Recent content by snarfarlarkus
  1. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Yeah he didn't allow me to buy his spare pair of 75's when I bought the 74's but hopefully I can snatch them off you. Mine were the Reflektors. I dont know much in the russian tube world but I do hear the Reflektors are better than the Rockets although I dont know for sure as the 74's are the...
  2. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Thanks satwilson,     Are the 75Hg's the ones Bob considers "Holy Grail" and are they much better than the 74's and the telefunkens from Upscale Audio? I may be interested in these
  3. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Ah yeah, I have no idea which to go for. I don't have a tube tester so I have no idea at all if the tubes have been previously used or if they're off in tightness. It sucks because I can't really trust Upscale due to Kevin with his snarky attitude. I may get a really tight pair or a pair thats...
  4. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    And thanks for that informative reply, satwilson, appreciate it.
  5. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Yeah its a sad time haha. I rolled the stock Lyr tubes and they didnt make any noise at all so it must be the russian tubes. It sucks that Kevin from Upscale is pretty cocky about his tubes and therefore, shows attitude about his loyal customers. He does have the best prices on the web right now...
  6. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Hey everyone, was just wondering if I should get the gold or platinum Telefunken 6922's from Upscale? I hear that the platinum grade tubes aren't fully matched like on tube would be tighter than the other or something along those lines? My beautiful 74' SWGP russian tubes are starting to create...
  7. snarfarlarkus

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

    Wow... The BE5 is the best earbud I have heard to date and I have heard many including the PK2 and PK3. And now you're saying the BE3 is better? Wow that says a lot haha. What about the BE7?
  8. snarfarlarkus

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

    I have both the TG38S and M760 with red cable but idk if it is the "good" M760 or the "bad" one but either way, it outperforms the tingo. The tingo is very bright, almost too bright for my liking and sounds "tinny" but remains very detailed and just dark enough to not be fatiguing. The bass is...
  9. snarfarlarkus

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

    I ordered a pair of be5s and they should arrive soon. Will post impressions upon arrival
  10. snarfarlarkus

    Toxic Cables - Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Whats the difference between an 8 wire and a non 8 wire cable?
  11. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Just got some lovely russian tubes from Uncle RB! I believe they are the 1974 SWGP silver shields? Correct me if I'm wrong, sorry.   So I just put these bad boys in my Lyr after listening to my Siemens E88CC gray electrostatic shields for the last time and I was for once shocked at the...
  12. snarfarlarkus

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    +1 on tube savers. I also had read that the tube savers increase the airyness of the sound of the tubes but that could be a false observation someone had made. I also use Herbies Audio Labs Rubber Feet for my Bifrost and Lyr which increase the height of the Bifrost and Lyr so more air can flow...