
  1. intoflatlines

    Westone ES5

    I tried them this weekend at CanJam and they were amazing. I want a pair!   Anyone else have thoughts about these new customs?   edit: I guess I should put my brief impressions.. Compared to TF10 customs (since I did compare side by side with them): I felt like it had amazing bass...
  2. UAndy

    Custom IEM "Fabolous Ears" (Fabs) from Berlin, Germany

    Short Report of the "Fabolous Ears" When visiting the German High-End HiFi-Exhibition in May, a new custom IEM was introduced by Claus Zapletal from Berlin. Details in www.fabsearphones.de. It is a two-way 3-driver system which is very small and therefore extremely comfortable to wear. In...
  3. Bengkia369

    Am I crazy to say Audio Technica ATH-EW9 is better than Westone 3???

    already owned a pair of EW9 and go to shop to audit Westone 3 because might want to get one high-end IEMs for commuting use. so I went ahead to listen to Westone 3 and was not impressed at all still find EW9 is much better in term of soundstaging, warm and very musical.   Am I crazy???  
  4. Pianist

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Someone had to create it eventually - e-Q7 definitely deserves its own appreciation thread. To my ears, it is the most balanced and natural sounding IEM I've heard to date, arguably more so than the $850 Westone ES3X custom I owned previously. e-Q7 especially excels at reproduction of vocals...
  5. dailylover

    Westone 3 VS RE0

    Hey guys,   I just got my pair of Westone 3's and to be honest i'm quite dissapointed.   Before these I have had my trusty RE0's for the past year, and well they are brilliant, even if the build quality isn't the best.   Anyway I love my RE0's, the clarity is just superb ! The only...
  6. catchedge

    Headphone match for S:Flo2

    I'm wondering what you guys are using as far as IEM's for the Nationite S:Flo2.   I'm looking at purchasing some IEM's for it but I haven't been able to find any information on what people are using with them, so please feel free to post your setup or past setups that you enjoyed.   I'm...
  7. mister__big

    Lost my UM3X... Recommend me a new pair!

    Unfortunately I seem to have lost my UM3X on the bus this week which really sucks for me since they're only a year old and I loved them. Well, you know what they say: "Out with the old and in with the new!" It's time to get a new pair of IEMs and I want to know your opinions on what to get based...
  8. OhHaiDere

    Sennheiser HD650 Amp - Need Help - N00b Here=)

    Hey everyone!   I just joined this community, so please bare with me as I'm a total newbie in the world of audiophiles.   So I will be buying a pair of Sennheiser HD650's very soon, and after much reading around I have realized that I will infact need to buy some amps for these...
  9. Shaka

    UM3X - removable cables or fixed?

    Hello, I've already searched the forum and didn't find an existing thread specific to my question so here goes ... A few years ago I bought my first decent earphones, a Shure make which I can't remember. A year later I upgraded to Shure SE530 which I thought were stunning. I sold them a year...
  10. hkppl

    Buy ES3X/ES5 get UM1 free

    Seems no one post this yet...   http://westoneaudio.com/index.php/um1-giveaway.html
  11. RBYRER

    Are Westone 3s on Ebay fake ?

    Wanted to know if the Westone 3s that are sold on Ebay are fake or not , since I have been hearing about all the fake senns sold there . I saw some that were being sold for $315 , and I thought that was a good price , but comming from Ebay , I feel you can't be too sure without checking them out...
  12. Sumflow

    What is the purpose of using a headphone amp on an in-ear stage monitor (IEM)?

    A recent ad said, "Headphone amplifiers are special purpose audio amplifiers designed specifically to drive “dynamic,” headphones to their ultimate performance."   Maybe you can clear this up for me please.  MacIntosh Power Amplifiers like I use to run three-way studio monitors in my home...
  13. Zalithian

    Westone UM3X Thread

    Doesn't look like there's a thread for this yet so I figured I would start one as I just received mine. I took some pictures for everyone. The quality isn't very good since I don't have a digital camera so my apologies! Initial impressions on sound - sounds...
  14. HeadphoneAddict

    Review: Three Flagship Custom IEM - Westone ES3X vs Jerry Harvey JH13Pro vs Ultimate Ears UE11Pro

    I first began my journey into custom IEM (in ear monitors) with the Livewires 2-way customs in the fall of 2007. Prior to that I'd had a year of experience upgrading from Shure E2c to E3c and then E4c, and I had owned my new SE530 for about 4-6 weeks. Plus I had owned the Denon C700 for about 6...
  15. Bum Rush

    Upgrade over Westone 2 IEMs, $300 budget

    Hey guys, I'm so close to finding the perfect product and never visiting this cursed site again (well, the IEM section at least ). I really like my Westone 2s a lot, but there are a few things that could be improved upon. This is going to be a rather long post, but please try to read it all and...
  16. tobprud

    Custom In Ear Monitors

    Hello I just sold me Westone 4r and planning to go custom. My choices are Fit Ear Private 222, Westone ES3, Unique Melody Miracle/Merlin and Jh Audio JH10/JH10X3. The reason I choose these models because my budget is around 900 dollars. I have been reading the reviews but I couldn't find any...
  17. Westone ES3X

    Westone ES3X

    Westone triple balanced armature driver 3-way passive crossover custom. 1 High, 1 Mid, and 1 Low drivers.