Need Quick Help Grados
May 27, 2003 at 4:02 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


New Head-Fier
May 27, 2003

Have the opportunity to buy new headphones for a Zen MP3 player. Narrowed it down to Grados and Sennheiser

Have a chance to get Grado 225 for $135 new/ shipped or
Grado 125 for $115 local store. What would you all do? Would you go with Grado vs Sennehiser say 497 or HD 580's? If so, why?
Will also consider Porta Pro's for "knockarounds".

I need answers fast please!
May 27, 2003 at 6:22 PM Post #2 of 17
Are you planning on using these phones in portable setting?, if so, they will all annoy people around you seeing as how they are all open phones. but if i had to choose one, go with the 497. If at home, the Sr-225s, as those will be my next headphones.
May 27, 2003 at 7:19 PM Post #3 of 17
Just to see if it would work, I just tried an HD-600 in a Zen player. Not bad at all! The HD-580 is very similar to the HD-600 (i used to own one), so that's a very nice sounding choice.

The SR-225 is a more forward sounding headphone...more in-your-face for lack of a better way to put it. If you like sitting in the front row, the Grado is good. If you like to sit further back in a concert hall, consider the Sennheiser.
May 27, 2003 at 7:36 PM Post #4 of 17
I would say: None of the above.

Portable use, In Your Face: Sennheiser HD25. Closed, dynamic, punchy.
Portable use, neutral feeling (although it's not really neutral): Sony D6 Eggo. Very portable, practical.
May 27, 2003 at 7:40 PM Post #5 of 17
They would both benefit from an amp and be rather bulky and open for portable use (either Grado or the HD580). If you're going to be using these at home then either of those would be a great choice. If you like rock go for the SR225's, they're much more agressive phones. The HD580 is very nice too though, it depends a lot on what kind of sound you're looking for.

BTW, bangraman meant to say D66 eggo
May 27, 2003 at 8:22 PM Post #6 of 17
I appreciate everyone's feedback. I decided to give the Grado 225 a shot because the offer I found couldn't really be beat! Brand new, warranty, etc $130 shipped. I figure if I "hate em" that much, I can always sell them. I will probably look into a pair of the recommended Sony's or Porta Pros for a knockaround, throw in the bag type pair of phones. Hey Ritz...didn't you say you had a pair of Porta's collecting dust...?

"The Portapros are collecting dust"

May 27, 2003 at 8:52 PM Post #7 of 17

Originally posted by Shooey
Hey Ritz...didn't you say you had a pair of Porta's collecting dust...?

"The Portapros are collecting dust"


Sentimental value, my friend
I still use them for watching movies. The pads are pretty worn anyway and the cord has a cut, I'm sure you'd want a new pair
May 28, 2003 at 12:39 AM Post #8 of 17

Originally posted by Shooey
I appreciate everyone's feedback. I decided to give the Grado 225 a shot because the offer I found couldn't really be beat! Brand new, warranty, etc $130 shipped. I figure if I "hate em" that much, I can always sell them. I will probably look into a pair of the recommended Sony's or Porta Pros for a knockaround, throw in the bag type pair of phones. Hey Ritz...didn't you say you had a pair of Porta's collecting dust...?

"The Portapros are collecting dust"


WO Where did you find 225s for 130? I'm impressed!
May 28, 2003 at 1:12 AM Post #11 of 17
Hi guys-

Yes...I actually found them in the classified section on Audiogon. Spoke to the guy today, says I should have them by Friday. I'm buying them untested but as I see here, thats a common thing for people to do. Most of you have raved about the Grados in some form or another so I thought I would get the best my budget would allow me right up front so that hopefully I won't suffer from Upgrade-itis too badly. Already thinking about Etymotics for grabbing and going...but again...i'm not the biggest lover of earbuds. But for portability, I don't think anything else is really any easier. I just got a pair of Sony MDR-EX70LP as a quick fix to the crap that came with my Zen and the "old" old" old" cans that I've had laying around for years. While they are definitely an improvement from the 'over the counter' crap I got, I'm certainly not married to them. I am really looking foreard to the Grados tho as these are the first can's I've really made an investment in. From what I read here, I shouldn't be disappointed.

May 28, 2003 at 7:14 AM Post #12 of 17
bangraman, can you recomend any place that sells hd-25 and ships to europe ?
May 28, 2003 at 8:24 AM Post #14 of 17
Haha, if you fidn storein finland that sells me i get candy :[)
In finland Hi-fi headphones are hard to get as hell. only 1's i have seen in stores are Sennheiser HD-580,600 and Philips 890,910
May 31, 2003 at 7:43 PM Post #15 of 17
Me again,

Well, I've got my Grado 225's and they are better sounding then I thought they'd be. However, they are also much less portable then I thought they'd be so I picked up a pair of Senn PX200 today. I'm sure there is better out there and I'm sure there is worse. I think this forum really helped me out alot.
My question is do people who use 'buds' favor them over portables for any particular reason other than "ultraportablity" All that I've read about Ety's has gotten me really curious. Any thoughts?


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