Campfire Audio Trifecta
Mar 17, 2024 at 10:47 AM Post #797 of 902
The Kennerton Rögnir Planar sounded incredibly thinn in the midrange. :triportsad:
Haven't tried a different Kennerton since.
Yeah i haven't tried those too, but i got the heartland and they slap hard, reviewed them, really worth every penny since they have been my daily driver beside the LCD-5
Mar 18, 2024 at 5:38 PM Post #798 of 902
I put the 200 mesh filters from the EA500 tuning kit on the Trifecta and it 'just' tweaks the glare without overly affecting the signature. And I ordered the Hakugei White Dragon for them (mmcx, of course). I had such good luck with the Gray Dragon on all my 2 pin iems, I couldn't resist.

Mar 18, 2024 at 5:54 PM Post #799 of 902
Ah I didn't know that. Hmm I might buy them. My wm1z is npaudio modded too so it should be an amazing match

Hey there, just thought I'd chime in with some clarifications here. For certain products, we can validate warranty without proof of purchase. The main determining factor here is if it's production run was within the last two years or not. So, for instance, we don't need validation for any BlackStar as they were all built/sold between now and last November.

Once the product's release date is more than two years past, we will start requesting order validation. This doesn't require much more than an order confirmation email or any correspondence that shows the original purchase date for your product. This point will pass for OG Trifecta in November of 2024, so all OG Trifecta are de facto covered by warranty until this point.
Campfire Audio Campfire Audio - Nicely Done. Stay updated on Campfire Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 18, 2024 at 9:52 PM Post #800 of 902
Further stuff n' things..... 25-30 hours in.....

Source: N8ii
Tips: CA Marshmallow (I like CA foam tips, don't usually swap in others early unless something sounds off/struggle for seal)
Fit: Easy like Sunday morning. Medium-ish depth insert that goes in without much fuss.....very light and comfortable in-ear.

Comparison: I had used the Z1R, Advar, and XE6 on early impressions looking to give some type of sonic landmark to the experience. After 30 or so hours of either brain or driver burn-in....whichever you pray to...still truth to that (50% Z1R, 30% Advar/DD warmth and response, 20% XE6 swirl/boom presentation). Maybe the fastest short-hand is Z1R meets Dorado 2020.

Tone: Warm, analog, boomy/roundly percussive. It's got a helping of the classic-tube gold and honey. A bit of sunshine without being bright in the sense of old school-grado/beyerdynamic. This is probably going to be the make or break for those lucky few putting ears on this's an approach to tone that could be called Two Channel Heaven if you dig or the most Hi-Fi Lo-Fi sound you'll ever hear if you don't. No matter the driver type, a lot of current tone voicing tends to accentuate decay, weight, clarity, color......when I listen to the Atriums or Advars, I feel like I'm in the drum-skin. You feel the brush work, you hear the depth. On Trifecta, your experience is often the reverb-laden space right off the instrument.....the interior of the drum, the buzz over the strings of a guitar. It's expressive and evocative of an earlier style of voicing.....but may seem a little syrupy/one-note for those who most enjoy chasing depth/texture ala' BA or Planar set-ups. Not saying tone is a weakness's just a different approach than most modern TOTL-style voicings. It's a E88CC Gold Lion affair.

Frequency: Mild/mid-mild V. The bass....she a boomin'. This is a wide-range and expressive bass tuning......but it's much more in the vein of a woosh-of-air thump from a two channel than the heavy, down-into-the void rumble and texture of the Z1R or XE6. Mids are a step or two back depending on the mix being feed.....not the star of the show, but a solid presentation. The most modern part of the tuning is the swell into the mid-high and treble the gives definition against the mids and a sense of some lift if not outright air.....but is not sibilant/aggressive. Think Z1R with mids pushed up a notch and treble down one or two. It presents a lot of energy without being fatiguing via tone/tuning.

Special Effect/Technical: The warm/boomy vintage tone can lead one to think that the technicals are so-so on first listen.......but the Trifecta, in my humble ear-holes, is a surprise technical powerhouse for a DD design. It's highly resolving. It images and spaces amongst the best IEM's I've heard, and handles complexity and layering with e-a-s-e. It's the widest stage I've heard in an IEM and plenty holographic. More wide than tall. Against the Z1R as an IEM touch-stone in this category, the Z1R is taller with a cathedral-like effect but not as wide. The Trifecta's presentation is most terms of what I've heard over the an IEM HD800. Not tone/tuning.....but that nebulous cloud of sound staging. Like the HD800, it can seem artificially stretched on certain mixes (which may or may not be a concern to you).....but it's like nothing else I've ever heard on an IEM for complex or expansive/orchestral mixes. To me, this category is the point of the Trifecta....and like the tone it won't be for everyone. But's straight f##$ing magic golden cosmic fire with certain mixes.

What does it work with?: Trifecta...for working with all genres. It can into can into rock/metal. It has plenty of speed and layering. It's really more mix dependent. The Trifecta is not the candidate to go pick apart mid-compressed rock/metal/pop the Z1R, you're going to feel like something is off-balance with scooped/hollow mids (though Trifecta gets you a lot further with a lot more music in this category than the Z1R). But if the mix...any genre...presents good articulation around the instruments or layers......holy hall of sound gods does the Trifecta just grab everything and explode it out into an all-detail-revealed golden cloud of sound.

