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  1. For Sale  T+A Solitaire T (sold)

    995.00 USD
    Excellent/Like new
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    T+A Solitaire T wireless, mint condition. Shipped in original box and packaging with all original components. Only used for ~30hrs with 2 charge cycles. Updated to latest firmware via the T+A app. Also included is 2.5mm balanced cable (5') for connection to balanced source (I use a...
  2. 88keys

    T+A Solitaire T App and Features Discussion

    Ahhh yes, there's still quite a lot of interest! Most of the comments are in the main thread:
  3. 88keys

    T+A Solitaire T App and Features Discussion

    I have been enjoying my new Solitaire T phones, especially since the improvements in the app, which now allows for 3 levels of ANC and fixed the volume issues. One feature that I've found annoying is the announcement that happens whenever a setting is changed. In particular, activating...
  4. 88keys

    A new MINT joins the ranks

    Hi Everyone, I'd like to announce the birth of a new MINT amp. She joined us yesterday at midnight or so, with few complications. Both mother and daughter are resting comfortably. Here are three pics of the new baby. Although I didn't post any questions, I read every post that I could find on...
  5. 88keys

    Nomad zen

    I would say buy a 20gb nomad zen, upgrade it yourself to 60gb, sell the 20gb harddrive on ebay, and voila you've got a super cheap 60gb zen.
  6. 88keys

    ER-4P--->Er-4S Adapter Cable

    ...breathing, chewing, blood pumping, etc.) generate a lot of low bass background in my ears. The isolation is fantastic, but it also results in *internal* sounds staying inside my ear. Hence I can hear myself breathe, when I'm walking I can hear my heels hitting the pavement, and I can hear my...
  7. 88keys

    The time has finally come: I am going bald.

    Quote: Originally posted by Trounce Yea, I suppose. I really have no realistic expectations of university, because all I've seen of campus life is through American Pie and Buffy... not the most true-to-life of settings. Thanks for the advice, gents. Yeah, I'll have to agree with...
  8. 88keys

    How does your girlfriend/wife/significant other react?

    ...that my headphones were designer italian boots (which, incidentally, are actually more expensive than my etys). She was able to grasp it for a few moments, but then something slipped, and she said 'but the boots are *necessary*, the headphones aren't!' I threw up my hands at that point...
  9. 88keys

    How does your girlfriend/wife/significant other react?

    Hi everyone. I just got done reading the 'girls as avatars' thread, and it brought up a question I've been wondering about. How does your significant other react to your love for headphones? I ask this because I recently bought myself some Etys, and I got SO MUCH FLAK from my girl about them...
  10. 88keys

    Need Quick Help Grados

    Quote: Originally posted by Shooey I appreciate everyone's feedback. I decided to give the Grado 225 a shot because the offer I found couldn't really be beat! Brand new, warranty, etc $130 shipped. I figure if I "hate em" that much, I can always sell them. I will probably look into a pair...
  11. 88keys

    Ety 4P/S simple microphonic noise reduction

    I found a really simple solution for solving the microphonic noise issues of the Ety 4 canalphones. I just button the cord into the top button of my shirt. (With the shirt on, unbutton your top shirt button and rebutton it with the cord inside.) This solution won't work for T-shirts, but for...
  12. 88keys

    Thank You Etymotics, and thank-you Head-Fi!

    Quote: Originally posted by BDA_ABAT Glad your enjoying the wonders of Etymotics! Truly a remarkable experience when you first listen to music with Etys for the first time (and you have a good seal)! Like listening to your CD collection for the first time. Now for the bad news... Since...
  13. 88keys

    Thank You Etymotics, and thank-you Head-Fi!

    I don't know if this is the right area for this thread, but I just HAVE to share my happiness. I just got a pair of ER4Ps, like 5 hours ago, I have never heard anything the like. Thanks to all of you for convincing me that they were worth trying...ain't NO WAY I'm giving them back...
  14. 88keys

    Ety 4P-->4S cable

    Yes, the Vishays. Thanks!
  15. 88keys

    Ety 4P-->4S cable

    BTW, for the 4P->4S converter, does the wattage rating of the resistor make a difference? I can't imagine a headphone line overloading a 1/8W resistor, but I'd like to be sure.
  16. 88keys

    Ety 4P-->4S cable

    Ah! thanks so much. I have no location listed because I move around a lot...right now I'm in India, but soon I'll be back in San Francisco...then on to Toronto, and then India again. In case anyone cares Didn't mean to be mysterious 88keys
  17. 88keys

    Ety 4P-->4S cable

    Hi Ablaze, I was thinking of making a 4P -> 4S converter too, but I don't know where to buy the appropriate resistors! Where did you find yours? I'd prefer not to hook up a bunch of them in series...if I can find one around 80 ohms that would be perfect, but 75 would be ok too. Thanks!
  18. 88keys

    New iPods - anyone else disappointed w/ sound?

    Quote: Originally posted by MacDEF [B]You've never seen them side-by-side, have you? oh, but i have Quote: You've never listened to them side-by-side, have you? cf above just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean he's uninformed these were my...
  19. 88keys

    New iPods - anyone else disappointed w/ sound?

    Indeed, I stand corrected on the volume issue. I forgot that dimensional differences couldn't be multiplied piecemeal to a resultant volume difference. Also, didn't mean to set off any firestorms regarding the Canadian climate...when you are 3 degrees from the equator (India) "hot summers"...
  20. 88keys

    New iPods - anyone else disappointed w/ sound?

    LOL the 'warmer months?' I hope that was supposed to be funny, especially given your registered location . Quote: Originally posted by Blighty Compared in person to the IPOD, the Nomad really does seem like a brick. Much too unwieldy to carry during the warmer months. I am...
  21. 88keys

    iPod trounces Zen on Cnet

    True, true, Bangraman. The size is an issue for some people. The Zen's not quite as different as it seems,'s about 90g heavier than the iPod, which is most probably less than the change in your wallet (I actually checked this out on my own wallet). In terms of size, it's about 14 mm...
  22. 88keys


    Ah, my apologies, I seem to have joined after the message was posted. I will check more closely next time! Peace to you and yours
  23. 88keys


    For all you out there struggling to decipher the iPod vs. Zen question, here's another option that you may not have considered: Talk about rugged construction. (ironically) Peace to you and yours