Earsonic’s SM3 vs. Customs
My Shure 530’s are coming back from warranty replacement (cable issue) again. This is my 3rd replacement in as many years, thinking it is time to move on. My preference is mid’s, love clear vocals but would also like a large soundstage. The Earsonic’s SM3 seem to be ideal based on what I have...- DTme
- Thread
- in-ear earsonics-sm3-universal-fit-iem custom-in-ear-monitors westone-es3x
- Replies: 18
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Scherzo Audio Andante revisited
It has been about a year since I purchased the Scherzo Audio Andante. As this turned out to be a review sample misrepresented as a member-owned amplifier, I subsequently returned it to its rightful owner, Mr Gontran Durocher, owner of Scherzo Audio and builder of the Andante. My previous...- HiFlight
- Thread
- red-wine-audio akg-k-340-in-canal-bud-headphone-fudge akg-k1000 koss-ksc35 hifiman-he-6-planar-headphone westone-es3x yuin-pk1-earphones
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Sony EX1000 & Westone 4 — Impressions
I was very fortunate to be able to try a pair of Sony MDR-EX1000s. I had them for 4 days. On the second day I placed an order to get my own pair. Here are some comments I made to the person who kindly let me try their EX1000s; I mostly compared them to the Westone 4: ----------------- ...- music_4321
- Thread
- sony-mdr-ex1000 in-ear westone-4-true-fit-earphones westone-es3x sony-mdr-ex-1000
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Westone ES2 or ES3X?
Hi guys, I have done a lot of searching but haven't been able to find a definative answer to my question. I am a drummer in a hard rock band, and I am in the market for a set of custom IEM's to wear on stage. When I am performing I am currently using Weston UM1's to listen to my click...- Mobile Ranger
- Thread
- westone-um1-stage-monitors in-ear westone-es3x westone-es-2
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Latte Espresso PMP
Every now and then, it is my good fortune to happen across an audio device that actually delivers much more than one might expect for the price. Such is the case with the media player from Lattezone. Given the unlikely name of Espresso, one might initially overlook this player, but upon...- HiFlight
- Thread
- portable-source-components westone-es3x
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
where can i get an UK a/c power adapter for my MINIBOX-ES
where can i get an UK a/c power adapter for my MINIBOX-ES 18V 1A 2.5mm jack I think cheers all- Havoc99
- Thread
- minibox-e headphone-amplifiers portable-amps minibox-es westone-es3x westone-es-2 westone-es-5
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
REVIEW: Head-direct.com HiFiMan EF2 tube Hybrid Amp with USB DAC
Sources: Macbook Pro with Pico USB DAC-0nly, and with EF2 built-in USB DAC. Music: Apple Lossless rips of Mark Isham + Kate Ceberano "Bittersweet", John H. Clark "Acoustik Guitar", Shelby Lynn "Just a Little Lovin", Jack Johnson "Sleep Through the Static" and "On and On", Arvo Part "Tabula...- HeadphoneAddict
- Thread
- alessandro-ms-1 denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones desktop-amps grado-head-fi-series-hf-2-headphones grado-rs1 headphone-amplifiers hifiman hifiman-ef2a-usb-headphone-amplifier sennheiser-hd-800-headphones westone-es3x
- Replies: 1,325
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Ipod classic(160g) + westone es5 + which amp ????
Hello~ I use Ipod classic(160g) and westone es5 (it will arrive soon.) Which portable amp is best choice for me? I have no idea about amp. please help me.- yop03
- Thread
- headphone-amplifiers portable-amps westone-es3x westone-es-5
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Westone Phones and repair
I am a bit of a lurker on these forums...I usually come around when I am thinking about buying something new. However, I had an experience with Westone that I feel ought to be put out there. I didn't really see a lot of threads on this but I may be missing them. I bought a pair of...- endus
- Thread
- headphones in-ear koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones westone-3-true-fit-earphones westone-es3x
- Replies: 67
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!
