Recent content by PbR
  1. PbR

    Got a question about DVD Player to external DAC

    Hi, I was in a similar situation (though I have not sold my Sony CDP yet!). My Toshiba SD3960 is connected via digital coax to the Paradisea, and the setting on the DVD player is PCM for all 2 ch inputs. I believe the other option (atleast on the SD3960, Raw) will fry the either the DAC, or...
  2. PbR

    Where do you usually access from: Canada, USA, China, India, Russia, Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, .....?

    Quote: Originally Posted by AdamCalifornia India's population is about 1.136, i.e 1,136 Million and no Head-Fi'ers at all??? How about Delhi? Also Russia has only one Head-Fi'er so far. Latin America has only two Head-Fi'ers so far. Saw this rather late, am in...
  3. PbR

    Meier Corda Move details released

    Quote: Originally Posted by senny-ftw Should the gain be set to low for the MS1 irrespective of the power used - USB, 9v, 12v? Gain should be set to low, yes. Contrary to earlier posts, gain does NOT get set to high when an external PSU is used. Thanks for the clarification. I...
  4. PbR

    Meier Corda Move details released

    Quote: Originally Posted by koto-in The amp automatically switches to high gain mode with an external power source. Thanks, does the amp come with default set to low or high?
  5. PbR

    Meier Corda Move details released

    Should the gain be set to low for the MS1 irrespective of the power used - USB, 9v, 12v?
  6. PbR

    Meier Corda Move details released

    Wish I could! But my only HP is the MS1, got about 8 weeks ago, and my only amp is the Move, got only today!!!
  7. PbR

    Is a high end CDP even worth it any more?

    My head goes with Audio Critic, my heart with "Sterophile"; and my wallet (such as in its pitiable state now) leans towards AC; when it fills to ~$1M, then I am sure I will go for the big ones!!
  8. PbR

    Need new headphones for College <$100 preferably

    Check out the MS-1s....
  9. PbR

    Those who waiting Xin amp, post and get your date of arrival !

    Well!! Jumped into the SMIV bandwagon today. Let the wait begin....
  10. PbR


    Quote: Originally Posted by BigAmish I'll be able to tell you soon. My new RP-21s are in the mail & my only other full-size cans are MS-1s. Thanks, looking foward to your comments.
  11. PbR


    How does the RP-21 compare to the MS1? Am looking for a closed headphone, after my MS1.
  12. PbR

    Alessandro Music Series MS1 FAN CLUB!

    Ordered MS1 on 1st Apr (may not be the best day to do so?) from India, and received it today. Let the music begin....