Recent content by pojen_h@hotmail.
  1. pojen_h@hotmail.

    My Stax Omega II system just arrived!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! Before upgrade the source, how about the power? I just let my monster HTS 5100 go a couple days ago, and my system sounds dry and flat.
  2. pojen_h@hotmail.

    The Stax thread (New)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh A penknife and a soldering iron and you could put the SR-001 connector on it. Also, assuming that serial numbers have started at 1000, then there's really not a lot of those 4070s about. The stax serial numbers are different for different countries...
  3. pojen_h@hotmail.

    The Stax thread (New)

    After seeing Carl's 4070, I can't stop thinking about it. I called my dealer to get a 001 (yes... a 001) to use at my office, but something went wrong Monday morning... Box I received today: The small brother, which not seen often here: 001 is REALLY SMALL.... (maybe I got used to...
  4. pojen_h@hotmail.

    The Stax thread (New)

    Hi, I have a question for 4070 owners... I recently moved to a new apartment that have central AC, i.e., it generates huge noise during operation. My 404 can't help in this situtation. I am consider 4070, can the owner comments on how good the isolation is? Thx,
  5. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Post pics of your computer rigs here.

    Do any jerker user know how to add wheel to it? I tried the moving rail from home depart, but doesn't work out well.
  6. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Power conditioners??

    If all we need is 120v@60Hz, why not consider ac source? Elgar and CA lab are two big names in ac source. Personally, I think AVS 2000 and PS premier are overkill for headphone use. (headphone amp "usually" consume less than 300w, not 3,000w) == side story == Do anyone here know direct...
  7. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Headphone Stands

    Quote: Originally Posted by lowrider007 I'm using a banana stand ... wooo hooo first post banana stand +1 cheap and beautiful XD Just remember to keep in mind the size of your headphone when chosing the banana hanger.
  8. pojen_h@hotmail.

    A new DA7.2x ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ack_0220 I clicked on the link and it doesn't show any CD. You mind telling me the tittle? I have a 7.2x as well and would really like to try on it. If you listen to classical or instrumental music, try any album from Chesky recordings. They are wonderful...
  9. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Surge Protector / Power Stabilizer

    This is very interesting. I wonder how the tripp-lite compete with Monster AVS 2000. (ebay used for sub 500)
  10. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Gilmore Lite wait time?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Quint FWIW, Justin quoted me 8-10 weeks, possibly longer, on the new Blue Hawaii SE. He said 4-6 weeks on the KGSS. I don't know if that helps, but that's what he told me. Admittedly, these are lower-production items, so the wait would be understandably...
  11. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Stax 717 and the new 727

    Got reply from my dealer. 727II system = 2900 (I guess he means 727+O2) driver only = 1519 At this price, I will consider KGSS.
  12. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Stax 717 and the new 727

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sasaki I have a 007tA (your 007tII). I do not have 727 but my friend has it. from my experience on the 007tA and 727 impression by my friend, new STAX amps are more transparent than previous equivalents. Thanks. I guess I have to find out how much...
  13. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Which firewire soundcard without external alimentation?

    RME FireFace series could be another good candidate for firewire sound card. (I love them because it work with Mac.) They have excellent driver support, and there is nothing to complain except the ugly GUI. If you only use iTunes to listen to music, you might consider airport express. It is a...
  14. pojen_h@hotmail.

    Stax 717 and the new 727

    Quote: Originally Posted by Carl The 727 has a redesigned output stage, so there should be at least some difference in sound. It's doubtful that it'll be anything huge though. How much more are they charging for the 727? I am considering getting a new amp and put in my office...
  15. pojen_h@hotmail.

    does stax make a headphone that isn't ugly?

    I had no problem with my 404. I consider buying a new amp to put in my office and bring my 404 with me whether going home or work. (it is too bad that I can't use 404 while I drive.) This thread remined me this. === I can't find review for the new 727 amp. I wonder how it compare to...