I auditioned a pair of these at a local audio store this morning. I heard that they are based on Orthodynamic technology and was really curious about what an Ortho sounds like. I plugged them into my Sony NWZ-A816 MP3 player without expecting much at all. The seller at the store told me that...- Pianist
- Thread
- fostex fostex-t50rp-closed-ear-stereo-headphones logitech-v20-notebook-speakers-black sennheiser-hd-280-headphones westone-es3x
- Replies: 11,345
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need help choosing IEM - Questions
Hello, Head-fi-ers! I have been reading this site for several months (thank you!) and finally decided to register. I see there is a lot of experienced people here and I hope I can get some help. I have gone through a major upgrade of my hifi kit in the last year (check this if...- AlmaataKZ
- Thread
- ultimate-ears-ue-5-pro ultimate-ears-ue-7-pro ultimate-ears-in-ear-reference-monitors in-ear custom-in-ear-monitors westone-es3x shure-se535-cl-triple-high-definition-microdriver-earphone-with-detachable-cable-clear westone-es-5
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Review: Unique Melody Aero custom triple driver IEM
INTRO Most people on HeadFi are already aware of Unique Melody. They are a custom IEM manufacturer based out of China who has rapidly become quite popular, mostly based on their remold service. Remolding is the process of taking an existing IEM and fitting the drivers/crossovers into...- project86
- Thread
- headphones in-ear jh-audio-10x3pro ultimate-ears-triplefi-10-noise-isolating-earphones unique-melody westone-4-true-fit-earphones westone-es3x
- Replies: 57
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
[Note: the thread starter and title have been changed.] Note that most of the links below go to impressions of the old non-Freqphase version. Addressing general concerns about JHA & JH13s http://www.head-fi.org/t/427222/jh-audio-jh-13-pro-impressions-thread/2940#post_5909960 JH13 pro...- Currawong
- Thread
- ultimate-ears ue-11-pro spider-realvoice-vertical-in-the-ear-headphone audiology jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors jh-audio in-ear custom-in-ear-monitors westone-es3x
- Replies: 10,753
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Wondering how these to products compare. you can let me know which is more accurate with the facts of the sound signature and also, which one is more fun to listen to... because sometimes as we know when just listening to music through an iPod accuracy isn't always the most important thing...- justyourboy
- Thread
- jh-audio westone-es3x custom-in-ear-monitors jh-audio-jh5-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Westone ES3X Appreciation Thread
Greetings, This thread originally started off as a question comparing the ES3X and the UE11. I have received my ES3X and the pics are here. I couldnt be happier, they sound as fantastic as everyone who owns them knows. Here is a link to HPA's review and many updates. It is very helpful if...- rubytuesday007
- Thread
- ue-11-pro in-ear westone-es3x
- Replies: 1,870
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Westone ES3X Filter Issue
Hey guys, I am having my UM3X's re-molded by fisher in about a week or so. At the moment I am trying to figure out how to design these puppies properly. The idea is to, essentially, make them sound as close to the ES3X as possible. I have called Westone and asked about the ES3X's design so here...- Madgravity34
- Thread
- in-ear westone-um3x westone-es3x
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Smallest Pelican Case for IEMs?
Hi all, My Westone Es3's are in getting ready for a recase. I noticed a fracture in the monitor and the sentence has been handed out by the techs at Westone... time to get them recased. I'm thinking I need a stronger case to keep them in while traveling. Westone supplied me with a...- jrm
- Thread
- in-ear westone-es3x
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
How do low-end customs like JH 5 or 7 compare to top-of-the-line Universals, like W3, WM3X, EM3
as titled. just wondering. what if i get customed tips for the universals?- eric621
- Thread
- westone-3-true-fit-earphones jh-audio westone-um3x westone-es3x jh-audio-jh5-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
IEMs vs Portables
With the recent influx of new universals, as well as new custom monitors, it seems like IEMs have taken center stage over portables, at least as far as attention goes. Question is, have high end IEMs surpassed high end portables as far as sound quality is concerned?- JxK
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors in-ear custom-in-ear-monitors westone-es3x audio-technica-ath-esw10jpn
- Replies: 32
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Desktop Amps with Portables
What are some full size 120v amplifiers that are dead silent with something like a Westone UM3X/ES3X and also having good channel balance at low volume?- M3NTAL
- Thread
- headphone-amplifiers desktop-amps westone-um3x westone westone-es3x
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
which customs Earsonics or Westone?
Hello, I am starting miss in-ears. I had UM3X and then JH13. I used UM3X with shure black foams, it was only one tips I have found acceptable as regards sound and comfort. Sound was very seductive mainly mids, I was very happy with them. I sold UM3X and I wanted to try JH13 due to the...- knopi
- Thread
- westone-um3x westone-um3x-3x-true-triple-armature-drivers-in-ear-monitor-professional-earphone earsonics westone westone-es3x westone-um3x-3x-true-triple-armature-drivers-in-ear-monitor-professional-new-with-removable-cable westone-es-5
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Westone 3!!!
Hello...Any word on the Westone 3? What do you think of it? Thank You!- Starsky5000
- Thread
- headphones over-ear westone westone-3-true-fit-earphones westone-es3x
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
I Own the UM3X and have absolutely fallen in love with it's sound. Unfortunately the housing for the drivers is too big for my ears and it hurts to have them in for more than an hour. This is unacceptable because I listen to music for hours at a time. So my question is how do the ES3X's sound...- vunderbar
- Thread
- headphones in-ear westone westone-es3x westone-um3x
- Replies: 16
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Good headphones for a basshead?
I listen to a lot of hip-hop/rap, so i like a lot of bass. Had a surround sound in a small dorm room (had to sell it, long story), and have a car stereo with a sound system that makes the car shake with its base. The system is about $1,000 or so. I don't know anything about it (bought the car...- Klasanov
- Thread
- headphones in-ear jvc-hp-fx500 phiaton-ms-400 westone-3-true-fit-earphones westone-es3x westone-um3x
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
ALO SXC vs Westone ES Cables ?
Hi there, anyone can chime in on the differences between the stock cables for Westone ES series and the silver-plated copper by ALO (SXC) ? I'm thinking of getting the ALO SXC for primarily aesthetical reasons (love the silver plated copper that won't oxidize to green !!!!!) but wondering if...- letloverule
- Thread
- alo-audio-sxc-cryo-ipod-dock cables headphone-cables in-ear westone westone-es-5 westone-es3x
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors