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  1. semaniaci

    M2Tech Mac Driver

    Has anybody got a problem w/ YouTube? i use my hiface with MacBook Pro and sound is belated. For example singer's mouth is moving but no words can be heart.
  2. semaniaci

    The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

    no i havn´t :) thanks for a clear pic. And which pins are the best option for soldering in case not having enough space for caps?
  3. semaniaci

    The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

    would be someone so kind that he post some pics of opened imod lod? i need to know how and where to solder those caps. And other things are the same as when doing ipod lod?
  4. semaniaci

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

      Quote: thank you   ---------- Would be someone be so kind and post some pics of opened imod lod and which pinouts i need to leave?
  5. semaniaci

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    So as i can understand from your answer, it is no needed. Thank´s a lot. it was made this way somewhere here on head-fi
  6. semaniaci

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    i need a piece of advice. I´m planning to build a diymod LOD myself, but there is one problem. i want to use  this silver wire. The outer thickness is 2mm so it means i need  mini plug w/ at least  8mm diameter. Viablue mini is a bit expensive, i´d rather buy sth cheaper. Or another possibility...
  7. semaniaci

    The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

    What capacitance and voltage capacitors use for LOD when i want to use diymod w/ mini3?
  8. semaniaci

    The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

    is it possible to make this mod on iPhone 2G? because i took a look at that page you mentioned in the first page of this threat and there´s shown where to solder one side of the wire, but the another one isn´t
  9. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    everything´s right :) thank you for your support, mistake was made in my new diy DAC. 
  10. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    for sure. uDac is working when i use it as dac, but not when i want to use its coax out.   print screen form foobar:
  11. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    i tried it many times, but it isn´t working in my case Quote:
  12. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    hello, i have a problem with older uDac. I have no idea how to use its spdif out. Volume knob is in minimum position. But it doesn´t work like it has to. is it necessary to set something in windows or in foobar?   laptop - uDac - cable from uDac´s coax out to DAC´s coax in - DAC´s output to...
  13. semaniaci

    Pro-Ject Headbox SEII

    is project´s line out bypassed without any changes of signal (no changes)?
  14. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    when will be udac back in stock? i was promised that 17th March, isn´t it? No offence, i´m just impatient
  15. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Quote: Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict At some point I could try feeding my iMod into the Amphora, and also the uDAC, and then I can play the same music and flip a switch between sources to compare them. I just can when I will get around to that. In my Amphora review I posted my...
  16. semaniaci

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nuforce uDAC USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Larry or someone are you able to compare uDAC and diymod?
  17. semaniaci

    need a help with diy imod

    thank you. it is clear for me now
  18. semaniaci

    i need a piece of advice with diy imod

    thanky you very much. im looking forward to mod it
  19. semaniaci

    need a help with diy imod

    Hello, im trying to make imod, but i am a bit confused of one note from admin » page two "It is no longer recommended to desolder anything from the iPod logic board. Desoldering these components makes for a much weaker connection, but soldering the wires to their pads while they’re still...
  20. semaniaci

    i need a piece of advice with diy imod

    Hello, im trying to make imod, but i am a bit confused of one note from admin » page two "It is no longer recommended to desolder anything from the iPod logic board. Desoldering these components makes for a much weaker connection, but soldering the wires to their pads while they’re still...
  21. semaniaci

    Sennheiser mods

    lol, yes maybe i will write thanking email to sennheiser. im still astonished
  22. semaniaci

    Sennheiser mods

    i tried it on my HD218s and it seems that they are a bit less bassy and have bigger soundstage. Thank you for great idea of modding
  23. semaniaci

    Sennheiser mods

    is it possible to use astroid mod for HD218?
  24. semaniaci

    portable amp for cx6

    hello, i have ordered my cx6 this week, so i would like to ask if cx6 sounds better with portable amp or it is just wasting of money. source will be imod (or ipod if no amp needed). my budget is about 150dollars