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  1. nick_charles

    Am I missing something here..?

    $47,000 tube headphone amplifier with just two tubes and a 12v power pack and a 30- day wait time - can this actually work ? 
  2. nick_charles

    An interesting article about Super tweeters from Jim leSurf - why content above 20 KHz might be audible after all , sort of ...

    Jim leSurf is a retired professor of Physics & Electronics  at St Andrews University in this page he talks about Super Tweeters  LINK - and his general audio pages are always fascinating !
  3. nick_charles

    An interesting page with the mathematics of Sampling

    This is pretty interesting, I do not have sufficient higher maths to determine if it is correct. If it is correct, perhaps we have a mathematician in the house , then it demonstrates that a DAC should be capable of a perfect reconstruction of any bandwdith limited continuous signal regardless of...
  4. nick_charles

    R.I.P Sir Christopher Lee

    Very sad to hear this today, another icon from my childhood gone and long before his time !
  5. nick_charles

    Travelling with two passports

    Yo Dudes Hello Chaps, after living here for 15 years the missus and I finally had our citizenship interviews and will soon become US Citizens (yippee !) . we want to retain our old UK passports for travel in Europe (hopefully shorter border patrol lines) . I've been trying to find out the most...
  6. nick_charles

    Some cable measurments

    ...To do this I played back the white noise sample and recorded it to my PC. To cater for random variations I did each recording with each cable **10** times. Each resulting wav file (70 of them, I tested the AQ cables aligned by the arrows and unaligned to test for the claimed...
  7. nick_charles

    Standard of cheating depressingly low in undergraduates

    Every now and again I have the unpleasant duty of dealing with academic honesty problems. Todays classic is the student that sent me a final project that was word for word, mistake for mistake identical to another students submission and:   The other student was the brother of the first...
  8. nick_charles

    HDTV and old cable box

    Our old analog telly is dying and we will have to replace it. The missus wants a 46 inch LG HDTV. Obviously to get HD cable we will need to upgrade our cable box which is non-HD , digital in but SD RF analog out to a 12 year old Toshiba. Probably a stupid question but do new HDTVs even allow an...
  9. nick_charles

    A proposal for a Sound Science Bibliography

    As this is the one subforum where at least some informed and rational debate sometimes takes place it might be useful to have a central repository of pointers to good quality resources related to the science of sound. I propose a Bibliography keeping within the bounds of copyright law.  ...
  10. nick_charles

    Greek Wedding etiquette ?

    One of my nephews is getting married to a Greek lady in August and they are going to have the big Greek wedding thingy in Piraeus (Athens). The bride and groom want cash instead of gifts and as I understand it you pin it to the bride. We were thinking of giving a couple of hundred quid (the...
  11. nick_charles

    Just how important is Bit-Perfection ?

    ...files is a bit-perfect rip of a short CD track. One is a digital recording via an Edirol UA-1EX from the optical output of a Marantz CC4300 but is **verifiably** not bit-perfect. The other is an AD recording via an Edirol UA-1EX from the analog output from a Marantz CC4300. I was unable to...
  12. nick_charles

    need a good but not exorbitant Stats package

    My department chair has just told me that we have a $10K budget (woo hoo !) for software and hardware between the three of us. I need a good reliable stats package preferably with some limited charting abilities for my research. Previously as a student I used SPSS but even the faculty price for...
  13. nick_charles

    A proposed optical digital cable test

    ...for all 10 samples 1024 or 2048 FFT. Import the data into Excel, average the results. Plot the differences between each cables data points. Choose a sample from each set with the *least* deviation from the mean, uses these as DBT samples, post here for members to DBT. Suggestions ?
  14. nick_charles

    I found a good test track for MP3 codecs

    From : Time on earth: Crowded House: Track One: Nobody Wants to For a while I have thought that my MP3 version (Lame 3.98, VBR 0) sounded a bit rough (distorted) epecially on my WD HDTV. So today I took the MP3(Lame 3.98, VBR 0) and a fresh Wav rip. I used the same Software and PC that I used...
  15. nick_charles

    Canadian mail system slightly on the slow side

    We bought a notebook computer from an Ebay seller in Canada. Sadly, although it was very cheap it was also faulty and so we sent it back. Today it was returned to us undelivered with a note that the seller had moved. The delivery attempt was dated December 2009 and it is now late January, so...
  16. nick_charles

    A very interesting presentation at AES

    James Johnston's (JJ) segment is especially illuminating... YouTube - Audio Myths Workshop
  17. nick_charles

    a possibly strange question about corn dogs

    I am planning a trip to the UK from the USA, to visit family, my Sister-in-law's lodger apparently is an American chap who misses Corn Dogs badly. I went looking for corn dogs but could only find the frozen variety. My journey is likely to be about 16 hours door to door by which time said corn...
  18. nick_charles

    I are a Doctor of Philosophy

    I just wanted to shamelessly blow my own trumpet a little bit. Today after seven (count them, 7) long painful years I finally printed off and handed in my Dissertation and got all the forms signed and handed in. I did this with 3 days to spare. On Monday my allotted time would officially...
  19. nick_charles

    Who has a digital source capable of outputting frequencies above 22050

    =============== EDIT Digital Only Please =============== Just out of curiosity. This is just a yes /no question. Whose systems will ***output*** musical frequencies above 22050Hz Bear in mind a bog standard redbook CD player cannot output anything substantive above 22050 since there...
  20. nick_charles

    Fastest or at least very fast 16gb USB 2.0 drive ?

    I need a big USB 2.0 flash drive but it must be fast I am constantly moving (annoying just over 8GB) of data between my numerous machines and speed is essential - I do not mind if it is a bit more expensive - within reason of course. TIA
  21. nick_charles

    Silver Interconnects

    Can anyone reccomend a cheap but solid silver analog RCA interconnect of 3 foot length. I have not tested any siilver cables.
  22. nick_charles

    My cable test enterprise

    measurements consolidated into one post !     Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote:   Quote: Quote:   Quote:   Quote: Quote:   Quote:   Quote:   Quote: Quote:   Quote:   Quote:  ...