
  1. Dirtyworks

    Will I like the AKG K142HD's?

    I'm not one to buy super expensive cans - I have modded Sennheiser HD428's, Klipsch Image S4's and the terrible Corsair HS1A's. However, I do like decent sound quality. I love my HD428's, but I wanted to try something new. I ordered the AKG K142's on sale for $99CAD. I already have a decent...
  2. juntom10

    Replacement pads for AKG 142HD?

    I like the sound of 142HD, but it is quite uncomfortable.   Pad is pretty thin, and firm...   Are there any leather or velour pads (big ones are fine too) that will fit on 142HD?   Thanks in advance!
  3. Blktiger0

    Looking to upgrade, need advice

    I've been itching to upgrade to some nicer headphones lately, and after some research today, I decided it would be best to make an account on this site and ask for some advice. First off, some background info: In terms of headphones, I used whatever was the cheapest for years, until I decided...
  4. aexlii

    Help a new guy? :D

    Edit: please close, found the recommendation thread. Sorry for the trouble guys
  5. sobbapp

    Monster Turbine Pro Copper vs AKG K142 HD?

    I can get both of these for the same price. So objectively, which sounds better? I listen to almost all types of music and play games often.
  6. kryw

    Newb advice - Affordable headphones for classical music. Entry-level Audio Technica, AKG K142?

    Hi everyone,       I'm a novice regarding audiophilia and I'm a bit lost when I need to precisely define my expectations.    I mostly listen to classical music and I'm looking for relatively affordable headphones, that I would exclusively use at home. I'm a broke graduate student...
  7. Bagster

    New at heaphones need guidance!

    Hi I want to buy some good headphones but I am kind of noob at this.   My price range is  $250-280 , I am currently living in New Zealand. This means that the overall prices are higher.   Sennheiser hd 598 $280 usd. Denon Ah-D1100  $260 Usd Ultrasone HFi 580 $333 AKG K142 HD $260...
  8. RevAmped

    AKG K 142HD are they any good?????

    Wanted some opinions to decide if to get them   Listen to Metal, Rock, Rap, Dubstep, and Hip-Hop
  9. Toxos

    New headphone Idea's and suggestions

    Hi there! So I have been looking for new headphones for about a month or a month plus and I keep coming back to nothing... SO I came across this website a couple of weeks ago and realized I should research, but there isn't something here that helps me to the point of getting the right headphones...
  10. savan

    is this a good headphone

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0028N78HA/ref=s9_simh_gw_p23_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1PJRR9C2M56R69K8KM1H&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846   ok so is this a good entry level audiophile headphone and is this going to be heard by somebody if they...
  11. david p

    sennheiser or akg?

    hi everyone  which is better:k142hd or hd595? i have a nuforce udac-2 and looking for suitable headphone(between 100 to 130$) for it i hear rock and metal and jazz thanks for your help!!    
  12. Dobrescu George

    Need advice in audiophile headphone choosing

    So, after buying professional iems, that to not be overpriced, i am finally looking for headphones that to not be overpriced.... i mean in my country you rarley fiind things that are not overpriced.....    so.... anybody who knows some cans, i am into under 500$, that sound really good, i am...
  13. e-bay

    Amp for AKG K142HD?

    I'm trying to get into the audiophile scene... and I'm looking at the AKG 142HD's. I'll mainly listen to music on my macbook/iPod. Will I benefit by getting a portable amp, like the FiiO E5? I've read both that I need one, and that the AKG's are made to work fine with MP3 players. Just looking...
  14. eMotion3287

    AKG K141 Studio Vs. AKG K142 HD? Any Legit differences?

    Just lookin for some basic info. clearly the 141 costs less and since AKGs are famous for getting better with age, buying a used pair of 141s will run about 80 or below. though, if there is a difference in the 142hd other than fuzzy cups and Mila Kunis ranked sex appeal, id like to have that...
  15. padika11

    Portable amp/dac for AKG k 142 HD?

    Hi all! Could anyone suggest a well priced amp for that headphone?
  16. KrMaH

    AKG headphones stopped working properly after 2 days... help?

    I got my AKG K142HD's last tuesday evening. Got to say, sound quality was perfect, fit perfectly to my ears, and kept them fairly warm in the Norwegian cold. Until thursday... at about 9.35 on thursday, I have a study period, and I was quietly enjoying my new headphones when the left speaker...
  17. Coldcut

    Short review of a AKG listening session, various headphones

    Hi, went down to my local hifi dealer to get a pair of headphones for portable use, not walking or running though, will mostly be used on the train, busses, airplanes etc. Used my Iphone 4 for the tests.   Contenders are: AKG K518 DJ AKG K540 AKG K530 AKG K514 AKG K142HD AKG...
  18. KrMaH

    Is AKG K142 HD the right choice for me? need help...

    Hi Firstly, i would like to say that i am completely new to this topic. I have no experience whatsoever in the field called headphones compared to you guys out there. Second, i would also state that i did not know anything about the existence of something called a headphone amplifier thats...
  19. Maknut

    Newbie, new setup

    So, I am looking to upgrade the quality of my portable audio situation. have both and iPod 6th 80 gb classic and an HTC Evo. My current plan of attack is to switch over to the Evo as my portable player, instead of having the iPod as a dedicated device (seemingly redundant). (Side note: I would...
  20. fubarr

    Suggestions for replacing an AKG K142HD.

    The right driver in my AKG K142HD seems to have died. So I'm making this an opportunity for a change.   I dabble in some 'one-man-and-his-guitar' living-room songwriting and I do a little bit of sound editing and generic audio listening from DVD/Gaming. Thus, my source is invariably some sort...
  21. kas1

    AKG K142 HD driver size?

    I went from AKG K172 to K142.  I'm feeling the sound in the K142 (semi-open) is a much better than the K172 (closed). Is it because it's semi-open.  I'm wondering if the driver size in the K142 is larger than what's in the K172. I haven't taken it apart yet to compare but does anyone here know...
  22. H

    General Advice on first real headphones.

    Hey, so I recently decided I wanted to get headphones that are of a quality that will enhance my music listening experience rather than keep it stagnant. After spending tons of time searching the web and going through forums I couldn't find anyone that had a request similar enough to mine to...
  23. Tony5787

    AKG K240 vs K142HD

    I'm looking at buying either one of these models to listen to records at home with. Which ones would you recommend for casual listening and why? I listen to mostly psych rock and electronic music as well as folk if that helps at all. Thanks in advance.
  24. tehgreatguy

    Sony V6/MDR7506 VS AKG K142HD, Looking for advice and feedback on both, and which one is worth buying

    Back at it again, still have not found proper headphones to do the job...wah...wah...waaahh...   Iv been looking at the titles headphones because they seem to be the best and affordable choice for my wallet. I mainly just listen to jazz,house,trance,breaks. But the twist is that I game a lot...
  25. Thebrave246

    Looking for good >$200 pair of mostly gaming headphones

    I am currently only really able to buy from www.Tigerdirect.com because of a promotion and returns that are in process for me, so my options are pretty limited. I have seen the Sennheiser 280 HD Pro, 380 HD Pro, AKG K172HD, AKF K142HD, etc. Any of these would be better then a standard generic...