First canal earphone help.
Feb 6, 2006 at 8:54 PM Post #16 of 25
If accepts my pricematch i can get the ultimate ears 3's for $70 and i cant find the westone um1's any cheaper than $110. Is the sounds quality that much better and worth the extra $40? I did a search on the super fi 3's and almost all the results that came up were about the super fi 5's which are to expensive so it doesnt seem that many people have the super fi 3's. The westone um1 are getting a lot of appraise as well and i havent read anything bad about them at all. The only bad thing ive read about the super fi 3's is that they lack a little on bass but i listen to a lot of rock/alternative music which isnt realy bass heavy in the first place. Would the westone um1's be more comfortable than the super fi 3's becuase they probably go into the ear deeper? Are the um1's worn like the super fi 3's where you have to wrap the cord around your ear and are the cords even lenghts on both earphones because i really dont like the uneven Y desing like the panasonic hje70's have?
Feb 6, 2006 at 9:58 PM Post #17 of 25
I haven't heard either one, but I think you'll get a nice present out of this, either way -- a real upgrade. Take care that these don't get broken, and enjoy them. And be sure to let your parents know you appreciate the gift, and let them hear how good the 'phones sound, whatever you get, to lay the groundwork for another, more expensive, future present (graduation, etc.).
Feb 7, 2006 at 1:46 AM Post #18 of 25
I am normally pretty good about taking care of all of my things especially my more expensive things like my ipod nano. Right now im leaning towards the super fi 3's but the only thing holding me back from them in that ive heard they stick out to far and im worried they would look funny while wearing them. The UM1's and super fi 3's seem to have similiar sound quality and both of these earphones seem to be the best bang for the buck in my price range, comfortability wise, durability wise, and and sound wise. It seems whichever one i choose i will still end up with a very nice headphone and a dramatic upgrade from stock apple earbuds. I just keep going back and fourth between the super fi 3's and the um1's. Thanks again for all the help so far.
Feb 7, 2006 at 2:58 AM Post #19 of 25
Have you seen the thread from a few days ago, with the pictures of UE's being worn? Yes, they stick out a little bit (I wouldn't try to sleep in them), but see for yourself to get an idea of whether you could deal with that. To be fair, most IEMs look a little funny ... just getting us ready for the hearing aids we'll all need after all this audio listening, I suppose.
Feb 10, 2006 at 3:08 AM Post #21 of 25
I can get the UE 3's for $76 shipped from with a price check and i think these headphones will be a dramatic upgrade from the apple stock earbuds. They seems to have very good sound quality and seem to be comfortable. I dont think i want to spend $110 on the westone um1's. They have lots of good thinds said about them just like the 3's but i dont they could sound that much better for another $40. Does anybody know where to get the westone um1's for cheaper than $110 because i did a google search and couldnt find any cheaper prices than that.
Feb 13, 2006 at 3:13 PM Post #24 of 25
I believe earphone solutions has a coupon code for 30% off 'select30'. Don't know if it still works but it makes either the decision for the superfi.3 or the ump1 more palatable.
Feb 13, 2006 at 9:14 PM Post #25 of 25
I am thinking about increasing my price range a little more to the shure e3c that i can get for $125 shipped off of with there 30% dicount.

A lot of reaviews about the 3's have left people wanting more, the westone um1's almost always get positive reviews but they have no warranty on, and how do the shure e3c compare to the other two headphones. Ive read some reviews about the e3's and they seem to be lacking bass but i dont think that is a big deal to me. Ive never heard any type of higher quality headphones before so any of the ones ive chosen would sound dramatically better to me. My main question is are the shure e3's worth the extra money and how are they comforatability wise and sound wise to the 3's?

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