How does your girlfriend/wife/significant other react?
May 29, 2003 at 5:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 43


New Head-Fier
May 5, 2003
Hi everyone. I just got done reading the 'girls as avatars' thread, and it brought up a question I've been wondering about. How does your significant other react to your love for headphones? I ask this because I recently bought myself some Etys, and I got SO MUCH FLAK from my girl about them! Even though she admits she likes them, she still chooses to use her stock walkman headphones

For those of you that are married, does the flak get worse or better, compared with being engaged, or going out?

Do any of you have sig. others that are supporters, or even compatriots in the Quest For Perfect Sound?

Your thoughts are gratefully appreciated.
May 29, 2003 at 5:07 AM Post #2 of 43
My wife just cannot understand spending $100 + for two "wires" or a few hundred on "just a pair" of headphones, so I simply do not tell her about my aquisitions anymore. Hey, the way I see it, the less she knows, the better, thus more freedom to purchase more equipment. I think she does the same thing with me when she buys clothes or jewelry because I just cannot understand how someone can spend that much on clothes. Come on.....are those clothes really necessary?
May 29, 2003 at 5:20 AM Post #3 of 43

Originally posted by spaceman
I think she does the same thing with me when she buys clothes or jewelry because I just cannot understand how someone can spend that much on clothes. Come on.....are those clothes really necessary?

That's EXACTLY how I feel! In fact, when my girlfriend said she couldn't understand the 'need', I told her to imagine that my headphones were designer italian boots (which, incidentally, are actually more expensive than my etys). She was able to grasp it for a few moments, but then something slipped, and she said 'but the boots are *necessary*, the headphones aren't!'

I threw up my hands at that point...
May 29, 2003 at 5:27 AM Post #4 of 43
I run every large purchase I make past my wife before making it.
She even agreed to the buying of my RS-1s. I did get a small amount of quipping later on about them, but nothing serrious.
May 29, 2003 at 5:47 AM Post #5 of 43
I walked into our designated headphone listening/computer room a few weeks back... tripped and stumbled over something, looked down... looked around... counted and yelled-

"can you please remove the 11 pairs of shoes lying around on the floor in here?"

I don't get hassled about new hedphone purchases, plus she has a good setup herself she always wants to hear new test models
May 29, 2003 at 5:57 AM Post #7 of 43

Originally posted by spaceman
My wife just cannot understand spending $100 + for two "wires" or a few hundred on "just a pair" of headphones, so I simply do not tell her about my aquisitions anymore. Hey, the way I see it, the less she knows, the better, thus more freedom to purchase more equipment. I think she does the same thing with me when she buys clothes or jewelry because I just cannot understand how someone can spend that much on clothes. Come on.....are those clothes really necessary?

THAT is what I am doing!!! Believe me, this works for most of female!
May 29, 2003 at 6:09 AM Post #8 of 43
My girlfriend lives sixteen time zones away, i would be happy to catch flak from her for my purchases at this point

but i figure i might as well take advantage of the distance to build my setup now and not have to worry about justifying it. One advantage of a headphone setup is that it's not very big, so it won't ever be too much of a nuisance. I'm more worried about my DIY hobby which is pretty ugly and messy. But i'm not even too worried about that, so far Miyuki has been pretty encouraging of my hobbies, which i consider lucky cause i don't think she's much of an audiophile
May 29, 2003 at 6:16 AM Post #9 of 43

Originally posted by 88keys
That's EXACTLY how I feel! In fact, when my girlfriend said she couldn't understand the 'need', I told her to imagine that my headphones were designer italian boots (which, incidentally, are actually more expensive than my etys). She was able to grasp it for a few moments, but then something slipped, and she said 'but the boots are *necessary*, the headphones aren't!'

I threw up my hands at that point...

This was the point at which you should have said, "you can just as easily walk around in $10 sneakers from payless shoes"
May 29, 2003 at 6:36 AM Post #10 of 43
My girl friend accepts what I do, but still doesn't understand and thinks I'm a geek, especially because I like other things such as LOTR. But, I make fun of her because she buys so many kinds of clothes and underwear(shoes, sandals, etc). I say, "you only need one or two pair of thongs, or really, you don't even need to wear any kind of thong at all."
But no, she insists on having literally 20-30 pairs of good looking underwear, which I don't mind of course. But really, every time she looks at me wierd for buying audio gear, I remind her about the infinite amount of clothes she can't stop buying. More than anything, I think she gets pleasure in joking around with's all good and fun!
May 29, 2003 at 6:46 AM Post #11 of 43
I can't begin to describe the hell I walked into when I informed my wife that I would be "testing" my modded Etys by going to sleep with them on. Holy Schlomoly!

The ER4Ps cost me $249 for the actual headphones and another $500 for the divorce lawyer.
May 29, 2003 at 7:11 AM Post #12 of 43
I may be way off here, but I can't imagine every marrying someone that doesn't trust me to be responsible in my spending habits. If I'm out there spending half of my income on audio equipment when I need to use that money for other things like house payments, then that is a problem that I should be able to see on my own, without intervention from a wife or girlfriend. I hope my wife will be understanding and accepting of who I am, including what I choose to spend some of our money on. I know that I will be understanding of what she wishes to purchase.

However, I need to first find a nice girl to marry....that's the real trick.
May 29, 2003 at 7:30 AM Post #13 of 43
Back when I had a S.O., I wasn't into headphones, but I still see her occasionally, and we talk. I tried to get her to put her bookshelf speakers in more appropriate speaker places, but she likes them on the floor, hidden, out of the way. :eep:

Back when we were together, I got to put them pretty much wherever I wanted.
May 29, 2003 at 9:02 AM Post #14 of 43
My wife is pretty good about the whole thing. Whereas she can't relate to my "obsession", she humors me and doesn't throw me much flack.
May 29, 2003 at 9:48 AM Post #15 of 43
she got upset that i spent more money on headphones than i did for her birthday. so i got rid of that one. running single and loving it. (ok, i lied)

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