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  1. Golden Monkey

    HELP - Amp repair in Seattle area

    My apologies if this is the wrong forum for this.  Mods, please move if necessary...   My father-in-law has a vintage (early 70's) solid state Sansui integrated receiver that's getting some crackling in the left channel (just started yesterday) and has a bad switch. He lives in Seattle...
  2. Golden Monkey

    Ok, WHEN did ATH M50's become FOTM?

    Seriously...I spent about a year away from the mania of Head-Fi, and when I "came back" about two months ago, it's been nothing but M50's this, M50's that.  When I left, it was all about the Denon D2000's.  I'm not hating on the phones, I'm just curious how all of this M50 hype got started. 
  3. Golden Monkey

    AT ESW9A vs. Beyer T50p (impressions forthcoming!)

    Obviously, directly comparing these two and saying one is better than the other wouldn't be fair to either.  Since they are very different in terms of sound signature, I'm wondering if anyone with experience with both phones (like Skylab...but he's owned everything, lol) can chime in and give me...
  4. Golden Monkey

    Spend my $1,300 on a portable setup for me... bulky, but sounds ok. It's about as portable as an old school cassette Walkman, lol. This rig also lacks much musicality and excitement... * The Ety's are nice and neutral, but a bit dry and sterile.  I also can't wear them for long periods, as they are a little uncomfortable.  Also...
  5. Golden Monkey

    DAP/Amp/DAC combo, or separates?

    I'm contemplating a new portable rig, and wondering which would be best, in terms of SQ and cost effectiveness/bang for the buck (not so much portability)  :   1) an all-in-one box, like a HiFiMAN HM-602.  Integrated storage, amp, and DAC. 2) a DAP with digital outs, and an amp/DAC with...
  6. Golden Monkey

    Your thoughts on stepped attenuators, please...

    I've been looking at a Goldpoint Mini-V stereo SA, since the ALPS pot in my Woo sometimes makes scratchy noises (and I also suspect channel imbalance sometimes).  I have ZERO interest in building my own, or in a "cheap" replacement, so I'm curious about what people think regarding the sonic...
  7. Golden Monkey

    I need a good "budget" CD transport...

    I tuned out on Head-Fi for a while, because it just started getting stupidly expensive for me, but lately I've been thinking about getting a new transport to replace my Denon DVD player.  I have no idea what's out there these days though, but I want something to add to my Monarchy DIP > OMZ >...
  8. Golden Monkey

    What IS the PDPS mod, anyway? (Woo amps)

    I keep reading about this mod here and there, but what is it exactly? Ok, "psuedo dual power supply", but what all is done, how does it affect the sound, and why do it in the first place? Any detrimental effects? Thanks!
  9. Golden Monkey

    Woo 3+: Adventures in Tuberolling (update page 6)

    ...well, but I have almost no time on them so I'll reserve commentary at this time. Amperex ECC88/6DJ8 (Bugle Boys) (1954) The Bugle Boys...ahh...*sigh*. These are glorious. They are my newest tubes, but also the most vintage and "boutiquey". I spent a little time with them last night, and...
  10. Golden Monkey

    6AS7 / 421A / 5998 / 6080 / 7236 recommendations

    Ok, random tube info request...I have the Tung-Sol 7236 in my Woo 3+, and am more than happy with it, but I know that just like a favorite pet it's eventually going to die on me and I'll want a new one. There's a lot of tubes in this family, and they all seem very different from each other. Some...
  11. Golden Monkey

    Tube dampers - who uses them?

    I just ordered a pair of UltraSonic 9's from Herbie: My rig is in a non-ideal location (on a wire Metro shelf rack, if you know what those are...if not:image), and the 9622's are pretty microphonic. The wire shelving + hardwood floors + 6922's = microphonics, so I'm hoping these help...
  12. Golden Monkey

    EDIT: Yes, this was a good deal - Ebay tube auction for NOS Siemens E88CC

    Won an auction for these on Ebay, and got a pretty good price (I think). Can one of you tube gurus translate the date code for me, and tell me what year these are? I know they are later production by the silver plate between the sections, but... Siemens Halske Munich Germany MATCHED...
  13. Golden Monkey

    Tube burn-in?

