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  1. Dustin24

    Archos AV500 Sound Quality

    Thanks Ulfonzo
  2. Dustin24

    Taken for an expensive ride by Shellbrook Audio Labs

    Good point, but I would make sure that reference is in the boldest of print.
  3. Dustin24

    Taken for an expensive ride by Shellbrook Audio Labs

    It may be a good idea to take shellbrook off the Compilation of portable amps sticky in the amps section. Doing so should keep noobies from falling for his trap.
  4. Dustin24

    What DAP beats iPod sound quality?

    Oh dear god please lock this thread.
  5. Dustin24

    Post Your Perfect Player

    ...format vid or music 11. Would have built in VLC as its player 12. Lcd would be behind a piece of user-replaceable plastic. 13. NO SHINEY CHROME ******IT!!!!!! 14. All internals would be designed by the best amp and electronics makers 15. FM 16. Recessed headphone jack 17. Bluetooth...
  6. Dustin24

    Archos AV500 Sound Quality

    No I don't think my tests are very reliable and should not be used to spec the 500. Hopefully someone with better equipment and more knowledge can test a 500.
  7. Dustin24

    Archos AV500 Sound Quality

    Audigy 2 zs No prob it was a learning experience for me. But feel free to clarify those numbers. But like I said, a non noob would have probably done a better job and got better results. I think I should run the test again with the eq all the way up as I think the 500's eq cuts the frequencies...
  8. Dustin24

    Archos AV500 Sound Quality

    Wave mapper Wave mapper RightMark Audio Analyzer test Testing chain: External loopback (line-out - line-in) Sampling mode: 16-bit, 44 kHz Summary TestWave mapperWave mapper Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB: +0.08, -0.18+0.10, -0.18 Noise level, dB (A): -77.6-77.0...
  9. Dustin24

    Archos AV500 Sound Quality

    I have the av500 100gig and would be happy to test......just tell me how. I do really like the sound quality though....esp over my 4g pod.
  10. Dustin24


    WNEW what's that line from? I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps and run victory laps
  11. Dustin24


    or you'll end up looking like drivel's avatar
  12. Dustin24


    Oh and for my mod I used a strong piece of metal(small cotter pin) and bent the end with pliers. I then hooked the edge to the underside of said washer and yanked with pliers. This mod takes quite a bit of yankin to get it done.......sooooo use lots o force luke.
  13. Dustin24


    Dude......back..... away.... from.... the...... headphones. If I were you and you were me I would push the remainder of the staple in and try again with a paper clip. Once you get the washer out the decapitated staple will come too.
  14. Dustin24

    E2c mod... 56K warning

    Yeah I use an amp in my setup. The bass is just not doing it for me. I wish they had bass as loud as the ex71....just more refined. I'm thinking of ditching IEM and trying to find some high quality clip on over the ear style. Any suggestions?
  15. Dustin24

    E2c mod... 56K warning

    Now if only there was some way to increase the bass......
  16. Dustin24

    First canal earphone help.

    Stay far far away from the Sony ex-71........far away. Every time someone buys the ex-71 I drown a don't do it!! Damnit....not again.......come here Fido.
  17. Dustin24

    E2c mod... 56K warning

    I just tried this mod with the paper clip and the difference is amazing. Thanks for letting us know about this. But I'm even more amazed by how southsea was able to figure out the plastic washer trick. Never in a million years would I have ever noticed that. bump
  18. Dustin24

    how many headphone amp do u have?

    Just one for me.
  19. Dustin24

    What's inside a Boostaroo

    Sooo after looking at the inside of the boostaroo, is it as crappy as everyone thought?
  20. Dustin24

    Flash based MP3, with line out?

    I might be wrong on this but the ipod line of flash players would have a line out on their dock ports. So if that's true then there ya go
  21. Dustin24

    Worst MP3 player - Round one of ten!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kirosia haha. I can't believe. Have you read your own posts? You're the one whose trolling, and you don't have anything decent to say other than to attack me. You, you made my day man. Read all the old threads in the this sub-forum, and you'll see why I and so...
  22. Dustin24

    Worst MP3 player - Round one of ten!

    The mini is most definitely a cool dap.
  23. Dustin24

    Worst MP3 player - Round one of ten!

    I have a few other players. I own an ipod 4th gen 40 gig, an archos av500 100gig, an archos gmini400 20gig, and a creative muvo tx flash player. I have owned an ipod shuffle, a rio karma, and an Iriver t10 1 gig. My old roomate had a 5th gen 60 gig ipod and a cowon x5l, both of which I had the...
  24. Dustin24

    Worst MP3 player - Round one of ten!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kirosia Though I shouldn't get into this idiotic argument, I actually see more ipod haters than fanboys. While I was researching mp3 players on the forum, I couldn't believe what the haters were saying. Hell I hate the fanboys too, but damnit, y'all can say...
  25. Dustin24

    Worst MP3 player - Round one of ten!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kirosia Also, if no one realizes, my first post in this thread was a joke. It was pretty obvious. As for the shuffle, I can see it's uses. I got parents who're quite old and wouldn't mind a few of their albums on a tiny stick. They don't really need a screen...