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  1. chrislangley4253


  2. chrislangley4253

    Do you feel that the Sennheiser 600 series are "veiled"? (HD580/HD600/HD650)

    ...thread/poll on topic and respect the opinions of your fellow head'fiers there is no right or wrong answer to this question. Thank you :)   *edit* Just realized that the two options on the poll that include all three headphones were kind of pointless. If you select one of those, please...
  3. chrislangley4253

    A neat little track to put in between your albums on a playlist (Needle on vinyl sounds)

    I made a track to put in-between albums when I want to play a longer playlist of similar sounding artists while I'm laying in bed.   It's a recording of a needle being lifted off a record, a bit of silence and then the needle being dropped. It is 8 Seconds long.  ...
  4. chrislangley4253

    Woody Magnum sound, in Sennheiser form

    HD600? HD650? HD800?   None of the above?
  5. chrislangley4253

    ODAC vs TOTL

    You know what to do. Compare the two, and play nice.   Please try to stay on topic.
  6. chrislangley4253

    Must try if you own ksc75 clips and portapro/sportapro drivers

    Throw the portapro drivers on the ksc75 clips.. give em a listen. Report below.   Basically just a ksc35 with 75 clips
  7. chrislangley4253

    Binding of Isaac

     Devishly simple and great   Check it out, buy it, play it.
  8. chrislangley4253

    How to properly coil a cable   Enjoy (just sharing, I have nothing to do with this video)
  9. chrislangley4253


  10. chrislangley4253

    O2 vs TOTL

    Discuss, nicely. Curious how my amp of choice compares to the real expensive/high quality stuff.
  11. chrislangley4253

    No love for magnums?

    Just wondering if you all considered magnums end game. I certainly think a pair of magnum drivers, when paired with the right cups, is something pretty darn special. I've yet to hear better. Gladly welcome any challenging headphones. PM me for my address ;-)
  12. chrislangley4253

    St. Louis Mini-Meet (March 9th)

    I finally put my foot down and picked a date. The meet will be at my house in St. Charles on March 9th. I live at 370 and 94 (I will update with my exact address as the date gets closer). Official Roster: 1. Chris Langley (chrislangley4253) - Modded Fostex T50rp, ODAC, O2, Portapro, Koss...
  13. chrislangley4253

    Sennheiser HD595 sounding much better out of a vintage receiver instead of a matrix m-stage.

    Hey guys, I've been A/Bing my matrix m-stage with a vintage receiver (an old technics, nothing special).. It seems that the sennheiser HD595s really do a lot better out of the vintage receiver, while my grados really sound much better out of the matrix m-stage. I was wondering if anyone had...
  14. chrislangley4253

    Recable procedure advice

    hello, I have two solid silver headphone cables. One is 4 conductor and going on my portapros the other is 8 conductor and going on my Grados. Any advice on what iron to buy? Do I need flux?   Also, any advice on the steps of the process or how to tell which wire goes where would be great...
  15. chrislangley4253

    Which USB out should I use for my DAC? Asus U30JC-A1 (pictures included)

    I know this might be an odd question. But I also know that someone might have an answer, and I'm curious as to what their reasoning might be.  As you can see I have two usb ports on the left side.. (I'm pretty sure those run directly off the motherboard). And one on the right side.     ...
  16. chrislangley4253

    Effect of silver cable on headphones

    Hey guys,    In a couple days I'm going to recable either a pair of my portapros or ksc75's with silver. I'm trying to decide which pair I'd like better with the silver. What effect do you think that silver has on the sound sig? It seems I have seen a lot of people saying that it makes the...
  17. chrislangley4253

    MX1 vs SPARROW

    trying to decide between a sparrow A version and a Audinst-hud mx1. I use modded grado sr80i's and fostex t50rp and portapros. the sparrow is 45 more I think I'm leaning towards it.   I must use usb output from my laptop for now. but I plan on building a gaming rig eventually and then I'll...
  18. chrislangley4253

    What Size Olive's should I try? Small Tri-Flange Etymotic User.

    Hi guys,   I'd like to get an idea whether I want to buy medium or small Olives.. I use the smaller triple flange for the MC5's and the smallest eartip sizes for my maximo iM-590's and skullcandy iem's. (makes me want to buy the small ones, but I see a lot of people saying to get mediums and...
  19. chrislangley4253

    Using Sansa Clip+(Rockboxed) w/ amp: Volume

    Hey guys,   I keep reading that when using an ipod with an amp (specifically the pa2v2) that it should be turned up to only 65%-70%. How high should my sansa+ be turned up? I'm using rockbox so it measures in +- dB's. I would assume that 0 would be fine (that is where I usually put it when I...
  20. chrislangley4253

    Difference in Cable between Grado SR60i and Grado SR80i

    I'm going to mod a pair of lower end Grado's. I intend to put off switching out the cable for some time. Therefore, I'd like to know how the cables actually compare. I know that Grado claims on their website that the SR80i's have a 4 pin. What exactly does that mean?   P.S. Please don't...
  21. chrislangley4253

    Looking for Grado PS1 Shell Dimensions

    Hello all,   I'm looking to fabricate some aluminium shells that will mock the PS1's to put on a pair of grado sr60i's. Any help as far as dimensions to fabricate them to or any advice on getting it to fit would be greatly appreciated.  
  22. chrislangley4253

    Upgrade from my modded portapro's

    Okay, I started off with Maximo iM-590's and I loved the bass heavy sound sig. Then, i moved on to stock portapro's and I loved the more open yet still aggressive sound. Then, I modified my Portapro's and this is the soundsig that I have enjoyed the most. The main thing I changed was adding some...
  23. chrislangley4253

    Koss PortaPro Recable Suggestions

    Well, I feel like I've done about everything I can to my PortaPro's and I've got a few soldering irons handy. I'd really like to try my hand on a recable.   Any suggestions on which cable/plugs to buy (I think i'd prefer a braided cable and an angled plug but if i'm better off not getting...
  24. chrislangley4253

    What's Next? Upgrade Fever.

    You are a college student on a tight budget, but your will is strong and you can save up any amount of money, eventually. You have a laptop, a 24gb sansa clip+, a pair of Koss Portapros and a pair of maximo iM-590's that you no longer use because you fell in love with the portapro's. You plan to...
  25. chrislangley4253

    Portapro BestBuy edition- like the 25th anniv. version but w/ normal price

      i'd like to mention that bestbuy has a pair that is similar to the 25th anniversary but the same price as normal ones. they are all black. the only difference between the bestbuy pair and the 25th anniversary is the packaging/coin which i didn't care about. the cord is also different than...