Recent content by Pov
  1. Pov

    Opinions on Sony MDR-D66SL Eggo

    I've got a pair that I purchased for portable use. They are very good for that purpose because they are light and they fold up and come with a little bag to carry them in. They are also quite comfortable to wear, and provide a decent amount of isolation. I stopped using them, though, after I...
  2. Pov

    ER6I VS E3C

    I see this is your first post, so let me start by saying, welcome to Head-Fi. Sorry about your wallet. There has been LOTS of discussion comparing these 2 phones. I suggest you do a search.
  3. Pov

    Im going to buy the e3c's...bad idea?

    Actually, I was saying that the Etys might sound bright if you go back to them after having lived with the Shures for a while.
  4. Pov

    Im going to buy the e3c's...bad idea?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ProleArtThreat Having said, I'm very interested what will happen when I get back home in a couple of days and take the ER-6i's for another week-long spin. I have a feeling I'm gonna realize how much I missed the high-end detail on the Ety's. Or you...
  5. Pov

    Im going to buy the e3c's...bad idea?

    I wear mine with the cord behind the ears, and then running down in front of me. It takes a little practice, but very little. I've seen posted here that you can wear them with the cord coming straight down, but it does NOT say that in the manual. As far as sound goes, I don't have the ER4's...
  6. Pov

    InEar Soundstage

    As a person who has been using high end SPEAKERS for years, I don't understand how the term "soundstage" can be applied to headphones. Yes, there can be more or less "separation" between instruments in different types of phones, but "soundstage?" I don't think so. Sound stage to me is the...
  7. Pov

    Best ipod phones from best buy

    Not much of a selection at Best Buy. The KCS 50's or the Sennheiser PX are probably going to be your best bet. A lot of iPod users like the Sony EX 51's, but not many people here do.
  8. Pov

    Thank goodness for canalphones!!!

    I've already had the pleasure of sitting next to someone on a flight who was yakking away on the phone (the plane had a built in phone system) for two hours. It's also a big problem on the commuter train I take every day. I agree, if it weren't for my E3's these people would drive me nuts...
  9. Pov

    Looking for opinions

    IMHO, the Sony Eggos and the V-6's sound too bright (almost shrill) with the iPod. From what you are saying I think that you should investigate a good pair of canal phones (Sure E2, E3, and Ety ER6i are all in your price range with room to spare). I use the Shure E3's and love them with the...
  10. Pov

    Shure E3C for $115

    Sorry. When I posted this there were about 60 left at that price. I guess they are gone
  11. Pov

    Shure E3C for $115

    Saw this so I thought I'd post it:
  12. Pov

    E3's triflanges

    Quote: Originally Posted by uncle b Personally, and I stress that, Mr. Iriver, until I purchased the triple flanges from, I thought those e3c's were the biggest pieces of over-priced, over-hyped junk my credit card had ever met. Now, I love those things. The tri-flanges seal...
  13. Pov

    iPod earbuds?

    Quote: Originally Posted by frankcent Apple actually introduced a product called iSock, which is similar to real socks and really sucks. Really? Are they white and overpriced?
  14. Pov

    a question of shures

    Quote: Originally Posted by hackeron After growing to love the EX71 in the years I had the, I couldnt listen to something completely the opposite without equalization personally Still, would be interesting to hear what headphones you used before the E3c. -- Good idea on getting back...
  15. Pov

    a question of shures

    Just to get back on topic here, I use the E3C's with no equalization whatsoever and I am very satisfied. OK, once in a while I'll turn on the "bass booster" on my iPod, but then I turn it off again