ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!
Sep 24, 2022 at 2:40 PM Post #481 of 7,609
Caldera is inbound. Scheduled delivery is tomorrow. Susvara comps most likely as well.
The susvara comparison can't come fast enough! Thank you!
Sep 24, 2022 at 2:40 PM Post #482 of 7,609
Great feedback, thanks (and the goats are grateful too!)-

I agree with you re: The Atrium Closed, I was ruminating on this last night… Step 1 is to add a VC to the collection, likely with the Stellia yielding that space. The Stellia will help fund an Atrium Closed, which might succeed the Eikon (though boy, that will take some doing!).

Eventually I might upgrade the Auteur OG to a Classic, but that’s the lowest priority for me as most of listening needs to be with a closed-back.

I’m sure many ZMF fans feel similar upgrade-itis and planning urges, right? 🤔🙄
Yeah my original Blackwood Auteur was sacrificed on the Altar of upgrades since I was almost never using it. I really preferred the VC leopardwood and the Auteur just didn't do enough better. It still had a more absolutely fluid midrange right in the heart of that region. But it did not have the integrity of fundamental and harmonic structure that the verite did even in that region, And with a bit of fiddling and significant tuning of other things I got the tone close enough that I didn't even miss that and the Airmid just synchs with the VC even better than it did with the Auteur. So that went into cable upgrades which took the Airmid even further. I love my OTL specially with very good NOS tubes. So maybe the next step is a Caldera, if Monster finds the Airmid performs pretty well to optimally with it; albeit not the best. Then I can live with that until I can scrape up 1.5K for LOrdGwyn's pentode DIY and then all is good. Or I can simply choose Atrium Closed in Blackwood or Macassar. These are the machinations spinning wildly in my head between listening sessions. I even find myself waking from Mid REM sleep seemingly wearing either Atrium Closed or Caldera's!

Happy Dreaming( Beeehhhh Beeehhhh!)

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Sep 24, 2022 at 2:42 PM Post #483 of 7,609
Since there are several people that can provide Atrium vs Caldera comparisons, maybe I should pivot to an Omni/Ori vs Caldera comparison instead? Coincidentally, I just ordered a new set of Ori Lambskin pads (and a pilot headband pad) to refresh my Omni. That head-to-head should be fun! :relaxed:
If I ever get my hands on a Caldera, I'll have 2 immediate priorities:
  1. Compare it to my Final D8000, the open-back planar I kept after letting go of ~6 others; and
  2. Compare it to my ormosia henryi Ori, purchased new 5+ years ago.
I just love the sound of the Ori, my first truly good headphone. It supercharged my interest in headphone audio. It also introduced me to the "ZMF house sound," which has never failed me.
Sep 24, 2022 at 3:13 PM Post #484 of 7,609
If I ever get my hands on a Caldera, I'll have 2 immediate priorities:
  1. Compare it to my Final D8000, the open-back planar I kept after letting go of ~6 others; and
  2. Compare it to my ormosia henryi Ori, purchased new 5+ years ago.
I just love the sound of the Ori, my first truly good headphone. It supercharged my interest in headphone audio. It also introduced me to the "ZMF house sound," which has never failed me.
I'd be lying if I said that limited edition D8k Pro didn't have me contemplating things. I suspect the D8k & Caldera comparisons will be very interesting.

Looking forward to everyone's impressions here. :)
Sep 24, 2022 at 4:01 PM Post #485 of 7,609
Some preliminary info on the Caldera I received. My unit weighs 558 grams (I believe these have an aluminum chassis).

I can also confirm that the new suede pads feel AMAZING. They have more of an alcantara texture to them. If you ever had the Shure 1540 pads, they kind of remind me of those but not as soft. Also have a few pairs of the thinner cowhide pads, those should be interesting to try out.

As for how they sound, it's a little early, but paired up with the OG LAu all I can say is... :astonished:
Sep 24, 2022 at 4:19 PM Post #486 of 7,609
As for how they sound, it's a little early, but paired up with the OG LAu all I can say is... :astonished:
Haha. That is what I thought with the Wells Audio Milo solid-state amp (which unlike your OG LAu and my Glenn EL3N - is not unobtanium).
Sep 24, 2022 at 4:41 PM Post #487 of 7,609
Haha. That is what I thought with the Wells Audio Milo solid-state amp (which unlike your OG LAu and my Glenn EL3N - is not unobtanium).

Yeah, I enjoyed the Caldera -> Wells Audio Milo in the ZMF Can Jam room too. Too bad I didn't know about the impedance switch on the Feliks Audio Envy and would have enjoyed it on there too.

