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  • Users: DrBenway
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  1. DrBenway

    Marvin Isley has died.

    So Marvin Isley died a couple of days ago. And NO ONE on this formerly great site has mentioned this? Curious to see what kind if response, if any, I get to that sentence.   RIP Marvin. I know that you will continue to fight the power.   Much respect, JKM
  2. DrBenway

    Sony has discontinued the SRF-59?

    I just went to the Sonystyle website to see if I could order an SRF-59 pocket radio. I was greeted with a line of text that read "no longer available." This is very sad to me, as it seems virtually certain that this epochal product has been discontinued. For well over 10 years, I owned one...
  3. DrBenway

    Two of our DJs are missing.

    It's been a rough week for someone who was raised on radio. In the past few days, I learned of the deaths of both Charlie Gillett and Ron Lundy. Ron Lundy was (it hurts to write about him in the past-tense) a giant of NYC top-40 radio. In the midst of a journeyman career in radio, he came to...
  4. DrBenway

    New Dayton T-Amp looks very interesting

    I was clicking around the Parts Express Website, and I found a catalog listing for a forthcoming T-Amp, the DTA-100. Frankly, it looks way too good to be true. For just $100, this little unit promises to deliver 50 watts (into 8 ohms) a side to speakers, and also has a front-mounted 1/4"...
  5. DrBenway

    Attention Clip/Clip+ owners: does your unit malfunction in cold weather?

    I posted this question in another thread, and got no response (not surprising, it was off-topic.) I'm very curious as to whether anyone else has observed this problem. When I use my Clip+ in close-to-freezing, or even colder weather, the sound quality collapses after a few minutes of use. The...
  6. DrBenway

    Jay Reatard Has Died

    The NYT reports that rocker Jay Reatard was found dead in his home on Wednesday. No cause of death has been determined, according to the Times, and an investigation is ongoing. I'm shocked and saddened by his passing, partly because I had just started investigating the music of this...
  7. DrBenway

    Mary Travers Has Died

    Mary Travers, best known as one-third of the legendary folk-pop group, Peter, Paul, and Mary, has died at the age of 72. The BBC World Service reports that the cause of death was leukemia, which she had battled for a number of years. It was my privilege to grow up in a household where her...
  8. DrBenway

    Jim Carrol has died

    If you ever heard "People Who Died," or read The Basketball Diaries, then you know why I am so sad right now. Jim Carrol was perfectly definitive of the New York City that was crushed under the weight of greed in the last 25 years. I'm sure Muffy and Skippy are sipping their Metropolitans on the...
  9. DrBenway

    What Is Your Favorite Southern Rock Band?

    Both Skynyrd and the Allmans have passionate followings. Which, in your opinion, was the greater band? I say was because, despite the fact that versions of both groups still exist, neither bears much resemblance to its classic lineup. So please limit your comparisons to the two bands in...
  10. DrBenway

    Senn CX300s unbeatable at $19.99?

    ...he posted in this forum a couple of years ago. I happened to be at J&R about a week ago, picking up **YET MORE** external drive space and a new keyboard, and I snagged a pair of the CX300s; I was never really interested in them (though somewhat curious) before, but at $20/pair, this was an...
  11. DrBenway

    Beastie Boy Adam Yauch Has Cancer

    In an informal video posted to the band's website, Beastie Boy Adam Yauch announced that he has been diagnosed with cancer and will shortly undergo surgery followed by radiation treatments. The New York Times story is here. + YouTube Video ERROR: If you can see this, then...
  12. DrBenway

    Poll: Were the moon landings fake?

    A recently posted NYT article describes the tiny--but persistent--minority of folks who believe that the US space program in general, and the moon-landings in particular, were faked. Does anyone here believe this? If so, what is your reasoning? If not, what do you think motivates such...
  13. DrBenway

    Oops! RIAA Sues A Woman Who Doesn't Own A Computer

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The good folks at the RIAA have really topped themselves, if this post from Gizmodo is to be believed. It seems that Universal Music sent the usual extortion threats to a woman who they accused of file sharing. Problem? The woman didn't own a computer...
  14. DrBenway

    Insane Stop-Motion Animation

    I've seen some pretty cool stop-motion animation, including at least one example posted here at Head-Fi. This one, though, absolutely takes the cake. It was done as a senior project by an art school student using, wait for it...Post-it notes!! The interaction between the guy in the vid (the...
  15. DrBenway

    Has Etymotic discontinued the original ER6....?!!!

