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  1. panda-R

    Audio-GD V 1.22 driver Will Not Install !! Help!

    you need to check off the driver on the list of components to install...
  2. panda-R

    Audio-GD NFB-1.32

    Hey Guys,   I've had the opportunity to compare the NFB 1.32 to my REF5.32 for almost 2 weeks now and I must say if I hadn't bought my REF5.32 earlier I would have saved some money by going for the 1.32. Kingwa did an awesome job on the 1.32 with the ESS9018 and you definitely can't go wrong...
  3. panda-R

    La Figaro 339

    Quote: umm ~600 would be alright, i don't want to go too crazy :D   right now i'm using a matrix mini-i, so something definitely better!  
  4. panda-R

    La Figaro 339

    i anticpate purchasing one in the next few months!   need a dac to go with it, any recommendations?  
  5. panda-R

    sub $300 amp for DT880 600ohm

    i have a Musical Paradise MP-301 MK2 on the way. I'm hoping it pairs nicely with my DT880/600s!  
  6. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    it comes with the 2134, you can get the dual 627 and the 2111AM(UK) from him.
  7. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Quote: NICE,   where did u find it?    
  8. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    this amp is not appreciated enough!   I am still enjoying mine with the OPA627!  
  9. panda-R

    La Figaro 339

    I want more action in this thread!   I can't wait to order mine!!!   
  10. panda-R

    AMP for DT880 600 ohm

    you should just keep the 250s as you probably won't notice much difference to the 600s given your limited setup.   you just got them and u haven't even had the time to get to know them yet.   If you must, get a Matrix M-stage, that fits your budget.  
  11. panda-R

    Does this amp match Beyer Dynamic DT880-600

    you could try the 32ohm version, I've no  experience with them though. The 600ohm's on my setup still feel like they're holding back something so it's time to try some toooobs for me!  
  12. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    thanks buddy for your opinion... i think I will try Grado sr225is one of these days, but now i need to enjoy my HD650 and LC combo.  
  13. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Which grado should i buy? RS1i?  
  14. panda-R

    Audio-GD NFB-2 & NFB-3 Delivery & Impression Thread

    I want to get this dac too but i want to know how long i have to wait!  
  15. panda-R

    Sennheiser HD650 AMP

    Quote: lol, ask mackat but like who cares since the HD650 what amp is always relevant.  
  16. panda-R

    Sennheiser HD650 AMP

    dont waste your money on the HD650s if you aren't going to get a decent amp/dac to make them sing. I used them with a Matrix Mini-I which is a DAC with an integrated AMP and it sounded "decent" and it'll set you back around $300. However you'll need to spend a little more money than that if you...
  17. panda-R

    La Figaro 339

    My quest for the ultimate OTL amp to drive my high impedance super combo (HD650, DT880/600) has led me to the LF339. Does the 339 offer that much better performance over the LF332s that it should be a no brainer to pick up the 339 for the extra cost? Is there any alternatives within North...
  18. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Quote:   thats unfortunate because Sennheiser is awesome and the combo with LC is awesome! :)
  19. panda-R

    Does this amp match Beyer Dynamic DT880-600

    HRT Music Streamer II w/ Little Dot MKIII or MKIV would be a good cost effective setup. Maybe even a Darkvoice 336SE.  
  20. panda-R

    Does this amp match Beyer Dynamic DT880-600

    don't bother with the 600 ohms if you aren't going to invest good money into an AMP. They need a powerful amp to come alive and i think a uDac2 isn't going to cut it. 
  21. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Just received my Beyer DT880/600s and so far they just make my love my HD650/LC comobo even more. They're brand new so I still have hope they will open up more with use.    
  22. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Quote: I am using Matrix Mini-I to the lovely cube with OPA627 and I really like this combo. You wont' be disappointed. 
  23. panda-R

    Matrix Mini-i Balanced DAC+HP amp

    I love my MINI-I but i absolutely hate the clicky digital volume control! Is there any options out there where I can get rid of the clicky control?
  24. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Quote: that's a good idea! I'm sure you will like it if u like the BCL :D
  25. panda-R

    The "Lovely Cube" Headphone Amp (Lehmann Black Cube Linear Clone)

    Here's the inside of my Lovely Cube premium. The premium version comes with the 30VA Toroid, the higher quality gold plated neutrik jacks, and higher quality RCA jacks. I opted to upgrade the RCA's to all copper units like some other guy here because they look so cool! Stephen also sells stepped...