be able to understand.
Skipped 1000+ posts.
The diary thread is moving too slow, F them, I'm moving over here.

Welcome back!
...and you guys seem smart.

Secretly we're all idiots.
HI I'm new here seems like a forum in my style i just wanna know what are some of every-ones views of:
  1. Darker then black
  2. Black butler
  3. Pandora hearts

Welcome! *cue graphidz*
wHAT do you guys think of my custom IEM?

Looks nice actually.
**** you for taking post #44444

Why y'all Chineez?

Why not (and not all of us)?
Psh.. Zero quality control? We chinese don't need quality control. We do it right the first time!

Haha. True.

How is this reflection possible???


Finished my shift register in minecraft.
It has 8-bit parallel input, 16-bit parallel output, and an 8-bit unary input determining the amount of bits to be shifted.
I originally planned on making my calculator 16-bit, but since this shift register will become 4.13 times as big when supporting 16 bit operations, I think I'm gonna have to pass.
It uses 240 relays right now. If I'm making it 16-bit, it will have close to 1,000. LOL.

Dec 15, 2012 at 12:15 PM Post #44,477 of 177,747
OP updated due to request for update on OCN thread. 2 websites added and a link to the OCN Anime/Manga Thread (not our counterpart, another thread) for what a good spoiler is in the guidelines section.
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:18 PM Post #44,478 of 177,747

Finished my shift register in minecraft.
It has 8-bit parallel input, 16-bit parallel output, and an 8-bit unary input determining the amount of bits to be shifted.
I originally planned on making my calculator 16-bit, but since this shift register will become 4.13 times as big when supporting 16 bit operations, I think I'm gonna have to pass.
It uses 240 relays right now. If I'm making it 16-bit, it will have close to 1,000. LOL.

Real life equivalent

Why's 16-bit not 2x bigger?
and what's a 8-bit unary input?
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:20 PM Post #44,479 of 177,747
OP updated due to request for update on OCN thread. 2 websites added and a link to the OCN Anime/Manga Thread (not our counterpart, another thread) for what a good spoiler is in the guidelines section.

I need an account to view that thread. Not really helpful for someone to look at it to sign up to a site and never use it anymore.
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #44,481 of 177,747
I need an account to view that thread. Not really helpful for someone to look at it to sign up to a site and never use it anymore.

Forgot they blocked non-members in the "Member Run Clubs" section. I'll quote it and then reference it after this.
Haiby, I've never looked at your OP until now, and I've gotta say, good job man! 

Dec 15, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #44,482 of 177,747
Yeah, I'm a bit confused since I haven't learned any of this yet (they skip over so many things over here like direct variation; y=kx).
It forms it indirectly by first having two sulfur dioxide molecules bond with an O2 molecule which forms two sulfur trioxide molecules which then bonds with water giving you H2SO3 (we were taught that it was called sulfuric acid, which I think is called hydrogen sulfate or something).

Don't worry, you'd probably learn about Gaussian elimination when you get to matricies in maths!
While SO3 + H2O will indeed give you H2SO4 (Sulphic acid)
SO2 will not oxidize into SO3 under Room temp/pressure
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:30 PM Post #44,483 of 177,747
Don't worry, you'd probably learn about Gaussian elimination when you get to matricies in maths!
While SO3 + H2O will indeed give you H2SO4 (Sulphic acid)
SO2 will not oxidize into SO3 under Room temp/pressure

Doesn't it do that in the higher levels of the atmosphere? I don't remember the names of the atmosphere levels in order anymore. Learned it a few years ago.
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM Post #44,484 of 177,747
Real life equivalent :wink: :

Why's 16-bit not 2x bigger?
and what's a 8-bit unary input?

Well, it's not a real shift register, it's a modified version.

What I needed is a component that converts an 8-bit number into a 16-bit number, adding a configurable amount of zeroes in front.

Let's say I want to add three zeroes to the number 1001 1011 then the returned number of the component should be: 0000 0100 1101 1000.

