ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:02 PM Post #1,336 of 8,103
I’m admittedly a bit sheepish about this post, but the clock is ticking on the Caldera drop, and I’d appreciate others’ views on my particular dilemma.

My other three ZMFs are all limited. Just from an aesthetic standpoint, I’ve always preferred the limited to stock. Interestingly enough, in this instance, of the three styles available at launch, I think I prefer the stock white oak with black hardware (rods/grilles). That said, it’s the least eye catching of the three, and I don’t think it’s as eye catching as my Koa Atrium with rose gold hardware. If I’m going to drop this kind of dough on a headphone, I want it to be my sharpest set. Is that crazy?

Given that feeling I’m drawn to the coffee stained set. But I’ve seen a Blackwood set from CanJam, and I think I’ve seen at least one other set in a different wood. And for the Blackwood set at least those would hands down be my first choice. Gear envy is something I’ve mostly been able to avoid in this hobby. I’ve seen VCs that I like as much or slightly more than mine, but none that I’d trade mine for. Same for my Atrium, though I’ve seen some ebony ones that would be extremely hard to say no to. But I absolutely love all of my ZMFs and they were my preferred models at the time I purchased them. It just feels weird buying a set that I know isn’t my favorite aesthetically.

So I’m a bit torn, especially when I factor in pricing. I know I’m going to buy them. But the cost difference between the discounted white oak at launch and a limited set in the new year would be $800, if I’ve done the math correctly. Feels a little foolish of me to pay an extra $800 just for aesthetics. The sound will be the same regardless. And I’d also have a much longer wait. But the prospect of snagging a limited release either online or during NYC CanJam (fingers crossed) is making the decision very tough for me.

Anyone else having the same thoughts?
Maybe none of the upcoming models are “the one”? And you’d be happier waiting for a future LTD or rarity that really grabs you and makes you say “Yes! That one is worth it.”

In the mean time, maybe snag a stock model from the classifieds when they start showing up in a month or two. (Not implying anything against the Caldera, just seems to be a pattern that some folks trial and pass, or others who just enjoy cycling gear.)
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:04 PM Post #1,337 of 8,103
I'm a firm believer in "buy once, cry once"
I’m definitely of the same mindset.

This is community of enablers, don’t expect anyone to advise you to make the financially sensible choice, myself included.

Indeed, and the responses I’ve gotten are music to my ears… as expected perhaps? 🙃

I'll be the voice of reason, save yourself $800 and get the White Oak at launch. It's a win/win situation. You get the same sound, you don't have to wait, and you can laugh all the way to the bank with the $800 you saved.

Ok, now that I've done my duty....... the heart wants what the heart wants...... listen to your heart : )

Ha… I love this. Yes, unfortunately, the heart is impatient too. But good things come to those who wait.
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:18 PM Post #1,338 of 8,103
I’m admittedly a bit sheepish about this post, but the clock is ticking on the Caldera drop, and I’d appreciate others’ views on my particular dilemma.

My other three ZMFs are all limited. Just from an aesthetic standpoint, I’ve always preferred the limited to stock. Interestingly enough, in this instance, of the three styles available at launch, I think I prefer the stock white oak with black hardware (rods/grilles). That said, it’s the least eye catching of the three, and I don’t think it’s as eye catching as my Koa Atrium with rose gold hardware. If I’m going to drop this kind of dough on a headphone, I want it to be my sharpest set. Is that crazy?

Given that feeling I’m drawn to the coffee stained set. But I’ve seen a Blackwood set from CanJam, and I think I’ve seen at least one other set in a different wood. And for the Blackwood set at least those would hands down be my first choice. Gear envy is something I’ve mostly been able to avoid in this hobby. I’ve seen VCs that I like as much or slightly more than mine, but none that I’d trade mine for. Same for my Atrium, though I’ve seen some ebony ones that would be extremely hard to say no to. But I absolutely love all of my ZMFs and they were my preferred models at the time I purchased them. It just feels weird buying a set that I know isn’t my favorite aesthetically.

So I’m a bit torn, especially when I factor in pricing. I know I’m going to buy them. But the cost difference between the discounted white oak at launch and a limited set in the new year would be $800, if I’ve done the math correctly. Feels a little foolish of me to pay an extra $800 just for aesthetics. The sound will be the same regardless. And I’d also have a much longer wait. But the prospect of snagging a limited release either online or during NYC CanJam (fingers crossed) is making the decision very tough for me.

Anyone else having the same thoughts?
Buy a pair now, sell it after you find the ones you love. So what if it's sold at a loss? Money is replaceable. True love is not. And even if it's a loss of $1500, in a year that's only saving up $4 per day every day, basically nothing! So if you can't wait, and will be suffering the devastating effects of FOMO, buy one now, and buy the keeper later
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:39 PM Post #1,339 of 8,103
I’m admittedly a bit sheepish about this post, but the clock is ticking on the Caldera drop, and I’d appreciate others’ views on my particular dilemma.

