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  1. papermasterarumi

    are the k701's for me?

    i'm also interested in this, a pros and cons would be nice.
  2. papermasterarumi

    tube amps $300

    yea, I think i'm going to go the diy route....I could save alot of money. I think i'll start with a cmoy though
  3. papermasterarumi

    tube amps $300

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ooztuncer what headphone(s) are you going to use? Some choices (within ur budget): x-can v2 or v3 asl mg head dt otl mkII or III eddie current lunch box darkvoice 336i i'm using dt880's Quote: Originally Posted by headphonejunkie...
  4. papermasterarumi

    tube amps $300

    I havn't done a diy amp before so I was hopind one of the projects wouldn't be that hard. other than the millett max, what other millets are there?
  5. papermasterarumi

    tube amps $300

    I was thinking of building a SOHA, but the hassle of power supply and such =/ How does the millett hybrid compare to the SOHA? like SQ wise and difficulty. I have a pair of dt880's so I need to find a good tube amp.
  6. papermasterarumi

    tube amps $300

    what are my choices in this price range or lower? I might be able to go a bit higher but I would rather not.
  7. papermasterarumi

    What is the best IEM for airplane travel?

    how's the isolation on the shure e4c?
  8. papermasterarumi

    $150 headphones for rock

    how do the sr225 compare with the alessandro ms-1's?
  9. papermasterarumi

    $150 headphones for rock

    I'm trying to find some cans that will just be amazing for rock. i was looking at the grados and alessandros, but what version would besst suit the price range. I might be able to stretch the budget a bit too.
  10. papermasterarumi

    What is the best IEM for airplane travel?

    are etymotics really that comfortable though? take a look at the UM2's by westone, they seem to be comfortable by many and offer alot of isolation
  11. papermasterarumi

    Refurb iPods nearly all recent models on sale at Apple

    what does it mean though by "refurbished" was it used and they just cleaned it up? does it have scratches? or what
  12. papermasterarumi

    DAP that best suits me?

    5.5g ipod 30gb for $200 on ebay
  13. papermasterarumi

    Are triple driver IEMs worth it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Indygreg to another point, you are going to have to make some decision . . . people here are going to stop answering your 10 what IEM posts to buy each day. oh darn, you found me out but yeah, i'm just going to browse the forums some more until i...
  14. papermasterarumi

    Are triple driver IEMs worth it?

    oooo so its between um2, e4c and the super fi 5 pro right now, I listen to mainly rock, alternative and electronica.....they're all around the same price so i'm not sure which to choose
  15. papermasterarumi

    Are triple driver IEMs worth it?

    should i get an amp for the e4c's? I don't think an IEM would need an amp, but i could be wrong =/ i'll be using it out of a rockboxed ipod.
  16. papermasterarumi

    Are triple driver IEMs worth it?

    alright, that was the answer I was hoping to get since i'm coming from ibuds i'm working wil a $550 budget so i'll probably just get an e4c and a good DAP
  17. papermasterarumi

    Are triple driver IEMs worth it?

    I'm trying to decide between the e4c or super fi 5 pros and either the shures e500 or triple fi 10 The triple driver prices are around double the price, so is the SQ that much better, or i mean is it worth the extra money?
  18. papermasterarumi

    $200 IEM

    I was looking at the Ue super fi 5 pros and the shure e4c. which is better? are there any others that are better around the $200 price range?
  19. papermasterarumi

    $200 IEM

    What are some good IEM's for around $200?
  20. papermasterarumi

    can't make up my mind

    Quote: Originally Posted by BigLu89 seeing how his profile pic is cover art for "Frances The Mute" by The Mars Volta, he likes some layered rock, alternative, progressive, that kinda stuffs. good guess yeah i like rock, alternative, some acoustical and electronica I'm not...
  21. papermasterarumi

    can't make up my mind

    I'm currently trying to decide whether to get an IEM like the shure e4c and super fi 5, or the higher end ones like the triple fi 10 or the shure e500 This would be my first set of audiophile headphones coming from ibuds so....would it be better to get the e4c or is the e500 and triple fi that...
  22. papermasterarumi

    Has anyone changed their E500 cable?

    oh maybe your right.....i just thought i remembered someone saying something about the comment i made......sorry for the mistake
  23. papermasterarumi

    Toshiba Gigabeat

    Quote: Originally Posted by Altoids Imagine what RB developers could do with integrated wifi. thats an interesting thought, just what would they do with it though =/ I only said i would get the gigabeat because it was cheaper and had more memory than the zune I wouldn't get...
  24. papermasterarumi

    Has anyone changed their E500 cable?

    yeah, but at the price he spent making them, he could have bought the UE 10 pros
  25. papermasterarumi

    IEM's for around $500

    yeah, i know i will go for customs sooner or later, but i have to put some money into a DAP and i'm really stretching the budget......anyways, upgrading is half the fun