☯️ CAVALLI AUDIO ➜ The Liquid Carbon Upgrade Guide & Impressions Tour
Apr 18, 2016 at 2:59 AM Post #347 of 423
Less than 24 hours to go!
Apr 18, 2016 at 9:19 AM Post #348 of 423
Just 17 hours to go lol.
Apr 18, 2016 at 11:30 AM Post #352 of 423
Hey guys, just wanted to share a few last minute thoughts on pairings here, since I've heard all the big Cavalli amps. It's all totally subjective, of course, but I thought it might help out some people who are on the fence, etc. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
HD800 + Liquid Gold
Possibly my favorite amp and headphone pairing overall. Endless soundstage that's totally free and open, without borders (much like the Liquid Tungsten). The smoothest treble of any pairing with the HD800 - I can honestly crank it with no issues. Big bass you didn't know the HD800 was capable of. Warm and emotional sounding midrange that may occasionally squeeze out one or two man tears. One of the most, if not the most transparent sounding combo you can buy today.
HE1000 + Liquid Crimson
The Crimson is quite possibly the best pairing for the HE1000 period. It's neutral with a ton of treble extension and just a teeny hint of sparkle that hits the HE1000 just right. I've spoken with people at both companies who agree. Hifiman even borrowed a Crimson to show the HE1000 at their Axpona table when their big amp went down this past weekend. They could have probably asked for any amp at the show and they borrowed the Crimson. It's that good.
Abyss and HE-6 + Liquid Gold
You guys know by now that these are headphones that require big power to excel. And the LAu delivers. IN SPADES. The dynamic kick, organic warmth, transparency, detail, etc. all really come out to play when you run these guys balanced out of the LAu.
Beyerdynamic T1 + Liquid Crimson and Liquid Gold
There is a special kind of synergy between the T1 and the Liquid Crimson. That combo is just rock n' roll man. The LAu brings even more warmth and even more bass paired with the T1. I'd be hard pressed to tell you which I like better. They both sounded great.
All Your Old Orthos + Liquid Glass
Sure, they'll be dandy with the other amps too, but there are a couple of reasons why I like pairing the HE500, LCD-2, etc. with the Liquid Glass. One, it breaths new life into these headphones (which are still pretty darn good) with the ability to roll in different tube combinations. Every different tube set is like hearing your old orthos again for the first time. Warren once called this "the cure for upgradeitis." Two, I love tube bass. The organic warmth just makes it so much more real for me. Plus, you can get ultra dynamic tubes like the Shuguang CV181 that kick like a mule and just rock the hell out! 
Overall, I think they are all really, really nice amps, and you can't go wrong. And of course, you can pair the above mentioned headphones with the other big Cavalli amps as well. Just adding a few extra thoughts that might be helpful for those still trying to decide between a couple of different amps.
Apr 18, 2016 at 11:49 AM Post #353 of 423
I will probably order the LAU later today and sell me beloved crimson and carbon. Damn my bloody ears why did they like the gold so much.
Apr 18, 2016 at 12:36 PM Post #354 of 423
I'll second third and fourth what everybody else is saying up above the liquid gold is definitely the way to go with the hd800. it blew me away when it was here. Just figuring out what I can sell to get one myself.

Ask Warren what he thinks of the Bricasti M1/Liquid Gold combo. We were able to pair them together yesterday at Axpona.... Magic!
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Apr 18, 2016 at 12:49 PM Post #355 of 423
Did any of you try the Liquid Crimson with different tubes?

I am a happy Liquid Crimson owner and while it doesn't change character like the LG you can tweak it quite a bit. I paired it with a Vodshock/national '70S HG and the level of detail, bass energy and overall flow increased significantly (over the stock tube) which is pretty good already.

It scratched the upgradetitis just enough to shore me over to 2017 and the next batch of Cavalli amps :D

Full disclosure -> I haven't heard the LG so perhaps it's even more awesome, but probably not (denial, denial denial) :wink:
Apr 18, 2016 at 12:49 PM Post #356 of 423
Are any of you who are upgrading going to sell your Crimson or Glass now? Or are you waiting until you get your new amp? I have a Carbon but don't want to sell it. More interested in the Crimson even though I have a lot of tubes that would work in the Glass. Can't afford $2400 for a new Crimson but might find a way to swing a used one. Not sure what the used prices will be though.
Apr 18, 2016 at 3:05 PM Post #358 of 423
The Liquid Crimson has just landed. Listen tests commencing.

In the mean time here's some pics...

Freshly unboxed.

Size comparison to the Liquid Carbon, next to the DAC-19.

