ZMF Verite Open
Jan 20, 2024 at 7:24 AM Post #9,422 of 9,582
Really liking it! Sounds slightly more melodic and it's a good combo with the verite lambskin pads
I actually just learned a few weeks ago that VO was tuned using a tube . I know Zach tuned it with expensive tube but oh well my wallet was crying from purchasing too much audio gear so i purchased affordable one. It is still on its way so i havent tried it.
Jan 21, 2024 at 2:43 PM Post #9,423 of 9,582
Hey guys, just wanted to share this amazing sounding album with the VO, “Bach Double Violin Concerto” (Anne Sophie Mutter – Live from Yellow Lounge).

It's one of my favorite classical music albums and every time I come back to it it's like coming home on a cold winter day. When Mutter's violin solo starts at 45” I turn up the volume a little and start flying on a magic carpet (© @Pharmaboy) during the fifteen minutes that the album lasts

Wonderful soundstage with the two violins dancing and caressing each other, with a beautiful harpsichord in the background, and that almost perfect timbre of the VO. What a joy for this cold Sunday afternoon-evening

Jan 22, 2024 at 1:01 AM Post #9,424 of 9,582
Hey guys, just wanted to share this amazing sounding album with the VO, “Bach Double Violin Concerto” (Anne Sophie Mutter – Live from Yellow Lounge).

It's one of my favorite classical music albums and every time I come back to it it's like coming home on a cold winter day. When Mutter's violin solo starts at 45” I turn up the volume a little and start flying on a magic carpet (© @Pharmaboy) during the fifteen minutes that the album lasts

Wonderful soundstage with the two violins dancing and caressing each other, with a beautiful harpsichord in the background, and that almost perfect timbre of the VO. What a joy for this cold Sunday afternoon-evening

If you dig piano, check out Jan Lisiecki. It's what I gravitate to lately with the VO when it comes to classical. Top notch stuff. He's mostly done Mozart and Chopin from what I've seen. More Deutsche Grammophon releases. :)
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Jan 22, 2024 at 11:46 PM Post #9,425 of 9,582
Hey guys, just wanted to share this amazing sounding album with the VO, “Bach Double Violin Concerto” (Anne Sophie Mutter – Live from Yellow Lounge).

It's one of my favorite classical music albums and every time I come back to it it's like coming home on a cold winter day. When Mutter's violin solo starts at 45” I turn up the volume a little and start flying on a magic carpet (© @Pharmaboy) during the fifteen minutes that the album lasts

Wonderful soundstage with the two violins dancing and caressing each other, with a beautiful harpsichord in the background, and that almost perfect timbre of the VO. What a joy for this cold Sunday afternoon-evening


Thanks for sharing. I ended up listening to the whole thing, completely hooked, and I don't even listen to a lot of classical
Jan 23, 2024 at 3:39 AM Post #9,426 of 9,582
They actually get worse once you figure out they are heavily compressed when it comes to harmonics ...

For certain tracks they can sound very good but for the majority, once you understand what dynamic range and note extension represents, then they are a disappointment for sure ...

For what they cost you can do much better for half the price although they do look pretty.
Jan 23, 2024 at 3:52 AM Post #9,427 of 9,582
And that’s when I lost my poo, went overboard on this gentleman, got threatened by the moderators (who I absolutely agree with by the way, I was WAY out of line) and flew solo. I know no one else wanted to get as low as I did, but we all put up with his irrational vitriol on these headphones, despite multiple times trying to help him (myself certainly included.....). I know Zach is reading all this-I was just trying to say that these headphones are amazing, not compressed, sub-par, lack clarity and actually perform beautifullly in the mornings as they do equally in the evenings……
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Jan 23, 2024 at 4:10 AM Post #9,428 of 9,582
And that’s when I lost my poo, went overboard on this gentleman, got threatened by the moderators (who I absolutely agree with by the way, I was WAY out of line) and flew solo. I know no one else wanted to get as low as I did, but we all put up with his irrational vitriol on these headphones, despite multiple times trying to help him (myself certainly included.....). I know Zach is reading all this-I was just trying to say that these headphones are amazing, not compressed, sub-par, lack clarity and actually perform beautifullly in the mornings as they do equally in the evenings……
Jan 23, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #9,429 of 9,582
Yes mate - you are ABSOLUTELY correct, and in hindsight (yes, it's a wonderful thing), I should have done this. I guess I'm just grateful no-one has asked me to leave the group, so there's that. I do love watching all the positive and educational posts, given these are my first ZMFs. Bokeh coming soon....
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Jan 23, 2024 at 12:03 PM Post #9,430 of 9,582
We don't want anyone to leave obviously, we just want everyone to treat each other with respect. We'll all have differences of opinion which is fine, but we all need to take care in how we respond. Or choose NOT to respond (which is my choice many times).
Jan 23, 2024 at 5:41 PM Post #9,431 of 9,582
We don't want anyone to leave obviously, we just want everyone to treat each other with respect. We'll all have differences of opinion which is fine, but we all need to take care in how we respond. Or choose NOT to respond (which is my choice many times).
Agreed. I made the mistake of engaging/reacting to a Head-Fi bully on the RME ADI2 DAC thread. This guy was incredibly rude, confrontational, and holier-than-thou. I should've ignored him, but I took the bait and it escalated. There are some unstable guys out there, unfortunately, so now I'm taking the path of just ignoring and dismissing rather than go through that nonsense again.
Jan 24, 2024 at 11:36 AM Post #9,432 of 9,582
I do think when things doesnt seems right someone need to say it. I think andrewchoppa did right in stating his opinion when someone doing/saying something off at first. But he took the bait and fell too low. Why i say bait? Because somehow i see the other guy actually trying to convince everyone as if Verite sound quality is not in the right price range and should be half its price, and he support it with many off sounding argument/ opinion regarding its sound. Definitely something isnt right, because usually when i dont like how a gear sound i usually doesnt even bother to comment in a thread and just sell my gear and replace it with something better.
Jan 24, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #9,433 of 9,582
It can be fine to express dislike, I feel it's all in the "how".

Someone might not gel with the dip around 3Khz, and it might open up an interesting discussion about potential fixes (pads, gear etc). but if someone points to that and claims that automatically makes them doggie doodoo, that's not helpful (or really true IMO). Not everyone will like every headphone, and talking about the "why" can be helpful to others that might have a similar preference.

When it devolves into negative absolutes, it's usually a sign of things being taken too far.
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Jan 27, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #9,435 of 9,582
Gentlemen, I have the opportunity to buy a Zmf 2k cable at a good price, now I have Forza Noir, it's worth it
That is a very nice cable! If it’s substantial discount and better than your current one, go for it.

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