My solution was to put an 8 bit shift register in series with a 9 bit one, in series with a 10 bit, and so on up to 16 bit.
Right now I'm thinking of smaller and quicker methods. I have some ideas.
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:43 PM Post #44,486 of 177,747
Doesn't it do that in the higher levels of the atmosphere? I don't remember the names of the atmosphere levels in order anymore. Learned it a few years ago.

Not sure, I'm not a chem expert either...
ask numbers-kun~
Well, it's not a real shift register, it's a modified version.
What I needed is a component that converts an 8-bit number into a 16-bit number, adding a configurable amount of zeroes in front.
Let's say I want to add three zeroes to the number 1001 1011 then the returned number of the component should be: 0000 0100 1101 1000.
My solution was to put an 8 bit shift register in series with a 9 bit one, in series with a 10 bit, and so on up to 16 bit.
Right now I'm thinking of smaller and quicker methods. I have some ideas.

Hmm... do you have a complete logic diagram of your calc?
Dec 15, 2012 at 12:54 PM Post #44,488 of 177,747
@tilpo, tru dat. gg + JJBA = too epic for this world. Also I would hazard Full OP for JJBA is going to be one fo the top 10 for 2012, but then it's going against Full OP of Jormungand: PO, R;N and more importantly against Jintai's. Truly a fierce fight for the top spot.

Either nobody noticed this, or they just ignored my unintended childishness.
Dec 15, 2012 at 1:00 PM Post #44,490 of 177,747
@ Shin Sekai Yori 
I just want this story to end. Stop with the cliffhangers ~.~

Yeah. I'm putting it on pause
I didn't read the constitution so I don't know of its details but...
glad you guys liked that English language history xP

Less than 1% of 'Muricans have read it as well. We only know parts and bits of it and kinda know what some parts say paraphrased. We know the Bill of Rights (in terms of being able to paraphrase and mumble through it) decently though.

I can;t believe Australia has a gun club :frowning2: 
Yeah, that was my point lol. They try to make it realistic but in the end it just looks ridiculous since practically everything has penetration. You get concrete blocks that can't block bullets, yet sometimes you get plywoods that save your face.
My schools tend to have the likes of cinder blocks in between classrooms and is easily 15~20cm thick. Though I notice the walls facing the hallways aren't as thick, with 10~15cm.

Skipped 1000+ posts.
The diary thread is moving too slow, F them, I'm moving over here.

HI I'm new here seems like a forum in my style i just wanna know what are some of every-ones views of:
  1. Darker then black
  2. Black butler
  3. Pandora hearts

I didnd't like Darker Than Black, it just wasn't for me.
Kuro****suji is an anime for females that like BL and bi-shounen aspects
Pandora hearts...about the same
wHAT do you guys think of my custom IEM?

Looks a bit plain
**** you for taking post #44444


I remember when the site dealextreme just opened, they sold LOOOOTSS OF RANDOM CRAP I DIDN'T NEED.
So naturally, me and my mates got together and chucked up an order of $500 or so, and once everything arrived, we realised why so much of the stuff was so cheap. 

We got some sweet green laser pointers though, but I can't help but feel I'm partly responsible for getting the things banned in Australia. I even got arrested too!
By the way, we were real careful about that stuff, and made sure there were no planes and what not nearby (we were pointing at stars), that 'report' was full of schiit, so naturally, I got off with no charges of course.
I remember going to school the following week, and the Vice Principal said to me, "mate, someone has already beaten you to the Red Baron". 

I watched DtB and Pandora Hearts, I really liked DtB.
Pandora hearts was meh compared to the manga (which is still kinda meh). I've been meaning to watch Kuroblablabla, I keep putting it off because the MC isn't a loli, but a shota!

There were some nice looking fake watches too lol
The Red Baron was like the Kira Yamato of World War I. 

He was the best fighter pilot around, but then he got shot down eventually.

Yep yep yep. Except he wasn't a tard crying every episode.

How is this reflection possible???

Anime physics...and or lazy artists.
XL pizza safely arrived. Stuffing face time. I think I'm going to jump on a JVC FXZ100 triple dynamic driver IEM as a late b-day present though, and maybe possibly my second last major purchase of head-fi.

Happy Birthday!!
Madoka SCSI ARt

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