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  1. pineapples10

    Durable, Closed, Foldable Portable Cans to Replace AT M2X

    I work at a small, but growing Public Access TV station. We are in the midst of upgrading our field kits that we lend out to producers (usually consists of a camera, shotgun mic, batteries and headphones). For years we've had pairs of Audio Technica M2X's, but we've found that they are starting...
  2. pineapples10

    Portable, Closed phones, similar to Sony V75-6/V6, newer?

    Back when I used to post here a lot, the defacto choice for a portable, closed, budget phone was the Sony V7506. Times have changed it seems, many new phones have come out since 2001. Have any superior cheap, closed, good sounding phones been released in the 4 years or so since ive been gone? I...
  3. pineapples10

    Good 9cheap) In-Ear phones for use with Karma?

    I just picked up a Rio Karma and am looking to get some good (albeit moderately priced) In Ear Phones to use with it unamped. I am looking to spend less than $100 or so, so im not looking for anyting that will BLOW MY MIND. So far im considering the Shure E2C, Etymotic ER6 (provided I can find...
  4. pineapples10

    Need closed, easily powered affordable phones. Newer V6/7506 alternative?

    I havent posted here ion quite a while, as my headphone setup got to the point where I was happy and didnt need any motivation to spend more money. Anyway, lately ive been feeling the need to carry less stuff (i.e. leave the amp at home). I know that 'back in the day' the Sony V6 / 7506 were...
  5. pineapples10

    Been out of the loop for a while, reccomend portable amp and closed phones....

    I used to post here quite often a few years ago. Phones started to suck up too much of my money, so I stopped using the forums and my wallet was made slave to photography. Recently, one of my friends was interested in getting a portable amp and a pair of good sealed phones. I've been out of the...
  6. pineapples10

    How to safely open KSC 50's?

    I recently bought some KSC 50's from someone on another forum for $5. I got them in the mail today, and opened the package by cutting the edge of the envelope with scissors. Well...aparently some of the cord for the headphones was stuck right along that edge, as now I have one one long cord, and...
  7. pineapples10

    My Radiohead inspired music......

    made this music for Electronic Music class. You can deffinitely herar Radioheas influence in my music. I tried to mimmick Pyramid Song's key and time signature in "Hippo Romp". Take a listen and tell em what you think Chris or as some call me...
  8. pineapples10

    New Shure E5c canal-phones....

    These look to be Shure's answer to the Er-4's; says coming soon..well...we'll just have to wait...but im thinking that any product that is COMPLETELY clear has to sound good...becauser thats just how colors relate to sound......
  9. pineapples10

    Any reviews of Shure E2c lying around?

    I did a search, and couldn't dig up much on these phones. Anyone know of any reviews/ has anyone had any firsthand listening experience with them? Im willing to bet the ER-6's are better, but it'd be interesting to see how they hold up, especially with their cheaper price, better case, and...
  10. pineapples10

    ANyone into Still Photography?

    I've been fooling around with still photography for about a year now. I like digital the best, its gives you more freedom than the conventional chemical based darkroom, and its not as messy. Here is a pic I took yesterday; Some other pics of mine are at
  11. pineapples10

    Best portable CD player under $50?

    My father asked me to find him a good portable cd player $50 or under. IT needs to have good battery life, and it would be nice if it came with a car adapter kit..but is not necessary. Any suggestions? Thanks... Chris
  12. pineapples10

    Song from Xerox commercial?

    I know ill get lynched for even asking this, but there are some xerox commercials on during the Olympics, and at the end they play some techno music, and a little voice says "come on, come on"...ive heard the song before but I dont know who made it...does anyone have any idea? thanks...
  13. pineapples10

    Iriver IMP-350/Sli-X is now available for purchase!

    Hey Guys, I remember there was a thread about this player a while ago. Looks like they are shipping them now. Go to or I found some more pictures of it here: The price is a little steep ($199)...
  14. pineapples10

    Requiem For a Dream Soundtrack...

    I just saw this movie....really well done and depressing...The end is like going throuhg a heart attack. The music is what really drives the whole movie. I just downloaded the soundtrack and its great...highly recomended...
  15. pineapples10

    VERY cheap (but tolerable) closed phones

    Im gonna get demerited for asking this...but my dad wants some to watch TV with.....can anyone reccomend (and I use that term loosely) some relatively inexpensive phones that are closed. When I say relatively cheap..i mean no more than $30....they need to be closed so they dont wake up my...
  16. pineapples10

    would leaving headphones plugged into an amp with no signal a bad idea?

    I was listening to some music beofre I went to bed last night. i was about to fall asleep, so I quickly reched over and shut off my CD player, forgetting to switch off my amp. Slept for 8 hours...woke up today. I unplugged my phones and amp and brought it downstairs to the computer to download...
  17. pineapples10

    good, cheap binaural mic?

    ...was looking around the other day at binaural recording and saw a picture of a Sennheiser binaural Mic, in which a mic went on each ear. i beleive they were blue...if that helps. Were these cheap/any good/half decent/real real *****? im looking for a good, cheap binaural mic..any suggestions...
  18. pineapples10

    The mystery amp design...

    I posted the schematic of an amp one of my friends made for me a few weeks ago here on head-fi [go here] . I had nothing to compare it to at the time...but I just received my CMOy from Thomas. I can hear subtle differences from both...
  19. pineapples10

    Does anyone recognize this schematic?

    Hi, I went to my friends house recently, and found that he had built me a headphone amp. He gave me a sheet with schematics on it for one channel. It doesnt look like the Apheared or CMOy, maybe its something else. sounds great. Please take a look and see if you can identify it.
  20. pineapples10

    just got some MX-500's

    Just got soe Sen MX-500's at my local CAMbride Soundwrks. I was suprised at how much better they sound than my old crappy Sony Ear buds. They may have cost twice as much ($20.00) but they fit better and sound MUCH better. Now all I need is amp and a RioVolt2.........
  21. pineapples10

    Meiers Crossfed circuit, or Apheared47 mod?

    Which would sound better with the Sennheiser HD-495's? The CMOY with Jan Meiers Cross feed circuit, or the CMOY with the Apheared47 mod? I would like all of your opinions. Thanks.
  22. pineapples10

    CMOY w/ X-Feed or Apheared47 amp for Sennheiser 495?

    Whch amp would drive the senn 495's better? The CMOY with Meier's cross feed circuit, or the cmoy with apheared47 mod? Im thinking abot gettin a DBSE amp done, and was offered either of those. Logically I would think the Apheared would be best, but im pretty new to all this headphone/sessive...
  23. pineapples10

    NEW IRiver2/RioVolt2 pictures

    iriver just posted some new IRiver2/RioVolt2 pictures here: ENJOY! p10
  24. pineapples10

    Sennheiser HD-495 with amp

    Hi, I just bought some Sennheiser Hd-495's. I am very happy with them....but their sound is no where as "full" as my brothers Grado SR-60's. Is this just because they NEEd an amp to work properly, or do they just sound that different? Id be willing to spend $159 on the TA if it made the...
  25. pineapples10

    New version of Koss "The Plug"?

    I went to my local best Buy today and wandered over to the headphone section to look for earbuds. I noticed they had Koss's "The Plug" thre. I looked at the package and noticed it came with different ear pads. They werent just different sized ones either...some were different shapes...more...