「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Apr 2, 2012 at 12:31 AM Post #3,934 of 177,750
Finished Last Exile - Fam... okay, I get the epic music and battles, but I'm like "huh?" on some of the writing, especially on what the hell Luscinia and Liliana were up to. Like every week, a different writer won some rock paper scissor game to write about them.
Apr 2, 2012 at 2:15 AM Post #3,937 of 177,750
Checking back in (briefly--this thread updates far too often for me to stay subscribed):
Have been reading Vagabond and 20th Century Boys, thanks for the recommends.
20th is much faster paced, and so far (chapter 62) the narrative really does keep me engaged.
Vagabond started out nice, but the last 20-odd chapters are a bit draggy. Am at chapter 223, and my goodness is Hon'iden Matahachi ever annoying. He's probably second-most annoying character in the story so far, only because his mom is far, far worse.
Apr 2, 2012 at 2:28 AM Post #3,938 of 177,750

One question, does the way you burn in your headphones affect the way they sound?

Statistic shows that they do change a bit but for the better? That's still a question with no definitive answer.
I find burn in quite subjective, it depends on you and the headphones themselves. I didn't noticed too much change when my Beyerdynamic DT-880 Pro burned in because I wasn't consistently monitoring the sound characteristics, it takes too much time and my auditive memory doesn't last very long. I did noticed though a change with my Shure SE425 and my Fostex HP-P1 DAC/AMP.
At first, I thought the SE425 lacked bottom end and sounded quite stale at first but then after burn in the lows became punchier and fuller, highs went just a tad smoother but I think the mids remained unchanged but this could be from brain burn-in which means your brain adapts to the sound. The HP-P1 is much a surprising affair. It only took around 40 hours or so from being boring, analytical, grainy on the mids to absolute perfection with deep, punchy and squeaky clean low end; smooth forward mids; crisp and detailed highs and details so revealing that I'm always impressed by hearing details that I have never heard before.
So to sum up, burn-in is relative. Some believe in this phenomenon, some don't. It just depends on you and the headphones.
You have AKG K550 headphones haven't you? Quite an amazing headphone. I once auditioned it and found them to have a solid build and surprising amount of soundstage for a closed back headphone. What I didn't like though was the fact that getting a good seal is a pain, sweat builds up on the faux leather earpads, and the sound wasn't to my tastes. It's neutral but with a very warm tilt. I prefer a bright sound but with a considerate amount of lows.
Apr 2, 2012 at 2:54 AM Post #3,939 of 177,750

Is dead man wonderland good? I can't convince myself to watch it because I find the white haired girl extremely creepy.

While I haven't seen the anime yet, I have bought and read the manga on the basis that it looked interesting. It wasn't, I couldn't even be bothered to buy and read the second volume. It didn't moved me, it didn't woo me, it was just a gore fest for twisted minds.
Apr 2, 2012 at 3:27 AM Post #3,940 of 177,750
even a gore fan with a severely twisted mind i find deadman wonderland bland. Oh finally finished broken blade. It was good, then became great, but the sixth OVA turned out a bit rushed and deus ex machina-ish. Objectively, it is well animated and produced. The cast IMO suits the characters well. The only gripe i have with is the last OVA and its sucky ending and rushed feeling i get. Heck i don't mind a GAINAX ending, but nope. Just a sucky ending.
Apr 2, 2012 at 5:13 AM Post #3,943 of 177,750

Sexy commando seems interesting, I just hope my mum doesn't walk in while I'm reading it, she might misunderstand because of the title....

oh I guess it would be a manga, all I have ever seen is the anime series. I can't see how they could capture what i saw in a book. no way. Even if it did come first.
Apr 2, 2012 at 5:49 AM Post #3,944 of 177,750
[size=medium]C.C. from [/size][size=medium]Code Geass[/size][size=medium]. First impression: cool, cynical, indifferent. Deep inner side: oh so warm.[/size]

Something I found here: Sugar and Ice Personality. There's 2 ways, I reckon, to interpret the underlined statement. One is the normal anime fan's way. The other is the not innocent way.

It has been noted by TV executives that Magical Girl series usually have Multiple Demographic Appeal — not only are they popular among 4 to 9-year-old girls, but also among 19 to 30-year-old males. Shows such as Pretty Cure attempt to please both demographics. Nanoha is made exclusively for the second.

What makes Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha unique is the detail put into the fight scenes, much to the delight of the seinen market's nostalgia for grand space battles and fist-pumping action. Many people who can't stand typical Magical Girl shows enjoy Nanoha because of this.

Should I or shouldn't I be watching it? 


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