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  1. eric343

    Top end portable DAC/amp that can drive HD800

    Thanks. The Hugo 2 looks good. Are there any portable balanced amps out there worth looking at, in your view? The Moon looks like a wonderful piece, but it's not even remotely portable. Good to know! I would say the Hugo 2 is about as large as I'd like to go for any one component. I'm open to...
  2. eric343

    Top end portable DAC/amp that can drive HD800

    Hi all, it's been a while since I posted here so apologies if this is the wrong forum. What are the current options for a really good, really portable DAC/amp that can do justice to the HD800?
  3. eric343

    Headphones that sound like Sennheiser HE90 Orpheus?

    Yes, that was my first impression as well -- when I heard the HE60 on the original amplifier, I hated them. But when I heard the HE60 on a different amplifier they sounded much better.
  4. eric343

    Headphones that sound like Sennheiser HE90 Orpheus?

    People talked about "transparent and delicate," that seems accurate enough. But I did own the HE90 and HD600 and SR-007 for many years, built amplifiers for them, took them to many meets, and even wrote an HE90 - HE60 - SR-007 comparison review...
  5. eric343

    Headphones that sound like Sennheiser HE90 Orpheus?

    HE90 is very clear and detailed, with very deep but not strong bass, and a tremendously musical somewhat warm quality. HD600 and friends are not even close. HD800 I've only heard for a few minutes but could be a step in the right direction. Stax Omega II (SR-007) has lots of bass but not the...
  6. eric343

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    Everyone loves how they sound... and everyone definitely loves how the HE90s feel. Mentioning the price always gets a 'wait... what?'
  7. eric343

    Omega 2 Mki VS Mkii (Please vote)

    The Omega2 are really touchy about all sorts of variation... pad rotation at the very least. I've had them sound quite different after a haircut!
  8. eric343

    Anyone know Trevor Network?

    Quote: Originally Posted by AlanY No, do not do this. As a prohibited form of debt collection under the BC Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act, it constitutes harassment. Some1x or a licensed debt collector acting on his behalf can contact his employer and show up at his place...
  9. eric343

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Demolition That's good to know. For a second there, I thought this was some sort of Waco-esque suicide contraption for when the men in black come to your door. That's the beauty of it. My imaginary detcord -- without any detonators -- is just as...
  10. eric343

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Demolition I occasionally have to deal with explosives at work because my company's main clients are usually involved in land-alteration or resource-based industries (e.g. forestry, mining, road engineering, etc.). Detcord is commonly present when such...
  11. eric343

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    Grenades? Shotguns? Jeez. And I thought I was nuts for having sewn some homemade detcord into my pillow -- it kinda gives new meaning to the phrase "throw pillow." It doesn't hold a candle to the M79 that one of the ROTC guys has on "loan" from a training exercise, of course...
  12. eric343

    Post your Photography Here!

    Like those? check these out:
  13. eric343

    Buying The Sizzle??? (HE90 Takes the crown)

    Quote: Originally Posted by jpelg Now you can go to a meet, and have four or five HE90's!!! Some members own more than one pair! That was but a pipedream only a few years ago. [...] Secondly, I also think the HE90's scale up with better equipment, beyond even what the O2's are capable...
  14. eric343

    Can Omega2 and HE90 do rock?

    In one of those "do I really write like that?" moments, I went back through my HE90 vs. Omega2 review, and found the following paragraph: Quote: Originally Posted by eric343 With discs like the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “What Hits?!”, all bets are off. The Red Hot Chili Peppers aren’t...
  15. eric343

    $15 for essentially a $200 pen? i'll take one!

    I have yet to find a mechanical pencil that is more comfortable or well designed than the PhD. The grip takes comfort beyond any rational extreme, the tip is retractable, and the eraser is thick and extendable such that it seems to never run out. It erases well, too.
  16. eric343

    Your a 90s kid if

    Getting told to "put my fingers here and here" on the laser the cool science dad guy brought to elementary school... *ZAP* OW! lemme do that again! *ZAP* OW! *ZAP* don't try that, by the way...
  17. eric343

    Your a 90s kid if

    Hawaii Five-O & Hogan's Heroes on the oldies rerun channel Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles blankets, action figures, cartoons, and going to Germany later and finding nutso high quality versions of TMNT action figures and being like "Whoa man awesome!" Playgrounds where you could get higher...
  18. eric343

    Your a 90s kid if

    ...Super soakers... ...Nerf guns... ...the Macarena AIEE... ...Apple IIes and AOL, and getting banned from the latter...
  19. eric343

    New SonyStyle Store in Seattle

    Quote: Originally Posted by iSleipnir The title made me so happy until I saw the frowning face. Once again, there are no hifi stores in the northwest! Gah! There are plenty of hi-fi shops in Seattle... Experience Audio ( ) is a particularly...
  20. eric343

    Ivy League Colleges

    Quote: Originally Posted by juni0r For undergraduate admissions, it's really your GPA/course load that carries the bulk, as well as essay(s). All extracurriculars help, don't get me wrong, but say you declare your major as something in engineering, winning a state-level robotics...
  21. eric343

    Ivy League Colleges

    So for the record, everyone around Cambridge I've talked to that was affiliated with Harvard said that it's "hard to get in, but easy to stay in." Professors are strongly discouraged from giving C's or less... like the Harvard TA I was talking to at a subway stop. W00t, my first drunken post...!
  22. eric343

    Ivy League Colleges

    ...concerned about getting in COLLEGe right now, not med school (read the original post) theres no one from harvard or MIT undergrad here? *raises hand* Start there... Admissions officers are not so much deciding whether...
  23. eric343

    head-fier caught in the act!

    I'm... Impressed... In an odd sort of way. If the guy with the portapros was short, skninny, and kind of Chinese looking, he's my old GRT. Aka the only guy I've ever seen wear Portapros. Ever.
  24. eric343

    head-fier caught in the act!

    Uhhh... what's this world coming to when people can't recognize a pair of v700djs from a block away?! Kids these days... back when I joined, these things would get mentioned every other thread, usually in reference to how bad they sound. The girls of HeadPhet didn't help, either.