    Couple of questions regarding tube burn-in... 1) Does it actually exist? I'm assuming tubes would be subject to benefits of burning in like any component, if not moreso. 2) Is it something that gradually changes over time and the life of the tube, or do they reach a state of "broken in"...
  14. Golden Monkey

    I've found love...Woo Audio WA3+

    Man, I thought I was done...figured I'd had everything settled and no more equipment would be necessary. I had a nice easy to maintain system full of details and soundstage, neutrality, transparency, naturalness, etc. I'd fastidiously avoided tubes - didn't want to deal with maintenance...
  15. Golden Monkey

    Senheiser HDA200...what are these?

    Sennheiser USA - HDA200 - Product Details Sennheiser HDA200 Saw these when I was looking around the web...what are they for, exactly? Anyone try them? They look like they isolate well, but it's weird to see an expensive closed Senn can...
  16. Golden Monkey

    Headphile Woodies for HD650's - impressions?

    Can anyone that has Woodies on their 650's please give me some feedback on their impressions over stock? I'm curious as to how they affect the sound quality overall. If you can, can you please provide your wood choice, cup depth, and opening configuration, and whether or not you use any damping...
  17. Golden Monkey

    Thoughts on ferrite cores?

    Does anyone use these to any great effect in their systems to reduce interference? I have one on my CDP that doesn't have a shielded, detachable cable, but as all my other power cords are well shielded I'm not using them there. Any thoughts about using them on interconnects, digital cables...
  18. Golden Monkey

    Question for Ori: OMZ DAC output impedance

    Anyone know what the output impedance of the OMZ DAC (dac-only unit) is? I can't seem to find any info regarding this, and I'm wondering about the usefulness of an output buffer (Like the Bryson) between my OMZ and LD MKV. For that matter, does the input impedance on the amp matter, or is it...
  19. Golden Monkey

    LD MK(?) as a preamp for an MKV (Pench, help!)

    I've noticed a few posts where people have used a Little Dot III or IV as a preamp for their MKV. Just looking for a bit more detail on the experience now. How do the 3's or 4's perform as a preamp for the V? Have you tried doing it the other way around (MKV as pre for the tube amps, and if so...
  20. Golden Monkey

    Burn-in/Break-in...are you a believer?

    No replies necessary, just a vote...
  21. Golden Monkey

    A question about interconnect "burn-in"

    ...Ok, I know burn-in is a contentious issue, so please refrain from mud-slinging if someone posts something you don't agree with... I just got some Signal Cable Silver Resolution ICs w/ Eichmann Silver Bullets to go between my DAC and hp amp, and they've been burning in for about 20 hours...
  22. Golden Monkey

    Differences between Alessandro and Grado...

    What exactly is the difference between the two comparable offerings? Are the Alessandros essentially "modded" Grados? What do the MS1, MS2 and MS Pro compare to in the Grado lineup, and what makes them better/worse than their counterparts? Thx.
  23. Golden Monkey

    Denon modders...need some supplies?

    Well, I did the earpad mod on my D2000's, and I had to buy a bag of Polyfil and a pack of cups. Now I have a boatload left over. A couple of folks inquired via PM about it, and I've sent some off, so I'm just throwing this out there to the rest of you. If you'd like enough to mod your cans, send...
  24. Golden Monkey

    HD650 and Denon D2000 impressions on a Little Dot MKV

    On another thread, crappyjones123 asked: "i hate hijacking threads but just on a side note...golden, out of the mkv which do you prefer? 650 or the d2000? is there anything for which you specifically pick the d2000s over the 650 even if it is with some other amp?" I decided to post a new...
  25. Golden Monkey

    Monarchy DIP Combo (was "Classic" - impressions pg. 2)

    Does anyone have any feedback on their experiences with this little black box? I'm not really interested in the upsampler, although the classic can now be had with the upsampling installed as well. I am looking for a good upgrade over the stock clock in my DVD player, something to feed a true...