    Note: If I am late to the party on this one, please direct me to any pre-existing threads. I searched on "Ety ER6 discontinued" and came up empty. A few months ago, I went to J&R here in NYC to buy a pair of Ety ER6's. They were still listed on the J&R website, but, to my chagrin, all they...
  16. DrBenway

    Explosions In The Sky

    So, I'm listening to Explosions In the Sky, beautifully recorded on 03-29-07. This was a legal download from I'm wondering why I don't hear more praise for this band. Anybody else mesmerized by this band...?
  17. DrBenway

    What Does Jade Goody's Life and Death Say About Modern Society?

    First of all, it's terribly sad that Jade Goody has died. The loss of any precious human life is a tragedy. I write that without irony, and with sympathy to her family and friends. However. What does it say about the current state of human society that a loutish, untalented, bigoted person...
  18. DrBenway

    The Most Amazing Mashup I've Ever Heard or Seen

    I found a link to this on one of the music blogs. I was initially skeptical, becase I find nearly all mashups to be clever at best, and usually not even that. The best I had previously heard was Danger Mouse's astonishing conflation of Jay-Z's Black Album and the Beatles's White Album. The vid...
  19. DrBenway

    Randy Bewley, Pylon Guitarist, Has Died

    According to the Athens Banner-Herald, Randy Bewley, the guitarist for the legendary Athens band Pylon, has died. He apparently suffered a heart attack while driving his van in Athens, where he still lived, and passed away later in the hospital. Pylon sprang from the same fertile Athens scene...
  20. DrBenway

    Estelle Bennett, a Founder of the Ronettes, Has Died.

    The New York Times reports that Estelle Bennett has died. Along with her sister Veronica (later Ronnie Spector), and their cousin, Nedra Talley, Estelle founded the legendary Ronettes. She was 67 at the time of her death. An incululable influence on generations of rockers, including the...
  21. DrBenway

    Windows 7 a DRM Monster...?

    ...appears to be pandering to Big Music for its own reasons unrelated to consumer satisfaction. This may be the tip of the iceberg. Something *really nasty* is lurking under the surface of Win7. Being in bed with the RIAA is bad enough, but locking your own files away from you is a device so...
  22. DrBenway

    What kind of cheese do you have on your Philly cheese steak?

    Spareribs started an interesting and amusing thread about cheese, and someone brought up the miracle of science known as Cheez Whiz. This got me to wondering about which kind of cheese most people order on their Philly cheese steaks. I am a hardcore Whiz guy. Provolone won't cut it. If it...
  23. DrBenway

    David "Fathead" Newman Has Died.

    One of the greatest R&B saxmen of all time has died. The New York Times reports that David "Fathead" Newman died this past Tuesday, at the age of 75. Best known for his yoeman service in Ray Charles's greatest recording and performing units, Newman was an extravagantly talented, versatile, and...
  24. DrBenway

    Levi Stubbs, Lead Voice of The Four Tops, Has Died

    Sad news has just come to me from the BBC, via my PortaPros. Levi Stubbs, the unforgettable lead voice of The Four Tops, has died. The Four Tops were, of course, one of the cornerstone groups of the Motown sound, and their hits, including "Reach Out (I'll Be There)," "The Same Old Song,"...
  25. DrBenway

    Damien Hirst: Visionary Artist, or Complete Fraud?

    The NYT reports that Damien Hirst's two-day sale at Sotheby's has set, by a wide margin, a new record for an auction of the works of a single artist. The total for the auction was just over $200 million. I cannot believe that there are that many rich, stupid, tasteless people walking around...