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  1. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    Holy Crap, did I open a can of worms!  First off, everybody chill out, I thought I made it pretty clear that if you like to EQ your playback, knock yourself out.  I simply stated why I thought applying EQ was a bad idea, and I thought I was pretty lighthearted about the whole thing.  To add an...
  2. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    This is heresy I tell you !!  All kidding aside, engineers spend loads of time making adjustments, often times in the order of tenths of a db on EQ's that cost thousands of dollars, and then you guys go around and screw it all up!   All eq's have artifacts, even linear phase ones...
  3. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    Yes, that's what I mean to.  After the mix engineer finishes mixing, he sends the stereo mixes off to a mastering engineer to put the final touches on everything.  Do a quick google search on mastering.......  
  4. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    We professionals EQ entire mixes all the time, it's called Mastering. 
  5. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    Wind016, which EQ's are you referring to that are high end?  And to answer your question, there is no professional audio interface or PCI card that has good EQ.  
  6. rjaudio

    Pro audio interface recommendations!

    RME is head and shoulders above the focusrite stuff.  Not only are the converters and preamps better, but the RME drivers are really stable and flexible with regards to routing.  Don't belive for a minute that the cheap focusrite stuff has anything at all to do with the products that made them...
  7. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    My question is why are you all EQ'ing anyway?  It really shouldn't be necessary especially with higher end cans and amps.....  
  8. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    All of LFF's recommendations are spot on.  To those I would add Flux Epure II and the DDMF LP10 which at $29 is the bargain of the century!  
  9. rjaudio

    Software EQ's that don't distort?

    Any EQ will distort if pushed hard enough.......If you can cut instead of boost you'll be better off.  
  10. rjaudio

    Music Production software for a beginner

    If you have a Mac, garageband is just fine for starting out, and it's free.  On the PC, there are a bunch of options, SAW, Sonar.  For better or worse (mostly worse) ProTools is the industry standard for Pop/Rock etc.  You may want to consider the basic versions of that which works on both mac...
  11. rjaudio

    M audio audiophile usb

    There should be an Maudio control panel. You need to look at that and see if the card is locking to the the digital audio coming in.  Are you sure your TV is not putting out dolby digital or DTS?     
  12. rjaudio

    Headphones for under $100 for mixing and listening

    Quote: Of course I'm serious.  If you know people who mix exclusively on headphones, good for them, as long as their clients are happy, that's all that matters....    
  13. rjaudio

    Extreme sound isolation?

    Extreme Isolation makes a couple of pairs as does Vic Firth, all aimed towards drummers who want to protect their hearing..... a few of them are around $50.  Should do the trick
  14. rjaudio

    Headphones for under $100 for mixing and listening

    Mixing is really REALLY difficult to do on headphones, things just don't translate well.  You would be better off doing that even on a crappy set of speakers.  Having said that, while I'm not familiar with the SR-60's, I use Grado's for tracking where speakers aren't possible, editing, and...
  15. rjaudio

    Neil Peart's M50 Mod

    I'm with Sperandeo.  Also, the guy has been sitting behind a drum kit on a really loud stage for 30 odd years, unfortunately, hearing damage is a serious occupation hazard, so what sounds good to him probably won't work for most audiophiles, so I wouldn't recommend trying it just because Neil...
  16. rjaudio

    Amp for Sennheiser HD800

    1. Any of the Grace Design (901, M902, M903) 2. SPL Phonitor 3. Benchmark DAC