My other three ZMFs are all limited. Just from an aesthetic standpoint, I’ve always preferred the limited to stock. Interestingly enough, in this instance, of the three styles available at launch, I think I prefer the stock white oak with black hardware (rods/grilles). That said, it’s the least eye catching of the three, and I don’t think it’s as eye catching as my Koa Atrium with rose gold hardware. If I’m going to drop this kind of dough on a headphone, I want it to be my sharpest set. Is that crazy?

Given that feeling I’m drawn to the coffee stained set. But I’ve seen a Blackwood set from CanJam, and I think I’ve seen at least one other set in a different wood. And for the Blackwood set at least those would hands down be my first choice. Gear envy is something I’ve mostly been able to avoid in this hobby. I’ve seen VCs that I like as much or slightly more than mine, but none that I’d trade mine for. Same for my Atrium, though I’ve seen some ebony ones that would be extremely hard to say no to. But I absolutely love all of my ZMFs and they were my preferred models at the time I purchased them. It just feels weird buying a set that I know isn’t my favorite aesthetically.

So I’m a bit torn, especially when I factor in pricing. I know I’m going to buy them. But the cost difference between the discounted white oak at launch and a limited set in the new year would be $800, if I’ve done the math correctly. Feels a little foolish of me to pay an extra $800 just for aesthetics. The sound will be the same regardless. And I’d also have a much longer wait. But the prospect of snagging a limited release either online or during NYC CanJam (fingers crossed) is making the decision very tough for me.

Anyone else having the same thoughts?
Yes, I'm having the same thoughts! I own both an LTD Atrium and VC and am really considering buying the coffee gold Caldera. Heard the Caldera at CanJam SoCal and really liked it, but ended up getting the Atrium instead.

I'd like to point out one part of your post that others have not - even after seeing other LTD options you like better than ones you own, you wouldn't sell yours for it. Do you think that might be the same reaction if you get a stock Caldera and see an LTD later that you want?

ZMF November and similar special runs are incredibly appealing to me as well, and I find myself being tempted even looking at new options for the headphones I already own. It's a strong pull. ZMF has a magic thing, and even more alluring during these runs. But I think it's important to appreciate what we already have. I think if you get the Caldera and enjoy the sound, you may be tempted to get an even cooler looking version, but it might just up your appreciation even more of what you already have instead, especially if you love the sound.

Side note - I was torn between getting an LTD Atrium or the stock (the aged copper - infinitely cooler than the black look to me) and when I see that stock look now, I think yeah, I would've been happy with that too. The coffee gold is a look (the other stock option in your case) is a look that I think is almost as cool looking as the LTD vibe, so I think I'd be happy with it if I ended up going for it.

Plus, I don't know about you, but I always appreciate looking back and realized I saved money. $800 is indeed a good amount to save! Even saving $300 at CanJam for buying an LTD there versus online felt damn good.
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Nov 18, 2022 at 10:56 PM Post #1,340 of 8,103
If you buy one now and sell it down the road taking a small loss, you basically just rented it for however much that loss was. Would you rent a caldera for the next year for $100? I would.
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:57 PM Post #1,341 of 8,103
even after seeing other LTD options you like better than ones you own, you wouldn't sell yours for it. Do you think that might be the same reaction if you get a stock Caldera and see an LTD later that you want?
My gut says no my reaction wouldn’t be the same, but…

I think if you get the Caldera and enjoy the sound, you may be tempted to get an even cooler looking version, but it might just up your appreciation even more of what you already have instead.
You make a very good point.

I think it's important to appreciate what we already have.
Hear, hear!
Nov 18, 2022 at 11:11 PM Post #1,342 of 8,103
My gut says no my reaction wouldn’t be the same, but…

You make a very good point.

