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  1. Mcrmouse30

    CES 2004, pictures and short descriptions. . .

    ...stuff but I didn't make it over there at all. All the random gadgetry was at the convention center and I didn't make it out there either. The **** stars were randomly dispersed, and I have no further comment/pictoral evidence to share about that. I knew I should have wandered over to...
  2. Mcrmouse30

    CES 2004, pictures and short descriptions. . .

    Dang I missed a lot! I was at CES this year but obviously didn't make it past any of these booths. Where were they located at?
  3. Mcrmouse30

    CES 04 Pics-New Sennheiser 500 series

    Quote: Originally posted by ch1nkster I just got back from CES. Wow it was hella fun. The place was HUGE and I looked everywhere from the Sennheiser booth, which I eventually found. Anyway, I got to hear the new 500 model line up and they do sound pretty good. Sound is comparable to the...
  4. Mcrmouse30

    CES Anyone

    I will be there. Leaving in 2 hours as a matter of fact. I haven't checked out the vendors. What are some good ones to hit up?
  5. Mcrmouse30

    LOTR: Return of the King

    Quote: Originally posted by warubozu Ditto, I agree. I didn't mean that to be taken that you can't be moved by a work of fiction. You know as I reread that statement I misunderstood it myself. I for some reason read that as the people in the theatre bowed to the screen when they...
  6. Mcrmouse30

    LOTR: Return of the King

    Quote: Originally posted by darth nut There were quite a few tear-inducing moments in this film. However, I managed to restrain my eyes from welling up rather succesfully. I was successful until near the end, when the 4 hobbits bowed before the newly-crowned king, and King Aragorn...
  7. Mcrmouse30

    turntable recommendations + where to buy?

    For $100 you can sometimes pick up some really good deals at Just lurk around there for a while. Otherwise $100 isn't going to get you anything worth owning new.
  8. Mcrmouse30

    Important TT decision to make. Help appreciated.

    Your Thorens table will sound a lot better than that Sumiko 1.2.
  9. Mcrmouse30

    Cheap, good quality turntable?

    I just bought an MMF 2.1. I really like and it is a great table. Although I do regret not buying an older used table off of Audiogon. For the same price you will spend for an MMF 2.1 or a Pro-Ject 1.2 you can get a much better used turntable for the money.
  10. Mcrmouse30

    Anyone in here care to offer photography advice?

    If you can spend a little more money I think you will be far much happier with an N80 over an N75.
  11. Mcrmouse30

    A tribute to lurkers

    I have been lurking here for many months, even before I joined. I lurk every forum I go to ecspecially Anandtech Off Topic. I have been a member there for 5 years yet have around 300 posts. Anyways the headphone forum lured me in here and now I stay mostly for the Music and Members Lounge forum.
  12. Mcrmouse30

    Best Floyd Album

    Delicate Sound of Thunder is two discs and is live. For me I am really partial to the Final Cut. I just picked up Animals on vinyl for $1 and am beginning to really like it as well.
  13. Mcrmouse30

    Brothers in Vinyl

    Well due to this board and Tuberollers threads on vinyl( I don't think he realizes it though since I always lurk) I have since gotten into vinyl. About 3 weeks ago I bought a MMF 2.1 turntable, I haven't touched a cd since. I have accumulated about 75 records in that short time and I am loving...
  14. Mcrmouse30

    Making PCBs

    Quote: Originally posted by Voodoochile That's what I've been doing, too. Works great. But I have a friend who tried it with the same paper and model of printer, but a different iron, and results were sub-optimal. I am interested in this. Have any good links that go into detail?
  15. Mcrmouse30

    Is there a Penguin Guide equivalent for vinyl ?

    I have been looking for one also. Sorry I am not of any help.
  16. Mcrmouse30

    anyone who knows about that recent rpc windows exploit come give me advice!

    Go to the Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services>Remote Procedure Call(RPC)>Recovery and set it so it won't reboot. That will give you time to download the patch and install it.
  17. Mcrmouse30

    team cyclist porn

    I have a 2003 Specialized Rockhopper. It is my first mountain bike and I am really enjoying it. It is nothing fancy but it gets me down all the trails I have tried here in Utah and Idaho. Since I bought it I have realized just how out of shape I am. I end up walking up a lot of the trails...
  18. Mcrmouse30

    Digital Camera decisions

    Quote: Originally posted by shafu is a great site. For what it's worth, I just bought the Cannon S400 and found it great for my honeymoon pictures. Pics? J/K. I definitly would recommend getting the Canon G3. The images that it produces are incredible. Plus it...
  19. Mcrmouse30

    Best pocketable low profile case for iPod 2?

    According to most of the cases ship on June 9th. I think I will get a leather case with a belt clip so I can mount it in my car for handy use.
  20. Mcrmouse30

    Best pocketable low profile case for iPod 2?

    Well I bought the 10gb Ipod so mine didn't come with a case or I would use it.
  21. Mcrmouse30

    Best pocketable low profile case for iPod 2?

    I have been looking all around for a case for my new ipod. Most of them come out in June. I might resort to wrapping mine in saran wrap like a few have to protect it until some cases come out.
  22. Mcrmouse30

    Unusual Hobbies

    Quote: Originally posted by SBomm I race an 80cc shifter kart for a couple years. Wow, definitly something I want to do when I get some more money. Those things are awesome.
  23. Mcrmouse30


    Quote: Originally posted by usc goose Anandtech Off Topic is hilarious though. I don't know, I never post there but my neighbor is a member there. I'll apoligize for his relentless flaming of you. (In the likely chance he has) Speaking from experience, this place is way more addictive...