No matter, Doing the home bit with the Atrium vs Caldera at some point. Always good to do them on gear you already know.
Sep 24, 2022 at 4:41 PM Post #488 of 7,609
I can also confirm that the new suede pads feel AMAZING. They have more of an alcantara texture to them.
The 2 units I tested (at ZMF's room and Wells Audio table) both had the stock leather pads. I did not even know there were Caldera suede pads!
Sep 24, 2022 at 4:52 PM Post #489 of 7,609
Since there are several people that can provide Atrium vs Caldera comparisons, maybe I should pivot to an Omni/Ori vs Caldera comparison instead? Coincidentally, I just ordered a new set of Ori Lambskin pads (and a pilot headband pad) to refresh my Omni. That head-to-head should be fun! :relaxed:

Do it…
Sep 24, 2022 at 5:06 PM Post #490 of 7,609
Another advantage of living in the midwest, getting the Caldera a day before @Monsterzero. :smile:


Some preliminary info on the Caldera I received. My unit weighs 558 grams (I believe these have an aluminum chassis).

Jealous and excited to hear your take how the Caldera compares - most to the Susvara and Atrium

Btw, what wood is your 558 gram Caldera? I’m wondering how much heavier the Candera are vs the Atrium (using the same woods)
Sep 24, 2022 at 5:51 PM Post #491 of 7,609
Jealous and excited to hear your take how the Caldera compares - most to the Susvara and Atrium

Btw, what wood is your 558 gram Caldera? I’m wondering how much heavier the Candera are vs the Atrium (using the same woods)
It's the stock White Oak. I tried to do some rough math (which I freely admit I suck at), and on average the Caldera would be 25 grams or so more than the Atrium if they had the same wood. Take that with a grain of salt, @zach915m probably has a much more accurate number. That's also assuming that my Caldera has an aluminum chassis, which I'm pretty sure, but not 100% sure.

Haha. That is what I thought with the Wells Audio Milo solid-state amp (which unlike your OG LAu and my Glenn EL3N - is not unobtanium).
I actually had a Milo and only let it go because I liked the LAu slightly more. Looking back I wish I had kept it. I should see if @The Piper will let me check out one of his newer amps to review with the Caldera. Kinda sucks that I only have hard to get amps. I need something that the people can get their hands on!
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Sep 24, 2022 at 6:08 PM Post #492 of 7,609
It's the stock White Oak. I tried to do some rough math (which I freely admit I suck at), and on average the Caldera would be 25 grams or so more than the Atrium if they had the same wood. Take that with a grain of salt, @zach915m probably has a much more accurate number. That's also assuming that my Caldera has an aluminum, which I'm pretty sure, but not 100% sure.

I actually had a Milo and only let it go because I liked the LAu slightly more. Looking back I wish I had kept it. I should see if @The Piper will let me check out one of his newer amps to review with the Caldera. Kinda sucks that I only have hard to get amps. I need something that the people can get their hands on!
I was looking for a tube amp that would pair with my Verite Closed, and was planning on getting an Atrium after I figured out how much I loved my VC. But now I'm looking for something that would go well with both the Caldera and the VC. I wonder if the Milo would be a good option? Was considering going with tubes until I decided I have to have the Caldera, so now I feel like I'm back to square one and don't know which direction to go lol.
Sep 24, 2022 at 6:16 PM Post #493 of 7,609
I was looking for a tube amp that would pair with my Verite Closed, and was planning on getting an Atrium after I figured out how much I loved my VC. But now I'm looking for something that would go well with both the Caldera and the VC. I wonder if the Milo would be a good option? Was considering going with tubes until I decided I have to have the Caldera, so now I feel like I'm back to square one and don't know which direction to go lol.
The Wells Dragon is a tube hybrid amp that rocked the hell out of the Atrium. Very dynamic and immediate, incisive and fast.
I'm guessing it will sound equally impressive for the Caldera.

Check my YouTube channel for the review of the Dragon I did a few months back
Sep 24, 2022 at 6:17 PM Post #494 of 7,609
I actually had a Milo and only let it go because I liked the LAu slightly more. Looking back I wish I had kept it. I should see if @The Piper will let me check out one of his newer amps to review with the Caldera. Kinda sucks that I only have hard to get amps. I need something that the people can get their hands on!
The newer (current) Milo had their PSU removed from the amp's chassis, into a small external chassis. That achieved 2 things: (I am quoting @The Piper since I did not A/B)
a. The Milo became quieter (lower noise floor) which results in better dynamics.
b. Extra space became available inside the Milo chassis, which is used for extra filtering and other goodies...

Bottom line, if you liked the LAu slightly more than old Milo - you might like the newer Milo more than the LAu. Definitely worth trying, IMHO.

Coming from a tube guy... I am VERY impressed (and will likely get a Milo in the near future).
Sep 24, 2022 at 6:17 PM Post #495 of 7,609
I'm aware that the caldera will drop with the stock wood, white oak. Will the initial release also include a LTD wood option? How will the caldera release also play into ZMF November? I'm interested in wrapping my head around options before making a purchase.

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