Mmmmmm. Tube glow.
Apr 18, 2016 at 4:41 PM Post #359 of 423
Time is a factor here so here's my very initial impressions on what the Liquid Crimson brings over the Liquid Carbon - tested with the LCD-2.2 and ETHER C 1.1 so far...

I hear a smoothness to the sound, a coherence that runs from the top to bottom that feels more "right" on the Crimson. There is more bottom end but it doesn't feel exaggerated. There is all the detail clearly heard, but it doesn't sound bright. There is a blackness to the background that allows the notes to fill in the space.

Listening to Eva Cassidy, Nightbird (live), Fields of Gold, and she's in a small venue on stage with the band behind her. She's clearly front and centre on the stage and in the track. On the Carbon I can place Eva in front and the space between her and the band feels somewhat close together. On the Crimson the depth is definitely increased and there is a much better sense of space. The same recording picks up glasses being clinked and people mulling about in certain portions of the track. On the Carbon the small details pop out as individual events. On the Crimson they feel more like part of the experience, more like I'm in the venue. There is a healthy amount of guitar amplifier distortion in the track during the solo and on the Carbon it's almost distracting. On the Crimson it actually helps make me appreciate the live recording more and doesn't stand out like a sore thumb. Smooooooth, and clean.... Detailed and weighty. Lovely.

So my initial thoughts are (and these are VERY initial thoughts) that the Liquid Crimson is easily a step up from the Liquid Carbon. I was concerned (or my wallet was hopeful) that I wouldn't really take to the sound, but the difference, to me, is clear and immediate. As has been said a few times, the Liquid Carbon is exceedingly enjoyable at its price point and it shares much of the same DNA as the Liquid Crimson, just not as refined. Based on my first hour of listening my thoughts are this... If this is what all of Cavalli's TOTL amps are like, and I'm sure they are, the choice is actually an easy one if you can afford it.

I've been playing around, just skirting on what I want from a headphone amp with the Oppo HA-1 (no time for direct comparisons but I know it well) and the Liquid Carbon. While the Carbon is better than the HA-1 amp IMO, the Crimson is clearly a step up. Let me put it this way, the Liquid Carbon tests the Cavalli waters with your toe. The Liquid Crimson has you jumping in to bath in the Cavalli waters. I wonder if the Liquid Gold will completely submerge you........
Apr 18, 2016 at 4:52 PM Post #360 of 423
Time is a factor here so here's my very initial impressions on what the Liquid Crimson brings over the Liquid Carbon - tested with the LCD-2.2 and ETHER C 1.1 so far...

I hear a smoothness to the sound, a coherence that runs from the top to bottom that feels more "right" on the Crimson. There is more bottom end but it doesn't feel exaggerated. There is all the detail clearly heard, but it doesn't sound bright. There is a blackness to the background that allows the notes to fill in the space.

Listening to Eva Cassidy, Nightbird (live), Fields of Gold, and she's in a small venue on stage with the band behind her. She's clearly front and centre on the stage and in the track. On the Carbon I can place Eva in front and the space between her and the band feels somewhat close together. On the Crimson the depth is definitely increased and there is a much better sense of space. The same recording picks up glasses being clinked and people mulling about in certain portions of the track. On the Carbon the small details pop out as individual events. On the Crimson they feel more like part of the experience, more like I'm in the venue. There is a healthy amount of guitar amplifier distortion in the track during the solo and on the Carbon it's almost distracting. On the Crimson it actually helps make me appreciate the live recording more and doesn't stand out like a sore thumb. Smooooooth, and clean.... Detailed and weighty. Lovely.

So my initial thoughts are (and these are VERY initial thoughts) that the Liquid Crimson is easily a step up from the Liquid Carbon. I was concerned (or my wallet was hopeful) that I wouldn't really take to the sound, but the difference, to me, is clear and immediate. As has been said a few times, the Liquid Carbon is exceedingly enjoyable at its price point and it shares much of the same DNA as the Liquid Crimson, just not as refined. Based on my first hour of listening my thoughts are this... If this is what all of Cavalli's TOTL amps are like, and I'm sure they are, the choice is actually an easy one if you can afford it.

I've been playing around, just skirting on what I want from a headphone amp with the Oppo HA-1 (no time for direct comparisons but I know it well) and the Liquid Carbon. While the Carbon is better than the HA-1 amp IMO, the Crimson is clearly a step up. Let me put it this way, the Liquid Carbon tests the Cavalli waters with your toe. The Liquid Crimson has you jumping in to bath in the Cavalli waters. I wonder if the Liquid Gold will completely submerge you........

Nice impressions! Has Cavalli confirmed a place in London yet? I still want to hear these beasties. Come to papa!

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