Intimate solo presentations or small jazz club issue, Trifecta works big and small. But let me cut to the chase......if an album is instrument-forward, has 6 tracks, and is 90 minutes long.......Trifecta is its soul mate. Prog. Doom. Orchestral. Stoner. Trifecta is like being at a laser-light show in God's planetarium. Earthless?.....MAGIC. King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard......MAGIC. Gentle Giant?.........MAGIC. Elder?.......MAGIC. Porcupine Tree?....MAGIC. Woobler?......MAGIC. Later-day Opeth?.......MAGIC. If an album plays to 70's style organic-synth's like Trifecta was made for it. Tangerine Dream or John Carpenter sound tracks......unbelievably awesome in presentation.

At 30 hours in/TL-DR....
For: Music as an experience ala' the northstar of the HD800 presentation. Complex, layered tracks spun into a sonic, celestial two-channel cloud of the heavens.
Not For: Special effects/"The Experience" low on your list of sonic priorities. The ever-bleeding edge of the modern neutral+technical BA and/or Planar approach is your sole desire and interest.
n8ii is shouty vocal and elevated treble. not a good source for testing
Mar 25, 2024 at 12:18 PM Post #802 of 902
Hello all,

I am finally (barring any last-minute catastrophes!) about to become a member of the Trifecta club :raised_hands::smiley:
I have had my eye on Eletech's Raphael cable for a while (for use with several IEMs I own, especially now that it has the interchangeable MMCX and 2-pin connectors!).

So I was wondering if anyone has tried the Raphael with the Trifecta, and if so, your impressions of it? :)

And if there are any other cables in the same ~$500 price range that would be especially recommended to go with Trifecta, then feel free to comment on that too!

But mainly, I've been thinking about buying Raphael for a while anyway, based on reviews and impressions I've read, so it would be nice to know how it plays with the Trifecta :)
Mar 25, 2024 at 12:31 PM Post #803 of 902
So I was wondering if anyone has tried the Raphael with the Trifecta, and if so, your impressions of it? :)

I posted mine a couple pages back:

Just had to try it, even though my Raphael is 2 pin and I have to use adapters. I can report that, relative to stock, it nudges the mids forward a bit in the mix and tightens up the bass end, which also gives the mids more space to sing. Added Penon Orange tips to push it further in that direction. They are great for mids, timbre and soundstage and bring less bass pressure than say, Divinus Velvet. My Trifecta looks a hot mess now but it sounds good. I had trouble getting it out of my ears, which is always a good sign. May just keep the pairing on a bit longer.

Mar 25, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #804 of 902
Oh, and while I'm at it, has anyone tried Trifecta with the iBasso PB5 Osprey amp? :)
I'd read on the PB5 thread here that some people thought it might not pair well with warm IEMs, so not sure whether it might be overkill with the Trifecta?
Or maybe it just means double the analogue goodness? :D
Again, if anyone's heard this combo, please do comment :)
And thank you in advance!
Mar 25, 2024 at 12:40 PM Post #805 of 902
I posted mine a couple pages back:
I somehow managed to completely miss that whilst scanning through the last few pages! Many thanks!
Well, I'm an unashamed (audiophile) basshead, so I'm hoping it doesn't reduce the bass *too* much :laughing:
But everything else sounds great; by coincidence, I'm a big mids, timbre and soundstage lover, so your descriptions are very encouraging :)
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Mar 25, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #806 of 902
I somehow managed to completely miss that whilst scanning through the last few pages! Many thanks!
Well, I'm an unashamed (audiophile) bashed, so I'm hoping it doesn't reduce the bass *too* much :laughing:
But everything else sounds great; by coincidence, I'm a big mids, timbre and soundstage lover, so your descriptions are very encouraging :)

Check, check and check - I love all of those as well. Maybe get to know the Trifecta first? Raph is a great cable though; it usually lives on my Impact but makes the rounds once in a while. (From memory, I don’t think it particularly improved soundstage though - that was more likely the work of the Penon orange Liqueur tips).

If you’re a basshead, Divinus Velvet tips synergise exceptionally well for my tastes with all the Campfires I’ve tried them with, to the point that I’ve bought several boxes so I don’t have to keep swopping them around.

And it’s hardly a cable, but I’ve found that in terms of gear - any gear at all - to go with the Trifecta, absolutely nothing beats the WM1Z.
Mar 25, 2024 at 1:14 PM Post #807 of 902
to go with the Trifecta, absolutely nothing beats the WM1Z.


Trifecta has been my #1 since I first heard it but when I finally heard it with the WM1Z it basically made all the other IEMs out there irrelevant for me.
Mar 25, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #808 of 902
For me the deepest bass coridors opened with Spinfit W1, amazing bass simulation experience I would call it :)
Mar 25, 2024 at 1:40 PM Post #809 of 902

Trifecta has been my #1 since I first heard it but when I finally heard it with the WM1Z it basically made all the other IEMs out there irrelevant for me.
Well, that's encouraging, because, like @gazzington my main DAP is a Nayparm-modded WM1Z :raised_hands: :smiley:
Can't wait to receive my Trifecta... happy days are hopefully very much on the way :)
Mar 25, 2024 at 1:50 PM Post #810 of 902
So far, I've had the best luck with BGVP W01 tips on the Trifecta.

If anyone is up for a sub bass trip, give a listen to Orgysteria by Jackson and His Computer Band.

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