Hear, hear!
I think you'll be fine no matter what you choose though. Get it now and get the joy of getting to listen sooner or wait and have the kind of satisfaction that only comes with patience.
Nov 18, 2022 at 11:52 PM Post #1,343 of 8,103
I think you'll be fine no matter what you choose though. Get it now and get the joy of getting to listen sooner or wait and have the kind of satisfaction that only comes with patience.
Totally agree. And, honestly, having the Atrium, which at least in my chain (an imp. caveat) is the most enjoyable headphone I’ve ever heard, makes waiting easier. I’ve had it 6 full months now, and I’m still floored every time I listen to music with it. It’s a masterpiece, and frankly I could be content just with the Atrium. But hearing the labor of love that the Caldera was for Zach and reading the early impressions, I’ve gotta have one. Now, of course, none of what I’ve just said makes the additional $800 that will likely come with waiting to buy the Caldera easier to accept, but I’ve filed away the adage “buy once, cry once,” which I think I’m going to abide by in this instance.
Nov 19, 2022 at 1:04 AM Post #1,344 of 8,103
Totally agree. And, honestly, having the Atrium, which at least in my chain (an imp. caveat) is the most enjoyable headphone I’ve ever heard, makes waiting easier. I’ve had it 6 full months now, and I’m still floored every time I listen to music with it. It’s a masterpiece, and frankly I could be content just with the Atrium. But hearing the labor of love that the Caldera was for Zach and reading the early impressions, I’ve gotta have one. Now, of course, none of what I’ve just said makes the additional $800 that will likely come with waiting to buy the Caldera easier to accept, but I’ve filed away the adage “buy once, cry once,” which I think I’m going to abide by in this instance.
You've got a few softer woods in your stable I a kingswood would be a different wood type altogether, and beautiful...
Nov 19, 2022 at 9:21 AM Post #1,345 of 8,103
Totally agree. And, honestly, having the Atrium, which at least in my chain (an imp. caveat) is the most enjoyable headphone I’ve ever heard, makes waiting easier. I’ve had it 6 full months now, and I’m still floored every time I listen to music with it. It’s a masterpiece, and frankly I could be content just with the Atrium. But hearing the labor of love that the Caldera was for Zach and reading the early impressions, I’ve gotta have one. Now, of course, none of what I’ve just said makes the additional $800 that will likely come with waiting to buy the Caldera easier to accept, but I’ve filed away the adage “buy once, cry once,” which I think I’m going to abide by in this instance.
Also relate to this. I love my Atrium too. I was listening yesterday and kept thinking how enjoyable it was and how I'd be content without getting another headphone. Caldera is more tempting the more I read and watch others' excitement on it too - but when I give that a rest and listen to the Atrium, I feel content.
Nov 19, 2022 at 9:35 AM Post #1,346 of 8,103
Totally agree. And, honestly, having the Atrium, which at least in my chain (an imp. caveat) is the most enjoyable headphone I’ve ever heard, makes waiting easier. I’ve had it 6 full months now, and I’m still floored every time I listen to music with it. It’s a masterpiece, and frankly I could be content just with the Atrium. But hearing the labor of love that the Caldera was for Zach and reading the early impressions, I’ve gotta have one. Now, of course, none of what I’ve just said makes the additional $800 that will likely come with waiting to buy the Caldera easier to accept, but I’ve filed away the adage “buy once, cry once,” which I think I’m going to abide by in this instance.
...on another note, seems we've got similar chains, too! I'm also mainly using a Woo amp (WA23) and the Ferrum Oor + Hypsos is my solid state. Also use a Chord DAC (Qutest) and the iFi Pro iDSD Signature.
Nov 19, 2022 at 9:59 AM Post #1,347 of 8,103
...on another note, seems we've got similar chains, too! I'm also mainly using a Woo amp (WA23) and the Ferrum Oor + Hypsos is my solid state. Also use a Chord DAC (Qutest) and the iFi Pro iDSD Signature.
Two great chains. The wa23 looks like a beast of an amp. Got my WA5 partly on the strength of @ColSaulTigh’s rec and because I knew I’d be getting a Caldera, and I’ve been very happy with that amp.
Nov 19, 2022 at 10:33 AM Post #1,348 of 8,103
Two great chains. The wa23 looks like a beast of an amp. Got my WA5 partly on the strength of @ColSaulTigh’s rec and because I knew I’d be getting a Caldera, and I’ve been very happy with that amp.
It is! Also mainly why I need to be more hesitant on getting anything else this year, ha! I've been listening to all of my headphones with the Woo WA23 and have been enjoying them thoroughly. Keep meaning to listen more on the Oor, but the WA23 is just so addictive. Especially with the Atrium!
Nov 19, 2022 at 11:54 AM Post #1,349 of 8,103
It is! Also mainly why I need to be more hesitant on getting anything else this year, ha! I've been listening to all of my headphones with the Woo WA23 and have been enjoying them thoroughly. Keep meaning to listen more on the Oor, but the WA23 is just so addictive. Especially with the Atrium!
I actually wondered why you'd even need the Oor if you have the Wa23 (unless you sometimes want to listen only for very short periods or use it all day while binging netflix)
Nov 19, 2022 at 12:43 PM Post #1,350 of 8,103
I actually wondered why you'd even need the Oor if you have the Wa23 (unless you sometimes want to listen only for very short periods or use it all day while binging netflix)
Got the Oor before. I think I'll keep it because it's good to have a solid state and a tube option. iFi amp section is good too, but definitely not as good as the Oor.

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