ZMF Verite Open
May 18, 2021 at 11:24 PM Post #6,331 of 9,582
Interesting experience listening to the silkwood VO tonight. Before tonight I heard it only w/stock earpads & nice black braided cable that I believe is the new stock cable for these dynamics (correct me if I'm wrong about that). The sound is so compelling & excellent that I never felt an urge to change a thing. But tonight, for no particular reason, I swapped the stock cable w/my favorite aftermarket cable, the all-copper ForzaAudioWorks HCP Noir balanced cable.

Listening on the V281 (I've heard this headphone on it countless times w/stock cable)--I heard a subtly deeper, richer, more impactful bass. It's not as if I thought the bass was less than superb before--but now it's slightly better. A happy surprise.

The VO really has no downside that I can see--but apparently it has all kinds of upside, depending on the gear used.
May 19, 2021 at 1:10 AM Post #6,333 of 9,582
Just curious
Any body using a silver cable on Vo or Auteur?
Would love feedback before buying
Using Norne Silvergarde S3 with Auteur, fantastic together. Norne silver has none of the stereotypic treble emphasis some associate with silver, just high quality across the spectrum.
May 19, 2021 at 5:46 AM Post #6,334 of 9,582
Just curious
Any body using a silver cable on Vo or Auteur?
Would love feedback before buying
I run both Verite silver and 2k copper on my VO and Auteur.... silver gives a more crispy edgy notes and more airy, suits VO better than Auteur..... i prefer the 2k on Auteur for fuller, richer and punchier sound, silver on Auteur slightly leaner but more detailed and refined sound which i find it slightly out of Auteur's character
P.S. silver gives a good slam, copper gives a good punch
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May 19, 2021 at 6:43 AM Post #6,335 of 9,582
Just curious
Any body using a silver cable on Vo or Auteur?
Would love feedback before buying
I use the Verite Silver but haven't changed it since I bought the headphones, so I can't provide a good A/B comparison. What I can say is that the ZMF silver cable is extremely well built with zero microphonics whatsoever when touching or moving the cable.
May 19, 2021 at 7:39 AM Post #6,337 of 9,582
That wood is killer...tiger maple?
Tiger maple and white walnut. I was posting as you were lol. Here is something else I made using some tiger maple but it does not all show well in this photo. An audio system and shelf I built for my wife's pottery studio.
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May 19, 2021 at 10:52 AM Post #6,338 of 9,582
Interesting experience listening to the silkwood VO tonight. Before tonight I heard it only w/stock earpads & nice black braided cable that I believe is the new stock cable for these dynamics (correct me if I'm wrong about that). The sound is so compelling & excellent that I never felt an urge to change a thing. But tonight, for no particular reason, I swapped the stock cable w/my favorite aftermarket cable, the all-copper ForzaAudioWorks HCP Noir balanced cable.

Listening on the V281 (I've heard this headphone on it countless times w/stock cable)--I heard a subtly deeper, richer, more impactful bass. It's not as if I thought the bass was less than superb before--but now it's slightly better. A happy surprise.

The VO really has no downside that I can see--but apparently it has all kinds of upside, depending on the gear used.
Same experience with ForzaAudioWorks Noir Hybrid HPC with significantly more air and a touch of crisp on top. FAW cables have not only excellent sound quality, I also like building and handling. Outstanding value for dollars (swiss francs respectively 😀).
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May 19, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #6,339 of 9,582
Interesting experience listening to the silkwood VO tonight. Before tonight I heard it only w/stock earpads & nice black braided cable that I believe is the new stock cable for these dynamics (correct me if I'm wrong about that). The sound is so compelling & excellent that I never felt an urge to change a thing. But tonight, for no particular reason, I swapped the stock cable w/my favorite aftermarket cable, the all-copper ForzaAudioWorks HCP Noir balanced cable.

Listening on the V281 (I've heard this headphone on it countless times w/stock cable)--I heard a subtly deeper, richer, more impactful bass. It's not as if I thought the bass was less than superb before--but now it's slightly better. A happy surprise.

The VO really has no downside that I can see--but apparently it has all kinds of upside, depending on the gear used.

My experience mirror yours. I use occ copper from effect audio though (Ares 2+).

What I like the most are the improvements in Midrange focus, slam, and soundstage quality.
May 19, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #6,340 of 9,582
My experience mirror yours. I use occ copper from effect audio though (Ares 2+).

What I like the most are the improvements in Midrange focus, slam, and soundstage quality.

Same good report here. I upgraded about 6 weeks ago to a Drausk-16 wire, 17.7 awg(per polarity) OCC litz cable from Norne Audio. The results have been improved imaging(while still remaining musical) and a slight increase in bass extension and slam. It's been a great cable for me and I'd recommend checking out the Drausk from Norne Audio is you're in the market for a high quality copper cable for your Verite.
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May 24, 2021 at 7:48 AM Post #6,341 of 9,582
apologies if this has been asked before..

for VO, if my amp has option for Hi and Low impedance, does it matter which setting it is at?
Low impedance i set volume knob around 11 o'clock
Hi impedance, everything sounds louder and i set my volume knob around 9 o'clock

I'm not sure if i hear any difference in SQ, and perhaps just a volume difference? does anyone else have a similar experience?
May 24, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #6,342 of 9,582
apologies if this has been asked before..

for VO, if my amp has option for Hi and Low impedance, does it matter which setting it is at?
Low impedance i set volume knob around 11 o'clock
Hi impedance, everything sounds louder and i set my volume knob around 9 o'clock

I'm not sure if i hear any difference in SQ, and perhaps just a volume difference? does anyone else have a similar experience?
If the the amp is engineered right it should not matter if its low or high, would probably use low so its more easy to adjust the volume.
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May 24, 2021 at 10:00 AM Post #6,343 of 9,582
apologies if this has been asked before..

for VO, if my amp has option for Hi and Low impedance, does it matter which setting it is at?
Low impedance i set volume knob around 11 o'clock
Hi impedance, everything sounds louder and i set my volume knob around 9 o'clock

I'm not sure if i hear any difference in SQ, and perhaps just a volume difference? does anyone else have a similar experience?
The output impedance will effect bass damping. High impedance headphones usually, not always, are designed with higher output impedance amps in mind. Such as many tube amps. That is why ZMF recommends amps such as the Pendant. Of course it won’t hurt to run it on low impedance setting. Just listen for the bass response, if it seems a little loose, try the high impedance setting.
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May 24, 2021 at 10:04 AM Post #6,344 of 9,582
The output impedance will effect bass damping. High impedance headphones usually, not always, are designed with higher output impedance amps in mind. Such as many tube amps. That is why ZMF recommends amps such as the Pendant. Of course it won’t hurt to run it on low impedance setting. Just listen for the bass response, if it seems a little loose, try the high impedance setting.

Thanks man. Useful info. At least now I have something I know I have to listen out for when trying the hi/lo setting ie the bass response. Cheers!

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